book reviews and correspondence Spanish BooksIn year 2003, two books written by Hispanic journalists were published in Spain. Both titles affirmed no aircraft, but a missile, crashed into the Pentagon. The first book published was Jefe Atta, el secreto de la casa Blanca Blanca (Chief Atta, the Secret of the White House)(Janet & Plaza publishing house), written by journalist Pilar Urbano. Despite the fact that the book was not a rigorous investigation and was full of misleading information, what has made it interesting and revealing, is that it was Pilar Urbano, a member of the Opus Dei, politically closed to the Spanish Right and the former government of José María Aznar, the person who wrote it and defended such thesis. Pilar Urbano is the official biographer of the Kings of Spain and a friend of Mr. Trillo, former Minister of Defense of the Aznar administration, who supported the American invasion of Iraq. Pilar Urbano Author of Jefe Atta, el secreto de la Casa Blanca (Chief Atta, the Secret of the White House) (Janet & Plaza publishing house) Jefe Atta, el secreto de la Casa Blanca (Chief Atta, the Secret of the White House) was a 550-page biography of fundamentalist Mohamed Atta, presented as one of the pilots of the hijacked planes and the terrorists ringleader. In the last 50 pages of the book, based on logics and some arguments, Urbano affirmed no aircraft crashed into the Pentagon, but a missile actually. New Investigative EvidencesThe second book was published in September 2003. It was titled: Historia de una infamia, las mentiras de la versión official (9/11: The History of a Sacrilege, The Lies of the Official Version) (Corona Boralis). Its author was Madrilenian independent journalist Bruno Cardeñosa. Cardeñosas work was an outstanding investigation that helped to understand a little bit more the events of September 11, 2001. For instance, Mohamed Atta, whos been presented as a fervent fundamentalist Muslim, lived in Miami and had a relationship with Amanda Keller, an American woman who was involved in prostitution and strip-tease shows. Witnesses or people who knew her have affirmed they had seen Mohamed Atta and Keller drinking alcohol, taking drugs and even eating pork, something that is completely impossible for a Muslim. Other witnesses confirmed Atta and Keller lived together and had an affair. An Independent American journalist who work for local newspapers in Miami wrote about this but the information was never made known. Nowadays, nobody knows where Amanda Keller is. Cardeñosa also interviewed Mohamed Attas last flying instructor several times. He was Ivan Chirivella, a Spanish who immigrated to the United States to be a professional tennis player but ended up as a flying instructor. When Cardeñosa asked Chirivella his opinion about Attas piloting feat (crashing the Boeing into the Tower) Chirivella said that was impossible for Atta did not have the capacity to do such a maneuver, that when he quit school he almost didnt know anything. According to Chirivella, Atta could have only done that if he had started to fly the plane one or two seconds before the crash. Currently, Chrivella is a pilot of Iberia Company and after many years living in Miami without committing any crime, the American authorities have forbidden his entrance in the United States. Obviously, Chirivella is a witness who has troubled the «official version». The book explained many things. For instance, it read that New Yorks seismographs which registered and recorded that there were strong vibrations in the earths crust and the bases of the Twin Towers seconds before their collapse and these vibrations had nothing to do with the aircrafts crash or the collapse of the Towers, which were also registered. Besides, things have been quite clear for the experts: the two last belonged to the vibrations of the earths crust while the other one didnt. Cardeñosas investigation was very serious and objective. It would be impossible to comment on all the aspects of this interesting and remarkable book in this short journalistic work. And if no plane crashed into the Pentagon
and it was a missile what destroyed this governmental
institution, the question everybody has been asking three
years after 9/11 is: where is the plane and the
passengers? By Sherri Muzher, Appropriately beginning with the day of amnesty at the
infamous Abu Ghreib prison when Saddam Hussein released
all the prisoners, the new book Night Draws Near
is an illuminating look into the ordinary lives of Iraqis
during not so ordinary times. From this day on, author
and Pulitzer Prize-winning war correspondent Anthony
Shadid gets his first peek into deep-seated complaints
and the long history of Iraqis, hardened by modern events
but always proud of their identity. Sherri Muzher: You've said that the longer you
are in Iraq, the less you understand this story. Why is
this situation so complicated? John Bryant engages
Kevin McDonald and Richard Lynn Re. his controversial new
book Dear Kevin, Above virtually all other men, you know that the Jews, or more properly Organized Jewry, pose a major threat to Western civilization. (If you DON'T know that, then you are a very different man than I thought.) Now if you think that my book is just an intellectual exercise, like some obscure scholarly treatise on quaternions, then I could perhaps understand how you would object to writing a foreword or even a review, despite your expertise. ON THE OTHER HAND, HOWEVER, if you see my book as more than just an arid intellectual exercise, that is, if you see it as an attempt to deal with a real threat to the civilization that we both hold dear, and further, if you are aware of the fact that there are very few men of any intellectual capability who are sufficiently knowledgeable and sufficiently strong to actually stand up and try to oppose this threat, then I ask you, Isn't it appropriate for you