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book review The Passion of the Greeks: Christianity and the Rape of the Hellenes, Mediterranean Quarterly, 19:1 (Winter 2008): 97-106. Book Review Evaggelos
G. Vallianatos, The Passion of the Greeks:
Christianity and the Rape of the Hellenes, ( This
book was a pleasant surprise for me. Its title, The
Passion of the Greeks, reminded me of a statement I
had made in the Hellenic Philosophy, published ten
years ago.[1]I had stated then that: By the
Hellenic definition of philosophia, understood as
a free inquiry and unfettered speculation about both
nature and culture, European philosophy
becomes simply a case of homonymia. For this kind
of philosophy has been deprived, for
historical reasons, of that essential freedom of spirit,
which is absolutely necessary for an authentic and
genuine philosophy to be born and flourish
. [It]
had the misfortune to serve, alternatively or
simultaneously, three very non-Hellenic musters: dogmatic
theology, scientific technology, and political ideology.
Hence, what I have termed the passion of
philosophy, which the forthcoming volume will
attempt to bring to light, by critically analyzing the
phenomenon of the historical transformation of Ancient
Hellenic philosophy in Christianized Europe and the
West. So, while I was still trying to figure out the details of the passion of philosophy, that is, what happened to Hellenic philosophy in Christian Europe, Vallianatos book came to address such larger questions as: What happened to the Greeks? When did the Greek Gods become myths and their people, the most highly evolved in the Mediterranean pagans? Why are their statues mutilated and their temples smashed? Why was so much of their knowledge destroyed? This book tells the secret story of the Greek genocide at the hands of the Christians between the fourth to the sixth centuries CE... At a time of religious conflict between Christianity and Islam, this book highlights the intolerant nature of monotheism, the hidden history that plunged the West into the Dark Ages. This book is pleading for another Renaissance, another love affair with the Greeks, so as to reinvigorate our civilization with Greek values. Written with great passion, by a passionate Greek scholar, this impassioned book recounts with graphic details the historical passion of the pagan Greeks at the crucial time, when they encountered the fanatic hordes of missionary monks and Christianizing Roman Emperors. They tried to convert the remaining Greeks too to the new, fanatical, and fashionable faith at the time, willy-nilly. This book is unlike other books, which present the Christianizing of Greece and of the Mediterranean region as some kind of felicitous meeting and mating of the philosophic spirit of Hellenism and the prophetic spirit of the new and ecumenical religion of love and peace. For it chronicles, with boldness and candor, the other and more hideous side of this tragic story. The meeting of Christianity and Hellenism was not peaceful and pious, in the eyes of the author, but bloody and brutal, and has been kept secret and hidden for a long time. This challenging and truthful tale, therefore, will probably offend the sensibilities of Christians and Greeks, who have been taught the other aspect of the story for so long that they have come to believe it with fanatic faith. They even feel proud of what they refer to, with equal passion, as the great and glorious synthesis of the Greco-Christian heritage, historically facing the menace of Islam. For, as Prof. Thanasis Maskaleris has put it: [The] book dramatically portrays the immense conflict between Christianity and Hellenism from its beginnings to the present, and is structured with a backbone of extensive documentation. It also estimates our great loss for essentially abandoning the political and humanistic principles the Greeks shaped for a civilized sustenance of our world. One wishes that more books were written in the same vein, for the wisdom of the Greeks can provide the guidance we desperately need More praise for this good book comes from distinguished Professors, like Apostolos Athanassakis and Phillip Mitsis. They have stated respectively that: The Passion of the Greeks is a book which proposes to sail into the highly controversial early centuries when the Christian faith made every possible effort to prevail over the deeply-embedded Hellenic religion . However, violence, political conspiracy, and downright destruction of the great religious centers of antiquity were much more the order of the day . And, His plea for reason, moderation, liberty, and a general world view that he finds best defended in the traditions of Hellenic philosophical thought is especially timely in a world increasingly disturbed by religious fanaticism and sectarian violence. Rather than giving into despair, however, Vallianatos tries to chart an optimistic map of human and political possibilities and calls for a general renewal of individual and societal reason based on modern pagan principles.
