all about sand
A sand sculpture of a gear box with wheels,
linkages, shifter, and robotic arm that plows
patterns in the sand
at the Texas Sand Fest 2000 in Port Aransas.
The sandcastle weathered 40 mph winds on Friday
night. |
solves desert mystery
December 2004
From Marco Polo onwards explorers have told stories
about strange sounds they have heard in the desert. It is
known that the sounds are produced by sand dunes when
they avalanche, but the exact mechanism behind the
phenomenon has remained a mystery. Now, Bruno Andreotti
from the University of Paris-7 has proposed that the
sounds come from vibrations in the sand bed that have
been excited by collisions between grains of sand (Phys.
Rev. Lett. 93 238001).
"Singing dunes are one of the most puzzling and
impressive natural phenomena I have ever
encountered," says Andreotti. "The sounds
produced can be heard up to 10 kilometres away and
resemble a drum or a low-flying jet." The sounds can
be as loud as 105 decibels and have frequencies between
about 95 and 105 Hertz.
The French physicist took his equipment from Paris to
the Atlantic Sahara in Morocco, which contains more than
10,000 crescent shaped dunes known as barchans. The wind
in the desert can erode the back of these dunes, causing
sand to build up at the top of the dune. When too much
sand has accumulated, an avalanche occurs and the dunes
start to "sing".
Andreotti simultaneously measured vibrations in the
sand bed and acoustic emissions in the air, and then
extracted information about the frequency, amplitude and
the phase of these signals. He found that the vibrations
in the sand behaved like slow-moving elastic sound waves
that were localized at the surface of the dune and had an
amplitude that was about a quarter of the diameter of an
individual grain of sand.
"The sounds result from avalanches in which the
grains drum on one another, exciting elastic waves on the
dune surface, with the vibration of the sand bed tending
to synchronise the collisions," he told PhysicsWeb.
"In many ways the surface of the sand bed acts like
the membrane in a loudspeaker."
Andreotti now plans to study the effect in more detail
in the laboratory and with computer simulations. The
results could also be relevant to the behaviour of
granular materials in general.
About the author
Belle Dumé is Science Writer at PhysicsWeb
sand dunes on the Hokianga
...The troubled song of the sand dunes
November 2006
Matthew Chalmers exposes the fierce controversy
behind attempts to explain the mystery of
singing sand dunes, which provides a rare
insight into how physics is done
Doing science in the desert is difficult at the best
of times. Whether studying its exotic flora and fauna or
sniffing out oil wells using sophisticated sensors,
researchers have to endure extreme heat and cold, not to
mention choking dust and sandstorms. But for physicists
who are trying to solve one of the most enduring
mysteries of the desert the eerie phenomenon of
singing sand dunes the temperature has
been rising for altogether different reasons. Indeed, the
disagreement between two French researchers over the
mechanism responsible for this weird acoustic effect is
so virulent that they can no longer work in the same
On plugging a pair of headphones into a computer to
listen to some of their recordings and movies from the
Sahara, it is easy to see what all the fuss is about. The
low-frequency drone produced by a dune as sand cascades
down its face is as unnerving as it is beautiful. It is
no wonder that Marco Polo, who was one of the first
people to document the phenomenon some 700 years ago,
attributed it to evil spirits. A modern traveller,
however, is more likely to mistake a singing dune for a
low-flying aircraft. For physicists, the challenge of
explaining how such a remarkable and very loud
sound is produced by a simple pile of sand is too
tempting to resist. In particular, singing dunes offer
the chance to uncover a completely new way of generating
sound that is different to the mechanism on which most
musical instruments are based. But in rising to this
challenge, two physicists and former colleagues in Paris
have fallen out bitterly, in an episode that reveals the
very human process of developing scientific theories.
Dunes are mounds of sand produced by the action of the
wind. Up to hundreds of metres high and existing in a
number of different shapes, dunes display complex
dynamical behaviour that has kept earth scientists busy
for decades. But despite being part of desert folklore
for hundreds of years, singing or booming
sand dunes have remained a mystery.
Singing dunes can be heard in more than 30 locations
worldwide, each of which has its own characteristic
frequency or note. It has long been known that the sounds
which can last up to several minutes and can be
heard more than a kilometre away come from sand
that has accumulated at the top of the dune and that
spontaneously avalanches down the dune face. The
difficulty has been in explaining precisely how this
process can generate such a powerful, monotonous note.
