2-Jun-05, at 3:44 PM, Muhammad Abu Nasr
<abunasr1967> wrote:
truth only "wins in the end" when the
people fighting for it beat the people fighting
against it.
Ardeshir Replies:
Oh no. Study history. Did Christ and the early Christians
fight against the Romans? Yet they won in the end against
them, indeed they converted the Roman Empire to
Did the Buddhists fight against the Chinese and the
Japanese and the South-East Asians? Without spilling a
drop of blood they converted all these millions of people
to Buddhism.
The greatest skill is to WIN WITHOUT FIGHTING, as Sun Tzu
says in his book *The Art of War*.
Yes, it often takes time for the truth to emerge
victorious, sometimes a LOT of time.
But in the case of ZIONISM it need not take much time,
because in THIS day and age, racism is already
acknowledged the world over to be evil. Racism is NOT
tolerated by any right-thinking person in this day and
age. Therefore all that is needed NOW is to point out the
truth, especially to Westerners, that Zionism is
RACISM, and Zionism will lose ALL the support it needs to
carry on!
At present, NO ONE is pointing this out, except Dave
Kersting and (to some extent) myself. Just TWO people!
Who else is doing it?
You say that it is obvious that Zionism is racism. It is
NOT, at least not in America! If it were obvious, the
average American would answer with a resounding
"YES!!!" to the question, "Do you think
Zionism is racism?" TRY it! Try asking Americans
picked at random off the street, "Do you think
Zionism is racism?" I'll wager than nine out of ten
will answer "No"!
Gentiles should BOYCOTT the Jews! Gentiles should NOT
make use of Jewish products, their currency, their banks,
their corporations. We Gentiles should set up our own
businesses and banks and media empires and movie-making
centres, and PUT THE JEWS OUT OF BUSINESS! We can do it
without ANY human bombs. And we WILL win with that
Heck, the Jews themselves have succeeded with that very
same strategy. In the past, GENTILES controlled the
media, the professions, and even the banks (before the
Rothschilds, the big bankers were people like the Medici
of Florence and the Merchants of Venice!) The Jews put
the Gentiles out of business.
Why don't WE do it now? Return the favour?
For instance, Islamic banking is one of the best kinds of
banking ever devised. Why don't the Muslim peoples put up
their own banks all over the world, and DRIVE THE JEWISH
BANKS OUT OF BUSINESS? It's not as if Muslims don't HAVE
enough money to start their own banks. They have it, and
in spades. But they prefer to spend the money on other
things, like weapons!
This is the LOSING strategy. It has BEEN the losing
strategy for DECADES. For a wise man, for a wise people,
a few negative experiences should be enough for them to
see the light, learn from their mistakes, and CHANGE
their strategy. Lots of Americans who had NO
vested interest one way or another in South Africa chose
to call for a boycott of South Africa.
We Gentiles should call for a BOYCOTT of Jews: all Jewish
businesses and professions and activities. Why do we
BOTHER to do business with them? They are making their
money off *us*! Are we stupid, or WHAT?
If we PUT THE JEWS OUT OF BUSINESS, they won't be able to
do anything against us even outside Palestine, much less
maintain a Zionist presence there.
But our weapons, to do this, must be IDEAS, not guns or
bombs! Remember, "violence is the last refuge of the
incompetent." An end to Palestinian
"terrorism" would finally mean VICTORY for
Why do you think the Zionists MANUFACTURE
"Palestinian terrorism" when there is none?
They do it because if the so-called "Palestinian
terrorism" vanishes, the Zionists HAVE NO EXCUSE TO
They NEED Palestinian "terrorism", just as they
NEED so-called "anti-Semitism" (which is not
really anti-Semitism anyway, since it does NOT mean
hatred of the Arabs, who are by FAR the majority of
Semites in the world, while most Jews - the Ashkenazim -
are not Semitic at all.)
And the Jews NEED to con the Americans into thinking that
Zionism (as well as Judaism) is NOT racism.
You did not address my earlier question, the one I asked
in my last post: how many Americans, when asked "Do
you think Zionism is racist?" will answer
"Yes"? I wager that nine out of ten will say
You see, most Americans - and indeed Westerners in
general - do NOT think Zionism is racist. Likewise, most
Westerners also do not think that JUDAISM is racist. It
is up to people like you and me to POINT IT OUT to them.
But once it IS pointed out, although there may be
resistance to the notion initially, eventually they will
come to realise it, because it really is, as you say, so
And then they will also call for a boycott of Jews and
Jewish businesses! That will eventually result in the end
of Judaism as we know it, because the Jews NEED the
Gentiles to make their money.
Americans WILL boycott all racist states, because in this
day and age, for the average American to admit that he or
she is supporting racism is MOST embarrassing.
You want proof? Ask any American whether he would TODAY
continue to support an apartheid regime in South Africa!
I'll wager, again, that more than nine out of ten
Americans will say "No."
Then why do they support Zionism? Because, you see, they
don't REALISE that Zionism is racism!