to set aside your 'uncomfortableness' and give the book all the honest support you can possibly muster? I am not perfect, and my book is not perfect, and it may very well make you 'uncomfortable' in parts, but of the very few seriously capable men who see the threat, if no one has the courage to stand up and be counted, then there is simply not much hope for Western civilization. I mean, when are you planning on speaking out beyond the confines of academe? It may be tough today, but it is going to be a LOT TOUGHER tomorrow, and it may be virtually IMPOSSIBLE just a few years down the pike. If we are dealing with more than something academic, then we had better start banding together -- just like the Jews do, I might add -- if we don't want our civilization and our race to become extinct. How about it, Kevin? John Bryant On Receipt pf Bryant's book Prof. Lynn wrote:I am afraid your book is a bit too controversial for me to be associated with. As a controversial figure myself, I have to be careful of my associations. I hope you will understand. RL Dear Prof Lynn: I appreciate that you are controversial and that this makes you a target for political correctees. But your desire not to be 'associated' with my book (or me) does raise some significant questions in my mind: First, if you accepted for possible review a copy of a book entitled "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Jews But Were Afraid To Ask Because You Thought You'd Be Called 'Antisemitic'", then you accepted a book whose title virtually SCREAMS controversy, so how could anything in the book be MORE controversial than what the title promised? I would really like to know what it was that you found. Second, (1) in view of the fact that I am
not asking you to endorse the book's conclusions, but
only hoping -- in view of your declaration that you found
the book enjoyable -- that you will tell readers that it
may be a worthwhile read, and Third, as I told Prof Kevin MacDonald, to whom I also sent a copy of my book for review, if even the best and most powerful men of the intellectual community -- a group which certainly includes MacDonald and yourself -- do not have the courage to stand up and make criticisms of what they very well know needs to be criticized, then what hope is there for Western civilization? Indeed, by being an emeritus professor, you are apparently quite free to speak your mind without fear of losing your job or emoluments. So why are you acting so reluctant? Are you afraid that the British hate crime laws would get you for endorsing my book? If I thought you would have to take a serious personal risk in reviewing my book, I would never have asked you to do so, and you, undoubtedly, would never have accepted. So what is going on here? I think that, at the very least, you owe me a full and frank explanation. I would very much appreciate your response on these points. Respectfully, John Bryant Lynn responded: There are only so many battles one can fight & this is one I feel I have to duck Best wishes Richard Lynn JOE BRYANT SUMS UP I believe that when these men accepted a copy
of my book, they accepted an obligation to me -- an
indefinite one, I will grant, but nevertheless an
obligation which I strongly feel they have not fulfilled.
More important than the unfulfilled personal obligation,
however, is the unfulfilled obligation to -- what shall
we call it? the Politically Incorrect community? Western
civilization? the white race? I feel
this particularly acutely with MacDonald, who has made a
career out of what could be called 'Jewish skepticism',
ie, warning people about the Jewish threat, yet he will
not bother so much as to lift his little finger to help
someone who has also dedicated a good part of his life to
warning of the Jewish threat. It would be one thing if
MacDonald were just an ordinary guy, but he is one of the
leaders of Jewish skepticism, and in this position he has
both special power, and also special obligation to use
that power in favor of the community. I do not see him
doing that. '9/11 The Big
Lie' Thierry Meyssan, French political
scientist and journalist, investigates in his book
9/11 The Big Lie the attack on the World
Trade Center towers and Pentagon and comes to astounding
conclusions. The author has collected a vast quantity of
information and compared it to the official portrayal of
the 9/11 events. His results are shocking and show how
official policy in union with the media disinforms and
manipulates the public. One can well imagine that a
similar situation exists in connection with In the preface of his analysis,
Meyssan unambiguously says that the official version does
not stand up to critical analysis. His book aims to prove
that this version was nothing but a fabrication. The
pieces he has gathered help to reconstruct some aspects
of the truth. Other questions of his concerning the
September events still remain unansweredwhich,
however, is no reason to continue to believe the lies of
the authorities. The file that Meyssan and his co-authors
have put together enable one to challenge the legitimacy
of an American counter strike in Afghanistan as well as
the war against the axis of evil.
Galilee Flowers (new updated
edition) is out! If you haven't got the book yet, now you
can buy this new updated edition on
and soon via Amazon. The French publisher of this book is
under trial, while the first print (in French) was burned
on the instigation of LICRA, a French Jewish
organisation. This is the original English-language
version. The new edition is of pocket-size, costs less
($17.99) and includes some new essays as well as the
original ones. The book has also a new subtitle: if the
book of Dershowitz is called "The Case for
Israel", and a new book of our good friend Michael
Neumann is called The Case against Israel, this book is
called The Case for Palestine and Israel united in love
to the Holy Land. |