The current controversy surrounding this mechanism can
be traced back to 2000, when Stéphane Douady, then at
the laboratory for statistical physics at the Ecole
Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris, heard a geologist
talking about his research into the shape and motion of
sand dunes. After visiting some dunes in the US, Douady
secured funding to work on the problem along with his
former PhD student Bruno Andreotti, and the pair was
joined by new PhD student Pascal Hersen.
In early 2001 the group set off to explore the physics
of crescent-shaped dunes known as barchans in Morocco.
But while walking along the dunes one day, the
researchers accidentally set off avalanches that were
accompanied by loud booms. Having read about this
phenomenon in Scientific American some years
before, Douady immediately knew what he was hearing.
Moreover, based on his research experience with
avalanches, he had already come up with his own
explanation for the effect based on the
stickslip motion of sand grains moving
down the slope as a single block. However, faced with the
incontrovertible sight and sound of sand grains flowing
freely down the dune, he realized there was more to the
phenomenon than he had initially thought. It was
exciting to have to come up with a new explanation,
recalls Douady. Bruno, Pascal and I played on the
dunes all afternoon, making sound and trying to find the
reason for its creation.
The first thing the team discovered was that
avalanches triggered manually generate exactly the same
sound as those that occur naturally, ruling out the role
of the wind. Similarly, the researchers realized that the
sound was not produced by the whole dune resonating
i.e. in a similar way to how musical instruments
produced sound because its frequency was the same
(about 100 Hz) for different-sized dunes. Indeed,
Douady found that he could make sounds simply by moving
piles of sand with his bare hands. These observations
pointed to the same conclusion: the song of the dunes is
produced by the motion of the sand grains themselves, and
not by global characteristics of the dune.
After seven long days in the desert the team returned
to its Moroccan hotel, where Andreotti thrashed out a
more detailed explanation for how the motion of sand
grains might produce sound. Based on some earlier work he
and Douady had carried out on grain avalanches, he
expected that the frequency of the sound produced would
be inversely proportional to the square root of the grain
diameter. But when he plugged in the data, he found that
the dunes the team had been studying did not seem to
follow this simple model.
The plot thickened when the researchers returned to
Paris. Hersen trawled the scientific literature and found
about 10 papers relating to the acoustic emission of sand
dunes. But despite some articles also predicting that the
sound comes from the relative motion of sand grains, none
offered a convincing explanation of how this happens. So
whenever the researchers found the time in the following
months after all, their main research activity
involved the shape of the dunes, not their acoustic
properties they worked on their own explanation
for the song of the dunes.
The first thing the team decided was that the
frequency of the sound produced is the same as that of
the collision rate of grains in the shear
layer of sand moving down the dune face. Then, recalling
a movie made by a colleague that showed aluminium beads
collectively switching from a hexagonal to a square
arrangement as they flowed down a channel, Douady
realized that some of the grains must become synchronized
in order to emit sound. Singing dunes, he thought, were
the result of air being pushed in and out between the
synchronized grains.
Andreotti agreed that the synchronization of sand
grains was responsible for the song of the dunes. But
rather than being the result of squeezed air, he reasoned
that the sound was due to the vibration of the surface of
the avalanche effectively turning it into the
membrane of a powerful loudspeaker. Douady eventually
accepted that this was a better explanation of the source
of the sound the loudness of which he discovered
to his detriment when he buried his ear into a dune face
during an avalanche. However, during discussions about
the mechanism that actually causes the grains to
synchronize, scientific opinions began to diverge.
Douadys idea was backed up by another
observation made during the time in Morocco: sound is
only produced when layers of sand above a certain
thickness slide over one another. This, he reasoned,
means that the sound must arise from a resonance within
the shear layer itself, whereby grains bump over each
other at the same frequency and set up standing waves
that, in turn, synchronize the grains. Andreotti turned
this logic round, arguing that the collisions between
grains excite waves outside the shear layer on the dune
surface that then synchronize the collisions via a
mechanism called waveparticle locking.
