End of the Ashkenazi Era: Does It Mean End Of Zionism?  

By Hilmi Salem

Al-Jazeerah, November 28, 2005

Are we going to see an Israeli election campaign between a Tunisian Jew (Sylvan Shalom from the Likud party) and a Moroccan Jew (Amir Peretz from the Labor party)? Both Israeli political parties (Likud and Labor) are a direct product of the Zionist movement and its terrorist groups, which existed in Palestine before the state of Israel was created in 1948, at the expense of the Palestinian people. On the other hand, both Shalom and Peretz are from the Sephardim Jewish group (who might be real Semitic Jews), unlike most of the European Ashkenazi Jews who are Non-Semitic and who have no rights or roots, what so ever, in historical Palestine.

Does this mean that the era of the Ashkenazi NON-Semitic Jews is in its way to be over? And does this mean that we are going to witness the beginning of the end of the Zionist state of Israel that has been ruled, over the last 6 decades, by European and American Ashkenazis, such as David Ben Gurion, Menahim Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin, Ariel Sharon, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu, and others like them?

Would this be the beginning of a democratic state in the Holy Land of Historical Palestine, where Jews, Christians, and Muslims can live side by side, in peace and harmony, in one state and under the same rules and laws? This is in fact the kind of Palestine that used to be until 1948. What I mean is that Muslims, Christians, and Jews used to live in peace and harmony until Palestine was invaded and colonized by the racist Ashkenazis, who came from Europe and North America to Palestine, who killed, maimed, humiliated and enslaved the native Semitic people of Historical Palestine.

I strongly believe that by the end of Zionism, not only the Middle East, but also the whole world would be a better and safer place to live in. It is well known that Zionist Israel was created, almost 60 years ago, as an extension of the old colonialist and imperialist Europe and the present imperialist USA.

The question is, until the creation of a democratic state that guarantees the right of all people in Palestine, are we going to witness a different state of Israel that will respect the human and civil rights of the indigenous people of the Holy Land of Palestine? I really doubt it, simply because the Western governments in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, etc. are NOT ready yet to accept and to support another kind of Israel that needs to get rid of its racist polices against the native population of the Holy Land.

I mean without a positive change by the West in recognizing the very basic rights of the Palestinian people, as the real and original owners of the Holy Land of Palestine, Israel is not going to change its attitudes toward the Palestinian people. Just recently, Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin said before a Zionist conference in Toronto, Canada that "Israel's values are Canada's values". And before him, the US President George W Bush keeps repeating that "Ariel Sharon is a man of peace". It simply means that such leaders in the West are rewarding the state of Israel and its leaders on its racist actions against the Palestinian people, who are the native population of the Holy Land of Palestine.

In conclusion, until that time comes when one Palestine, for all of its people, regardless their religion, race or color, is created, people who love peace, justice, and freedom all over the world must continue their just struggle to change Zionism, its product of Israel, and all of those who support the Zionist ideology.

Dr. Hilmi Salem lives in Canada.