The book deserves all this praise and more because it is
written not only with great pathos, but also with clarity
of thought and lucidity of style. What he said about
Zosimos, one of his favorite Greek historians, applies to
Vallianatos work as well: He wrote in the great
Greek historical traditionof honesty, conciseness,
insight, originality and moving narrative. (p. 87)
The book combines historical erudition with a personal
touch, as the author tries to understand what happened to
his beloved Hellenes and to him personally. His journey
took him from a war ravished Greek island, Kephalonia, to
America, where he discovered himself and his Hellenic
roots through the study of history, with help from
Adamantios Koraes, an enlightened and inspired Greek
scholar on whom he wrote his doctoral dissertation. Life
in Valsamata, the village where Evaggelos was born and
raised, in the post war The
ideal of what Between
the long prologue (pp. 1-26) and a short epilogue (pp.
2001-207), the author has arranged eleven
chapters that make up the bulk of the book and house his
passionate narrative of the passion of the Greeks. He
chronicles the tragic transformation of the Hellenic and
Greco-Roman civilization in the crucial time o f the 4th
and 6th centuries. As he sees it, this
civilization (rational, beautiful, good and humanistic)
was replaced, for the most part violently, by the
monstrosity of a theocratic Christian Empire, which was
based on a fanatical and intolerant faith, with its
foolish hopes and irrational fears of an after life.
Chapter one, Greek History: From Marathon to
Korinthos, covers the historical period falling
between the glorious battle of Marathon, which marked the
first Greek victory over the Persians in 490BC, and the
infamous battle of Corinth in 146BC, which the Greeks
lost to Romans. It made mainland
Chapter two, Power and Importance of Greek
Religion, builds upon and elaborates this theory.
It addresses the important questions of how the Greeks
and their gods are literally inseparable, and why
religion, in the form of piety for the gods expressed in
athletics, the tragic theater, the oracles, and the
festivals, helped the Greeks to maintain their Greek
identity? He insists that, Greek piety, the
veneration of the Greeks for their gods, was at the core
of how the Greeks understood the universe, nature, the
rest of the world, and themselves. In fact the religion
of the Greek people was their culture, which was full of
gods but did not have a creed, holy book or church
All agricultural festivals were propitiation to the gods
for increasing the fertility of the land, for a good
harvest. (p. 42) He concludes with the insightful
observation: So the Greeks started their grand
political experimentation in the gymnasion-palaistra of
each polis with a combination of training the
beautiful nude body of young people with rigorous
physical exercises, and educating their mind with a
command of the Greek language, music, philosophy,
mathematics and science. The nude athletic games of In chapter three, Apollonios of Tyana: Hellas is the World, he discusses the special case of the sage Apollonios of Tyana, his travels all over the world, his many exploits, as well as the rivalry between his Hellenic movement and the early Christian cult. In him, the author sees an archetype with which he can identify. For, like Evaggelos, He passionately tried to preserve Hellenic culture by choosing its ascetic and scientific version worked out by Pythagoras 700 years before his time He urged the Greeks and Romans to stand by their traditions, studying nature and medicine, offering piety to their gods .Christianity did to Apollonios what it did to Greek cultureit obliterated his works and influence . Apollonios, however, made a difference among the Greeks, offering a model of inspiration and resistance to them, which they used to preserve and protect their culture for many hundreds of years. (pp. 59-60)
Chapter four, The Treason of Christianity, is
one of the longest and most passionate. It narrates the
failure of the
Several pages of this chapter are devoted to Celsus or
Kelsos sustained attack of the new religion, as
well as the reactions to it of leading Platonic
philosophers of the 2nd and 3rd
centuries BCE, such as, Ploutarchos, Plotinos, and
Porphyrios. According to Kelsos, Christianity had
nothing original or divine in its history and theology.
It was a stolen piece of Judaism modified to fit the
fiction of Jesus. This was a Jewish sorcerer whom the
Jews rejected because he claimed to be their messiah. The
Jews, however, expected a messiah-prince to free them of
Roman rule, but Jesus had nothing to do with princes or
revolution. The Christians, nevertheless, made Jesus, a
secretive, untrustworthy sorcerer, into a god.