The problem with Stéphanes
mechanism, explains Andreotti, is that it
requires the existence of some sort of coupling wave that
travels at speeds lower than 1 m s-1,
which is 40 or 50 times less than the measured speed of
elastic waves in sand dunes. Douady says that
although it is not yet clear why waves would propagate so
much slower in the shear layer than they do in the rest
of the dune, he has similar difficulties in
understanding how random grain collisions in
Andreottis waveparticle mechanism could
excite a coherent wave in the dune in the first place.
Realizing that they were asking different research
questions, Douady and Andreotti started to work on the
problem separately.
In the spring of 2002 Douady gave a brief presentation
about his synchronization mechanism at a conference on
statistical physics in Paris. This led to an article in
the journal of the French national research council
(CNRS), which Douady offered to enhance by providing a CD
of desert recordings. This was well received and
generated lots of media coverage. But Andreotti expressed
concerns about releasing interpretations about the source
of the song before they had appeared in a peer-reviewed
Over the next year or so, the French researchers
undertook their own field trips: Douady with Hersen, who
had inevitably been drawn into the fight, and Andreotti
with a new Moroccan PhD student Hicham Elbelrhiti. Both
groups were keen to gather as much data as they could
about the speed and volume of sound-producing avalanches
so that they could develop their hypotheses about grain
synchronization. Andreotti , for instance, reached a
proper understanding of the importance of surface elastic
modes in the propagation of acoustic waves, while Douady
visited dunes at other locations around the world and
started to realize that the size of the grains does play
a role after all as do their surface
Douady was also keen to reproduce the song of the
dunes in his laboratory. So, remembering the way he had
made sound with his hands during his first trip, he
developed a moving-blade experiment in which
known volumes of sand can be moved at different speeds in
a controlled way. Being able to produce any note desired
across an entire octave, this experiment proved that the
song of the dunes is produced by the relative motion of
the grains and that in fact no dunes are required.
Towards the end of 2003, these experiments also enabled
Douady to demonstrate the threshold condition vital to
his synchronization theory.
Some three or four years after their first trip, it
was now time for the researchers to submit for
publication the considerable amount of knowledge they had
amassed about the song of the dunes. By this time,
however, the disagreement between Douady and Andreotti
over the synchronization mechanism had intensified.
Because of the bad relationships, I called a
group meeting in spring 2004 during which the overall ENS
group leader suggested I write a paper about the song of
the dunes with all our names on it, recalls Douady.
But it soon became clear that this wasnt
going to work. According to Douady, he found out
during this meeting that Andreotti had been making
measurements of the velocity of elastic waves during his
field trips that contradicted Douadys
synchronization mechanism, although Andreotti insists
that his work was no secret. So Douady wrote a draft
paper without any mention of Andreottis
Refusing to put his name to an explanation he did not
believe, Andreotti decided to publish his own paper on
the subject of singing dunes. And shortly afterwards the
pair separated for good, with Andreotti joining the
laboratory for hydrodynamics and mechanics at the Paris
research centre the ESPCI just one street away.
The story of how their respective papers got published
is interesting in its own right. After having an initial
draft rejected by Science, Douady submitted a
polished version of his paper to Nature in
December 2004. But it was sent back on the grounds that
the subject of singing dunes had already had enough
attention, the reason being that Andreottis paper
had just been published in Physical Review Letters
(93 238001). Feeling the need to
demonstrate that he had been doing similar work at the
same time, Douady immediately posted his paper onto the
arXiv preprint server. This, however, turned out to be a
mistake, since a few months later another journal called Geology
which had quickly accepted Douadys
submission rejected it at the last minute on the
grounds that it had been published already. The paper
finally ended up in the same journal as Andreottis
earlier this year, minus any mention of the sound
velocity (Phys. Rev. Lett. 97
These days Douady and Andreotti tend to avoid one
another, which is not easy when working in such a small
field. This episode has destroyed several years of
my life, says Douady. But it has also taught
me that science can be done in very different ways
either by sudden intuitive jumps that appear to be
unjustified, or cautiously and methodically.
Andreotti has also learned from the experience. I
am now more confident than ever that peer review is the
best, or least worst, system in which to work, he
says. When scientists start to use the media to
make scientific claims, things start to get
But the stormy tale of the singing dunes does not end
here. In fact with two or three other groups about to
publish their own explanations of the effect, none of
which requires the sand grains to be synchronized, the
controversy may well be about to blow up again.
