JUNE 2007

6 days of protests to mark 40 years of occupation

5-10 June 2007,



A wave of protest events, marking 40 years of occupation, is expected in the early part of June


Main protest march and rally: Tel Aviv, June 9, 18:00

Coinciding with world-wide protests at dozens of locations


June 5, 2007, will be the fortieth anniversary of the malignant Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights. The present suffering and bloodshed at Gaza and Sderot are a direct outcome of the policy of occupation, settlement and killing. Only the end of that policy and the signing of a just peace could put an end to violence and to the continuing injustice against the Palestinian People.


"40 Occupation" is a convergence of peace activists and groups (including Gush Shalom, Anarchists Against the Wall, Women's Peace Coalition, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Yesh Gvul, Indymedia,Ta'ayush, Zochrot, Hadash and others) which jointly organize protest actions marking forty years of occupation. In order to bring about a concrete change in the situation and the end of the occupation, there is needed a tactic of wide opposition. Therefore, the model of convergence was chosen which was used with great success in other struggles, for example the 1999 Seattle protests against the World Trade Organization meeting. Convergence implies public organising around a common goal, relying on coordinated but autonomous and decentralized activity.


For six days, June 5 to 10 - corresponding to the days of the 1967 War - a wide spectrum of events will take place, including exhibitions, demonstrations, theatre plays, academic conferences etc., in order to place a the occupation and the millions suffering  under its yoke on the public agenda. June 9 and 10 had been declared as International Days of Protest Against the Israeli Occupation, and we will hold The main march and rally on Saturday, June 9. 


Demonstrations and events in early June


June 1 from 10:00 am at the Port of Tel Aviv - "Until She Opens her Eyes", an event organized by the Human Rights groups, including presentations, testimonies, artistic performances, theatrical performances, a panel discussion by writers, exhibition of photos. Ronit Piso 054-4750614, Maskit Mendel 054-7700477.


June 2 -  an Israeli-Palestinian car convoy, organized by the Geneva Initiative,  leaving the Redding Parking Lot in north Tel-Aviv at 10:30 am. In Jerusalem, the Israeli and the Palestinian convoys will join up and together round the Old City and wind up at The Mount of Olives, where a joint rally will take place with Knesset Members, Members of the Palestinian Legislative Council and artists. Contact 03-6938728. 


June 2 to 8  - Every evening at 21:00 a panel discussion on Forty Years of Occupation will be broadcast on the "Mikan" Channel on the cable and satellite TV, as well as on


On the morning of June 5, the Peace Now Movement will hold a demonstration in Hebron, with the call "Stop the Settlements!" Conatact: Yariv Oppenheimer 0544-200060


June 5 "The Desert Generation" - An exhibition by Israeli and Palestinian painters at Beit HaAmanim (Artists' House), Jerusalem. David Tartakover, Sliman Mansur, Larry Avramson, David Reeb  0546-531469  03-6819653.


June 5 - Day of Protest by  the Student Coalition  at Tel-Aviv University, including an exhibition, placing of placards, artistic performances. Michal 054-487061
June 5 - "Critical Mass - bicycle and roller skates  convoy  through the streets of out Tel Aviv", painting the city with messages of Freedom and Equality. Meeting point at 16:00 on the Tel-Aviv Cinemateque Plaza.


June 5 - testimonies from the Occupied Territories, a photo exhibition and presentation of documentary films at the the Tel-Aviv Cinemateque, organized by Machsom Watch, Bereaved Families' Forum, Fighters for Peace, PCATI, Yesh Din, IPCRI. A checkpoint, similar to those erected by the army in the Territories, will be erected on the plaza and all visitors will have to pass through it.


June 5 - A mass Israeli-Palestinian event on the football field of Anata, north-east of Jerusalem. Buses from Jerusalem at 16:30. Suliman Al Hatib 054-4315043.


June 5 to 7 - International academic conference on "Forty after Sixty Seven" at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Tel-Aviv University. Minerva Center for Human Rights 02-5881156.


June 7 - "Act of State 1967-2007" - a historical photo exhibition on the Occupation. Opening at 21:00 at the gallery of Minshar Art School, 18 David Hachami St, Tel Aviv. 03-6887090


June 7 - Israeli-Palestinian demonstration near the Wall separating Bak'ah Al Sharkiya in the West Bank from Bak'ah Al Gharbiya in Israel. Suliman Al Hatib 054-4315043.


June 8 - Protest vigils by Women in Black in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa at 13:00-14:00. In Jerusalem,  throughout the preceding week a daily protest vigil will be held at the Paris Square. Contact 054-7515797.


June 8 to 9 - Festival of Peace and Music, Israeli and Palestinian artists and groups, films and more. At Tantur, on the border of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Gershon Baskin 052-2381715, Aviv Alhasid 052-3689612.


June 9 - Mass demonstration in Tel Aviv, marking 40 Years to the Occupation - march  and rally initiated by the Israeli peace movements and parties.

For details Adi Dagan 052-3575526, Adam Keller 050-6709603

June 9 has been declared the International Day of Protest Against the Israeli Occupation. Demonstrations will take place at dozens of cities around the world. For details about worldwide activism on June 9:


June 9 - Israeli-Palestinian demonstration in the morning hours, outside the Old City Walls. Michael Warshawsky 052-4733453.


June 11 - The Old City of Jerusalem: Opening event for a campaign to rebuild destroyed houses, by the Israeli  Committee Against House Demolitions. The event takes place on the fortieth anniversary of the destruction of the Old City's Mugrabi Quarter, with its 350 houses, and is dedicated to the memory of Haja Rasmiya Tabaki, crushed under the ruins of her destroyed home. Shai 050-6986964. 


For details Adi Dagan 052-3575526, Adam Keller 050-6709603 

 6 days of protests to mark 40 years of occupation - press release