JUNE 2007

  Malalai Joya,
protest in afghanistan for her reinstatement in government

Malalai Joya gained international attention in December 2003 when, as an elected delegate to the Loya Jirga convened to ratify the Afghan Constitution, she spoke out publicly against what she termed the domination of warlords. In response, Sibghatullah Mujadidi, chief of the Loya Jirga called her "infidel" and "communist". Since then she has survived four assassination attempts, and travels in Afghanistan under a burqa and with armed guards. [2]

World Pulse Magazine (Issue 1, 2005) wrote:

... When her time came to make her 3-minute statement, she tugged her black headscarf over her hair, stepped up to the microphone, and with emotional electricity made the speech that would alter her life.

After she spoke, there was a moment of stunned silence. Then there was an uproar. Male mujahideen, some who literally had guns at their feet, rushed towards her, shouting. She was brought under the protection of UN security forces.

In a nation where few dare to say the word "warlord" aloud, Joya had spoken fiercely against a proposal to appoint high clergy members and fundamentalist leaders to guide planning groups. She objected that several of those religious leaders were war criminals who should be tried for their actions—not national heroes to influence the new government.

Despite the commands of Assembly Chairman, Joya refused to apologize.

Joya's controversial stance against other members of the Loya Jirga have earned her much popularity as well as heavy criticism from her political opponents.

Joya was elected to the 249-seat National Assembly, or Wolesi Jirga in September 2005, as a representative of Farah Province, winning the second highest number of votes in the province. [3]

Although Joya receives numerous death threats and her home has been bombed, she has chosen to continue her stance against the inclusion of former mujahideen in the current Afghan government. in 2004, she and a delegation of 50 tribal elders persuaded President Karzai to dismiss a provincial governor who was a former Taliban commander.

The BBC has called Joya "the most famous woman in Afghanistan." In a January 27, 2007 interview with BBC News Joya commented on her personal political mission amid continuous death threats, saying:

"They will kill me but they will not kill my voice, because it will be the voice of all Afghan women. You can cut the flower, but you cannot stop the coming of spring." [4]

In 2006, The Washington Post said of Joya: "Her truth is that warlords should not be permitted to hide behind "the mask of democracy to hold on to their chairs" and their pernicious pursuits at the expense of poor, "barefoot" Afghans who remain voiceless and disillusioned. The warlords are corrupt "war criminals" who should be tried, and incorrigible "drug dealers" who brought the country to its knees, she said." [5]

Malalai Joya appeared at the Federal Convention of Canada's New Democratic Party (NDP) in Quebec City on September 10, 2006, supporting party leader Jack Layton and the NDP's criticism of the NATO-led mission in southern Afghanistan. She told "No nation can donate liberation to another nation." [6]

September 16, 2006

Afghan MP Malalai Joya opens the fall season of Ottawa University's "Science in Society" Course

OTTAWA: On September 13 a member of the Afghanistan Parliament,
Malalai Joya, spoke to Ottawa University's first session of SCI 1101. Richard Sanders of COAT introduced her as the one person who could provide Canada with the "not filtered, not spun, horrifying and brutal truth" about the situation in Afghanistan.

He said that in speaking for justice Joya has been threatened with death and called a "prostitute".  He said some members of the Afghan Parliament once had to surround her to protect her from bottles being thrown at her by their colleagues when she dared to speak against the corruption in the government and the interference of the United States in Afghani life and government.

"Canadians can draw on Malalai's courage," Sanders concluded, after thanking the NDP for their bravery in calling for a speedy withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.  [Sign
their petition to the House of Commons]

Marion Hall Auditorium holds 450 people and it was packed full of registered students, registered auditors and interested members of the community.

On September 13 she addressed a gathering in McGill University in Montreal as well as the University of Ottawa, where she expressed her disappointment with American involvement in her home country, stating that, "Countries like the US have their own strategic policies in Afghanistan ... As long as they support the Northern Alliance with the mask of democracy, there will never be improvements in Afghanistan." [7] [8] [9]

Malalai was in Sydney, Australia, on March 8, 2007, as a guest of UNIFEM, speaking about women's rights in Afghanistan in honor of International Women's Day.[10]

Dear Ones,
Please keep those letters and donations flowing in support of Malalai Joya, the least we can do when [see below] Afghan women are risking their all to support this extraordinarily courageous young woman in her struggle against their country's war criminals.

Remember too that since her suspension, Joya has no salary with which to pay her faithful body guards who have to date averted four attempts to assassinate her.
In sisterhood, Lynette [GSN] Hundreds of women protest in Pul-e-Khumri against suspension of Joya

Defense Committee for Malalai Joya, May 29, 2007 Hundreds of women protest in Pul-e-Khumri against suspension of Joya
Demonstrators demanded the immediate reinstatement of Joya Photos: Hundreds of women staged protest rally in Pul-e-Khumri, North of Afghanistan

Hundreds of women and girls staged protest rally in Pul-e-Khumri city of Baghlan province in north of Afghanistan. They voiced their support to Malalai Joya. Demonstrators demanded the immediate reinstatement of Joya who was ousted on may 21.

Reporting the demonstration Pajhwok Afghan News wrote on May 29:

"Carrying banners, placards and portraits of the parliamentarian, the
protestors marched through Pul-e-Khumri streets before handing over a
resolution to UNAMAs local office. "We, the women, are vehemently
opposed to attempts at suppressing the freedom of expression," the
resolution said.

A burqa-clad protestor, who did not want to be named, told Pajhwok
Afghan News the comments based on hard facts did not warrant the
suspension of the female legislators membership. Joya was justified in
exercising her right to the freedom of expression in line with the
Constitution, she insisted.

Similar pro-Joya rallies have been held in other Afghan cities as well earlier in the month, with participants and speakers denouncing her suspension as an unwarranted measure."

The protest rally of Pul-e-Khumri was also covered by Ariana TV, Radio Azadi and some other Afghan media.
[GSN] Hundreds of women protest in Pul-e-Khumri against suspension of Joya