Neither Douadys nor Andreottis
analysis explains why some dunes do not sing, says
Melany Hunt at the California Institute for Technology
(Caltech), who together with co-workers has made
extensive measurements of singing dunes using techniques
such as radar. Because we have not observed any
dependence of the frequency on grain diameter, and
because we can physically feel the sound over a large
area of the dune, we have concluded that the sound
depends on the dune itself and not on individual
grains. In particular, Hunt and her colleagues have
found that dunes have a layered structure that they say
causes a dune to act as a waveguide, in which certain
frequencies are preferentially propagated. As for
Douadys moving-blade experiment, we dont
agree that pushing sand in this way is the same physical
phenomena as what one finds in the desert, she
Meanwhile, the fight between Douady and Andreotti,
which spilled over to other members of their research
groups, has not prevented either researcher from
continuing to work on the problem. In fact, in
Andreottis latest work he claims to account for the
threshold effect that is so central to Douadys
synchronization mechanism, as well as supporting the
Caltech groups findings (
Meanwhile, Douady who is waiting to move into a
new lab in Paris for materials and complex systems
is currently trying to understand how the coating of sand
grains affects the sound produced. This, he hopes, may
explain the hotly debated issue of the low coupling
velocity required by his model.
Sand-dune science may not dominate the
research-funding agenda, but unravelling the mystery of
the singing dunes offers a valuable insight into how
science is done. With motivations for tackling particular
problems varying between individuals, and personal
relationships lying at the core of any scientific
research, only the most hardened positivist can claim
that science proceeds by some idealistic
hypothetico-deductive process devoid of all human
Im sure this kind of story is repeated
many times in other laboratories around the world,
remarks Douady. Its just that most people
dont realize it. Indeed, 10 or 15 years from
now when researchers have solved the mystery and
textbook chapters have been written the physics of
singing dunes will doubtless be recast as the product of
a sequence of logical steps, all other accounts having
gradually been buried like skeletons in the sand.
About the author
Matthew Chalmers is Features Editor of Physics
A villager plants trees to try and keep the sand from
shifting to other areas of the Hobq Desert earlier this
month in northern China.
Plants halt shifting sands
November 2006
Physicists in Germany have turned their attention
to an age-old challenge facing desert dwellers -- how
plants can be used to stop moving sand dunes. The
researchers defined equations of motion that describe
wind velocities, vegetation growth, sand movement and how
the shape of a desert landscape changes as plants grow in
it. The result is a "fixation index" that
predicts when plants will be successful at halting a
dune. This could lead to a better understanding of the
dynamics of coastal dunes and predict how these
landscapes will evolve over time. (Phys. Rev.
Lett. 97 188001).
Although plants are not common in areas with sand
dunes, they play an important role in stabilizing the
movement of sand and fixing the position of dunes.
Indeed, there is often a relentless competition between
plants and sand, which has been harnessed for thousands
of years by people living in such regions to control the
movement of dunes.
Orencio Durán and Hans Herrmann of the University of
Stuttgart in Germany developed their equations using
scientific observations of sand-dune behaviour in desert
regions. For example, scientists have observed that
crescent-shaped "barchan" dunes change into
parabolic-shaped dunes when colonized by plants. This
transformation is thought to be the first step in halting
the movement of a sand dune.
The Stuttgart physicists have used the equations to
define a "fixation index", ?, which is
the ratio between the rate at which a sand dune erodes
and how quickly a plant can grow and inhibit erosion. The
equations reveal that plants can transform a barchan dune
into a parabolic dune when ? has a value less than
0.5 and plant-growth trumps erosion. Conversely, if ?
is greater than 0.5, wind-induced sand erosion stops
plants from growing and a barchan dune can continue to
"Our results will help allow scientists to make
long-term predictions (over thousands of years) about how
coastal dunes evolve," Herrmann told PhysicsWeb.
They might even have an impact on environmental
issues, like how to increase biodiversity." The
research may also aid in protecting semi-arid regions
that are threatened by desertification processes.
Durán and Herrmann now plan to repeat their
calculations with different types of plants and for
varying amounts of rainfall. They also hope to actually
test their predictions in the desert.
About the author
Belle Dumé is a freelance science
writer based in France
for stabilizing the shifting sand dunes
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Sand dunes on Mars - Can we hear them??