Christian teachers sought their converts among
slaves, women, children and fools. This was no accident
but a consistent policy because they feared educated
people. They considered science and learning dangerous
and evil, and thought of knowledge as a disease of the
soul. (p. 68) All these conclusions the author
derives from Origenes response to Kelsos
attack of the Christian Church. In the eyes of Hellenic
philosophers and Roman authorities, the Christians
appeared as atheists and impious and
criminal. This is attested by Christian Eusebius,
among other authors, in Preparatio Evangelica
(1.2. 1-4).
The 3rd and 4th centuries were
certainly stressed times intensified by ideological war
between the new Christian thinkers, like Eusebius and
Augustine, and traditional thinkers, like Plotinus and
Porphyry. Porphyry in particular became the champion of
Hellenism and Hellenic polytheism, so that he attracted
the ire of the theologians. In this, the author sees a
parallel to the recently ended Cold War pitting
Communists against Capitalists: This war was as
nasty a warfought between the Greeks and the
Christiansas that fought in the twentieth century
between the Communist Russians and the Americans.
Eusebios and Augustine played the role of the
hagiographers of Lenin and Stalin. No crime made any
difference as long as the hero was on the side of
. After all, they spent their entire
lives trying to show the Jewish prophecies and the
gospels were not fiction but the word of god
. Yet
the slander of Porphyrios by Eusebios and Augustine did
not diminish his timely and all-important message.
(pp. 79-80) The Emperor Maximinus Daia (308-313) was
probably influenced by Porphyry and picked up the message
and the struggle against the enemies of the state, but it
was too little, too late.
Chapter five is titled, Decline and Fall of
Rome--Through Greek Eyes. The author wants to look
at the decline and fall of Rome through the eyes of two
Greek historians, Zosimos and Ammianus, because: To
uncover what the Christians did to the Greeks, we need to
turn to the Greeks themselvesthat is, we must
understand Roman imperial history from the perspective of
the Greeks who witnessed the smashing and burning of
their culture. That is the only way to get to the truth.
The Christians
whether historians, philologists,
translators, editors or theologians writing in the last
several centuries, including the twentieth century, are
unreliable: They no longer see the Greeks as Greeks but
see them as idolaters, heathens and pagans
. That is
the main reason we must consult the Greeks in order to
reveal the truth. (p. 87)
When we do consult the Greek historian Zosimos, we see
that he identified the period 313-363 as the crucial time
of Roman decline. Two related factors, Christianity and
barbarity, combined to bring down Roman power. For the
Barbarians infiltrated the Roman world, and
together with the Christians, barbarized it. Finally, the
barbarians and the Christians became indistinguishable,
destroying the integrity, and indeed the civilization,
that had been Zosimos
disliked These
insights are right on target. Christianity was ready to
forgive crimes,
and even elevate him to the level of the Apostle, calling
him isapostolos. Ammianus was equally
disturbed by the violence of the Christians,
in the rein of Constantius, son of
Chapter six is titled, Julian the Great, not
surprisingly, since Julian was the champion of the
pagan party and, in this regard, the opposite
of He
even prohibited, rightly in the opinion of the author,
Christians from teaching Greek and Roman
philosophy, poetry and literature. These were
replete with references to Greek religion and reverence
for the gods. How could Christians appreciate their
beauty, understand their truth, and interpret it
correctly? Gregory of Nazianzus, who had met Julian as a
student in Clearly
the author identifies with Julian and his project:
He, no more than I, had no choice in growing up
Christian. We dumped Christianity because it had been
imposed on us by the force of the church and the
government in his case, and by the force of unexamined
tradition in my case. In addition, and this is the real
reason of abandoning Christianity, that religion had
nothing to do with our Greek culture. In fact, it turned
out to be a fatal enemy to that culture. The apostates
were the likes of Gregory Nazianzus who willfully ditched
their fabulous and philosophical Greek tradition for an
alien and treasonous doctrine. (p. 119) With the
assassination of young Julian (in 363, at the age of 32),
and the intensified barbarian attacks on Rome, the Empire
seemed as if abandoned by the gods, and doomed to follow
its Christian path of violent decline and
fall. This decline is covered in chapters seven and
eight Of
special interest is chapter eight, Universal
Captivity of Greece, because it provides what the
author calls chronology of murder and
genocide, a long list of dates in which policies
directed against the pagan Greeks were adopted by
Christian Roman Emperors. Worship of the Hellenic gods
and sacrificing to them were forbidden on the penalty of
death. The Eleusinian Mysteries and the Olympic Agones
were ended. Teachers were forbidden to engage in Greek
studies. An edict of Zeno, published in 484, reads thus:
Bishops and government agents should find and
punish teachers of Hellenic studies. They should not be
allowed to teach, lest they corrupt their students. But,
above all, Bishops and government officials should put
Greek teachers out of business, bringing the
impieties of Hellenism to an end. No one
shall leave a gift or bequeath anything to Greeks or to
schools and other institutions supporting the
impiety of Hellenism. All previous
legislation against the error of the Greeks
is reaffirmed. (p. 139) Dr.