Palestinians CANNOT pound Israel. I explained that the
last few times I posted. The Palestinians just don't have
a "hammer" strong enough to "pound"
Do you know that the Allies only "pounded"
Germany into submission by bombarding Germany with TWENTY
TIMES more bombs that Germany used on the Allies? TWENTY
And that's just the bombs dropped on GERMANY: it doesn't
even COUNT the nuclear and conventional bombs the Allies
dropped on Japan.
Do the Palestinians HAVE twenty times as many bombs as
the Israelis do? Let alone the capacity to deliver them
to their targets?
Why do you think "pounding" the Zionists can
succeed in the next sixty years, where this very same
strategy has failed in the past sixty? WHY, in heaven's
Remember that in a fight, if you clobber the other guy,
it's highly likely that it will just encourage him to
want to clobber YOU even harder the next time he can!
What makes you think Palestinians can clobber the
Zionists, when day after day for the last sixty-plus
years it is THE ISRAELIS who have been clobbering the
The "human bomb" tactics of the Palestinians
are no more annoying than a few mosquito bites to the
Israelis: I already told you that MANY more Israelis die
in traffic accidents, for Gawd's sake, than as a result
of such Palestinian "pounding"!
The strategy of using violence to regain lost Palestinian
property and rights is a LOSING strategy. Palestinians
WILL lose if they adopt this strategy.
They will also lose the support of all intelligent
people. In fact, even those who ALREADY sympathise with
the Palestinian plight have no interest in cheering for
or supporting a LOSING team - a team, moreover, which is
You know how Zionists think? They think all the time:
"How can I WIN?" They are planning all kinds of
strategies for WINNING, day in and day out. I know: I've
lived among them!
If you want to emerge victorious in an ARMED struggle,
you have to beat them at THIS game, the game of WINNING
the fight!
Remember that if you want to go to war, you have to go to
war and emerge VICTORIOUS! What is the point in trying to
fight a LOSING war?
I say, make the truth wisely KNOWN! Especially the truth
about the racism inherent in Zionism, and also the truth
about the racism inherent in Judaism.
If this is done, the Zionists - and indeed the Jews the
world over who support them - will be BOYCOTTED by ALL
right-thinking and intelligent people. And as a
consequence, the Zionists will be left high and dry, as
it were, without any means of livelihood and without any
military weapons with which they can pound anyone.
The Jews only succeed in controlling us Gentiles because
we Gentiles LET them. The only cure for losing is
ACTUALLY winning. And the only way to ACTUALLY win - and
not just HOPE for victory - is to have winning IDEAS.
That includes technology, strategies, economics,
commerce, professions, philosophy, thinking of ALL kinds.
In other words, the TRUTH! The UN even voted that
Zionism is a form of racism - that was back in the days
when the Soviet Union existed. Then after the US
won the cold war, it passed a counter resolution in the
now rubberstamp United Nations of America saying that
"Zionism isn't racism after all."
I know, but that's because Americans don't THINK of
Zionism as racism!
Nobody TELLS them, you see. The Palestinians don't,
Israel Shamir doesn't, Jeff Blankfort doesn't, Noam
Chomsky doesn't, Michael Neumann doesn't, Alexander
Cockburn doesn't, Howard Zinn doesn't. Forget people like
Friedman: even the closest supporters of Palestine don't
SAY out loud that Zionism is racism, and that in this day
and age, racism CANNOT be tolerated one bit. Nor do
Palestinians like Hanan Ashrawi or Mustafa Barghouti say
it. Dave Kersting said : Defeating that Zionist
strategy requires the language of ending any and all
official ethnic discrimination that is supported by US
investments and/or foreign aid - and getting this
message, not to "Jews," but to ordinary
Americans and ordinary American peace activists.
THIS is the crucial thing. THIS is the competent thing to
do. THIS is what is NOT being done. And BECAUSE it's not
being done, THAT'S why the Palestinian struggle doesn't
Colonialism collapsed because the world came to realise
that colonialism was EVIL, and could no longer be
Today colonialism would be condemned well-nigh
universally. The Americans could never colonialise Iraq
today and stay there for 250 years - the way the British
colonised India in the eighteenth, nineteenth and early
twentieth century!
Zionism is not CONSIDERED in the West to be colonialism,
and that is why it persists. Point the fact out, and it
too will disappear!
But colonialism is not SO much the issue - RACISM is.
Colonialism, though it has a bad rap, doesn't have AS bad
a rap as racism!
If you argue that Zionism is colonialism, people can
justifiably retort: "The British who were in India
could return to Britain, and the French who were in
Algeria could return to France, but the Jews have no
country of their own to return to. They would have to
return to some foreign country, a country which is NOT
their own." This is an entirely valid
counter-argument. But if you point out that Zionism is
RACISM, nobody can counter it with ANY counter-argument!
Point out to the ordinary Westerners the RACISM inherent
in Zionism, and ALL Western support for Zionism will
The British left India WITHOUT any British being killed
by the Indians. The British armies and politicians left
India because they just could not CONTINUE raping India
the way they had been doing earlier - their OWN people
would have opposed it!
Remember that a military victory is only temporary. If
you want to make it permanent, you have to convince
people that the victory has resulted in something BETTER.