Vallianatos comments on the imperial order that brought
an end to the Olympics, as follows: Here
was a millennial tradition of athletic competition for arete
(courage, virtue, equality before the law, goodness,
manliness, nobility and excellence) started by Herakles,
son of Zeus and the Greeks greatest hero, and
Theodosios, thinking like a barbarian, brought it to an
The Olympic agon (contest) was much more than a
struggle between outstanding men for physical excellence.
It was, above all, a Panhellenic honoring of the gods. It
was an extraordinary effort to rein in the Hellenes
passions for war and bring them together from all over
the world for the celebration of their common culture.
The overwhelming idea behind the Olympic contest was
political. The Olympic contest was an effort to build a
Panhellenic polis and commonwealth, a united
The destructive work of Theodosius against the Greeks and
their culture continued by his successors and, with real
zest, by Justinian, who closed down the schools of
philosophy in
Chapter nine is titled, What has But,
before the Italian Renaissance, another renaissance had
taken place in the Islamic world in the 9th
and 10th centuries, especially in However,
the movements of Renaissance and Reformation left At
the dawn of the twenty-first century, Christianity is
still a force to contend with in In
spite of this bleak picture of the status of Greek
culture in He
also meditates on the relation between Greeks and
Christians, and finds the combination of Christian
Greek a kind of oxymoron. This will not please many
Greeks and Greek-Americans who are proud of their Greek
Orthodox Christianity. He always seems to return to the
basic anti-Hellenic impulse of Christianity
which, for him, constitutes the Greek tragedy in
Christian Greece. This would make one wonder what a
Jew would say about Christianity, which, in his eyes,
took the concept of the one Jewish God, and turned it
into a Trinity, using the tricks of Greek sophistry and
some ideas of Hellenic philosophy. We know that Mohammed
found this radical transformation of the one true
God abominable and blasphemous. Hence the
unbridgeable gap that separates these two sister
religions and faiths of Abraham. The
author hopes earnestly that Hellenic logos and a
revived Dionysus can help humanity to find its way back
to reverence for nature and its gods. But, as the 9/11
and the war on terror indicate, Islam and Christianity
are ready for another round in the cosmic arena for world
dominion. It would be great if only fundamentalist
Muslims and Christians could be persuaded to supplement
the reading of the Holy Bible or the Holy Koran, with the
reading of other good books like the book of Dr.
Vallianatos! Then, there would be more hope for his dream
to come true, a renaissance of Hellenic learning and
culture. But that will take a true miracle. On the other
hand, just as the Hellenes were turned into Christians,
the Christian Greeks at least could be made to return to
their Hellenic cultural roots with some good luck and in
better times ahead.
Christos C. Evangeliou Professor
of Hellenic Philosophy and Poet Towson
University, USA Author
of several books, including Hellenic Philosophy: Origin and Character.
[1] Hellenic Philosophy: Between Europe, Asia and Africa, (Binghamton, NY: Binghamton University, 1997), p. iii [2] Greek Gods, Human Lives: What we can Learn from Myths (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003). [3] Julian:
An Intellectual Biography (London: Routledge, 1992),
especially, pages 32 and 227-229.
According to recent Greek police reports, there is a pervasion of Balkan groups in Greece, mainly originating from Albania, and they are considered extremely dangerous and a peril for the stability of the society. In Athens the Albanians specialize in drugs trade and organized burglaries, with some groups that have been arrested; accounting as much as 250 burglaries in a space less than a year. Moreover Turkish groups tend to associate themselves with illegal immigrants trafficking from the East (Pakistan, Middle East), Romanians with illegal prostitution and Bulgarians with forgeries and scams.
The Albanian groups according to Greek police sources
are the primal threat in the sector of organized crime
combat in Greece. The proliferation of weaponry
originating from Albania is a major source of concern.
There are several reasons that explain the above. In 2001 it was recorded that the majority (Up to 90%) of the heroin sold in Greece was managed by Turkish and Albanian groups. The percentage can be estimated at 97% nowadays, whilst the bulk originates from Afghanistan and it is transferred to Greece via Turkey or Bulgaria. A major issue is the low price of heroin in Greece which is less than 25 Euros per gram; the lowest in Europe. The reason for this is the 500% increase on opium production in Afghanistan since 2001, coupled with the increased concentration of Albanian groups in that field. It would not be risky to estimate that the specialization of Albanian groups in such a trade may have political implications as well. It is interesting to note that over the past 15 years there has been a 1,800% increase on overdose deaths in Greece mostly of young people aged 18-35 years old. Another sector on which Albanians excel in illegal activity is the burglaries. During the first 9 months of 2007, 17 organized groups were disbanded, 15 of those were of Albanian formation and the rest 2 were composed by Greeks, Albanians and Georgians. In general 25-30% of heavy crime related activity is concentrated in the Albanian community residing in Greece, even though it constitutes less than 2.5% of the total population, excluding Albanians of Greek or Vlach origin. Cannabis is another drug that is being imported in large amounts from Albania. It is considered of low quality and of very low price in comparison with the local production or that of the Middle East. Presently some 70% of the local cannabis trade is of Albanian origin. Bulgarian groups tend to concentrate on electronic crime through the use of fake credit cards, document forgery, consumer goods (Mainly DVDs) and banknote counterfeits. Another expanding trade is the illegal adoption one, whereby Bulgarian groups sell newly born to Greek couples. Turkish groups dominate illegal immigration routes and regularly import Asians to Greece. Up to 500 immigrants trespass illegally Greek borders each week, and that is only in the Eastern Aegean front of the country. In 2004 it was noted that over one million illegal immigrants are In transit from Turkey towards the Western European countries. A third of them it was assumed they would be able to exit the country and head towards the European metropolis mostly, thus expanding the yearly capital profit output of organized crime groups dealing with this illegal industry. In 2007, at least 100 Turkish citizens were arrested accused of participating in this activity, that it is also associated with document forgery in complicity with Pakistani and Iraqi groups in Greece. Especially in the Athens region, there has been a particular expansion of the reach of the above groups that also run protection rackets within their communities. The combat of illegal immigration is a top priority for the Greek security forces that have managed to repatriate over 2, 2 million illegal immigrants over the past 15 years, along with 150,000 arrests for narcotic related offences, truly impressive figures for a nation of just 11 million citizens in the outermost end of Continental Europe. Since the collapse of the Iron Curtain in 1989-91 organized crime became an everyday reality in Greece with armed robberies increasing as much as 500%, along with a flood of narcotics coming from the Northern and Eastern borders of the country. Moreover trafficking became a lucrative illegal trade and a recent police operation codenamed Vitrin that resulted in 75 arrests, proved the existence of a well-formatted Balkan group that earned as much as 30,000 Euros per day from the exploitation of the modern day white slavery. The current article aims to point towards the understanding of underreported news from the Balkans and from Greece in particular. It has to be noted that the country still lags behind the figures relating to organized crime activity than the Western or Northern Europe and this is due mostly to the intense activity by the Greek security forces. In the future more reports could shade more light in the ongoing battle against organized crime that has its own ethnic and political ramifications apart from the unquestionable police interest. Already the Greek authorities are planning ahead in case Kosovo becomes an independent, because it is widely assumed that this will result in the increase of organized crime related activities in the Balkan region. Copyright Serbianna.com Since 1999 |