Otherwise the struggle - by the defeated - will go on!
Suppose the Palestinians do succeed in driving all the
Jews of Israel out of Israel, or annihilating them - what
makes you think the Jews elsewhere won't come back ...
and come back with a vengeance? They will, under such a
scenario, totally ANNIHILATE the Palestinians, to the
last man woman and child!
The Palestinians cannot totally annihilate the Jews,
because the Jews are scattered all over the world. But
the Palestinians all in one place? Heck, the Jews,
enraged at having been driven out of what they consider
their "God-given Promised Land", will have a
turkey shoot.
Trust me: your strategy is the LOSING one. You want the
Palestinians to take THAT road? You want them ALL killed?
That's what WILL happen if the Palestinian armed
resistance actually SUCCEEDS.
The French were more recalcitrant, but eventually even
they could not have kept Algeria for themselves against
world opinion.
But more to the point: the Palestinians can shoot as many
Israelis as they want, but the ISRAELIS won't leave, the
way the French left Algeria. The Israelis will, rather,
shoot back! And they will shoot back HARDER. That's what
they ALWAYS do!
Remember that the Israelis have a RELIGIOUS motivation to
stay in their "God-given Promised Land": their
RELIGION demands it. The French and the British did not
have THIS motivation!
Don't underestimate the force of this religion. It is
fanatical, absolutely fanatical. Such fanaticism does not
exist, and never did exist, in European colonialism as
The Palestinians are fighting FANATICS. The Zionists will
NEVER give up their fanaticism. They - or at least the
vast majority of them - can never be convinced to leave
their "God-given Land", no matter how many
bombs - human or inhuman - the Palestinians throw at
The only thing that can be done is to bring them to their
also boycotting all OTHERS who support the Zionists
(which basically means, the majority of Jews - and also
Christian Zionists - living outside Israel).
In summing up, remember just ONE thing: the Palestinians
have to have a WINNING strategy. This is an ABSOLUTE
necessity. At present, they DON'T have one. Their present
strategy is a LOSING one, and the proof is, they have
been losing this last sixty years, with no end in sight.
They must CHANGE their present strategy if they are to
win. And since violence is truly the last refuge of the
incompetent, the first thing they should do is ABANDON
violence in favour of the TRUTH, for otherwise they will
REMAIN incompetent, for ever and ever. And how can an
incompetent people formulate a WINNING strategy?
Revolutionary greetings, Ardeshir Mehta.
Ardeshir runs a constant forum
discussing a variety of his interests in Life and Truth.
Ardeshir Mehta
Galilee Flowers
(new updated edition) is out! If you haven't got the book
yet, now you can buy this new updated edition on and soon via Amazon. The French publisher of
this book is under trial, while the first print (in
French) was burned on the instigation of LICRA, a French
Jewish organisation. This is the original
English-language version. The new edition is of
pocket-size, costs less ($17.99) and includes some
new essays as well as the original ones. The book has
also a new subtitle: if the book of Dershowitz is called
"The Case for Israel", and a new book of our
good friend Michael Neumann is called The Case against
Israel, this book is called The Case for Palestine and
Israel united in love to the Holy Land.
EXCERPT: Why I Support the Return of
Palestine is not a dead object. It is a living country,
Palestinians are her soul. Palestine is what the
Palestinians are re-creating in real time, in the same
way as France is what the French created and re-create
everyday........... To love a country and wish away its
inhabitants is a kind of necrophiliac's romance. The late
Russian thinker Lev Gumilev described a country as the
symbiosis of its people and landscape. Palestine and the
Palestinians are inseperable. The peasants and their
olives and springs of water, and the domes of their
ancestral sepulchres on the hill-tops, need and
compliment one another. The Palestinians are not an
obscure, mean folk. They created the Star of Ghassul,
composed the Bible, built the temples of Jerusalem and
Mount Grizim, the palaces of Jericho and Samaria, the
churches of The Holy Sepulchre and Nativity, the mosques
of Haram al-Sharif, the harbours of Caesarea and Akka,
the castles of Montfort and Belvoir. They walked with
Jesus, defeated Napoleon and bravely fought at Karameh.
In their veins the blood of Agean warriors Bene Israel,
David's heroes, the first apostles of Christ and the
Companions of the Prophet, Arab riders, Norman Crusaders
and Turkmen chieftains blend in unique composition. Its
spark is not quenched: the poetry of Mahmud Darwish, the
wisdom of Edward Said, the perfect olive oil, the fervour
of prayer and the valiant courage of the Intifada
prove that...........Palestine dies, the water sources
dry out, the hills and valleys are disfigured, her fields
are worked by imported Chinese while her sons are
imprisoned in a ghetto.The idea of a Jewish State has
collapsed. During the last ten years the mad policies of
the Israeli Government imported over a million Romanians,
Russians, Ukrainians, and Thai and African labourers
......We should live in one State, and not only because
of the blatant failure of Oslo. The very idea of
partition is wrong............Let us tear up our
Declaration of false Independence and write a new one of
mutual dependence and love.