RITA:Scientifically speaking, I gather that there's a decent chance the storm may weaken considerably before landfall. A couple of models I've seen suggest the storm is likely to drop to Category 2 or 3 status, because of the shallow water, changing wind conditions, and the fact that storms simply don't hold together at Category 5 intensity for very long. Amardeepblog

those young men with guns were protecting us. if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't
have had the little water and food they had found.

"It makes me think of what my friend Rev. Goat just told me: 'Let me say this before it goes any further; New Orleans didn't die of natural causes, she was murdered.'"

-- Bluesman Dr. John

They all believed they were sent there to die...

----- Original Message -----
From: Lisa Moore
To: <
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 10:13 AM Subject: a survivor's story: Katrina in New Orleans

I heard from my aunt last night that my cousin Denise made it out of New Orleans; she's at her brother's in Baton Rouge. from what she told me: her mother, a licensed practical nurse, was called in to work on Sunday night at Memorial Hospital (historically known as Baptist Hospital to those of us from N.O.). Denise decided to stay with her mother, her niece and grandniece (who is 2 years old); she figured they'd be safe at the hospital. they went to Baptist, and had to wait hours to be assigned a room to sleep in; after they were finally assigned a room, two white nurses suddenly arrived after the cut-off time (time to be assigned a room), and Denise and her family were booted out; their room was given up to the new nurses. Denise was furious, and rather than stay at Baptist, decided to walk home (several blocks away) to ride out the storm at her mother's apartment. her
mother stayed at the hospital.

she described it as the scariest time in her life. 3 of the rooms in the apartment (there are only 4) caved in. ceilings caved in, walls caved in. she huddled under a mattress in the hall. she thought she would die from either the storm or a heart attack. after the storm passed, she went back to Baptist to seek shelter (this was Monday). it was also scary at Baptist; the electricity was out, they were running on generators, there was no air conditioning. Tuesday the levees broke, and water began rising. they moved patients upstairs, saw boats pass by on what used to be streets. they were told
that they would be evacuated, that buses were coming. then they were told they would have to walk to the nearest intersection, Napoleon and S. Claiborne, to await the buses. they waded out in hip-deep water, only to stand at the intersection, on the neutral ground (what y'all call the median) for 3 1/2 hours. the buses came and took them to the Ernest Morial Convention Center. (yes, the convention center you've all seen on TV.)

Denise said she thought she was in hell. they were there for 2 days, with no water, no food. no shelter. Denise, her mother (63 years old), her niece (21 years old), and 2-year-old grandniece. when they arrived, there were already
thousands of people there. they were told that buses were coming. police drove by, windows rolled up, thumbs up signs. national guard trucks rolled by, completely empty, soldiers with guns cocked and aimed at them. nobody stopped to drop off water. a helicopter dropped a load of water, but all the bottles exploded on impact due to the height of the helicopter.

the first day (Wednesday) 4 people died next to her. the second day (Thursday) 6 people died next to her. Denise told me the people around her all thought they had been sent there to die. again, nobody stopped. the only buses that came were full; they dropped off more and more people, but nobody was being picked up and taken away. they found out that those being dropped off had
been rescued from rooftops and attics; they got off the buses delirious from lack of water and food. completely dehydrated. the crowd tried to keep them all in one area; Denise said the new arrivals had mostly lost their minds. they had gone crazy.

inside the convention center, the place was one huge bathroom. in order to shit, you had to stand in other people's shit. the floors were black and slick with shit. most people stayed outside because the smell was so bad. but outside wasn't much better: between the heat, the humidity, the lack of water, the old and very young dying from dehydration... and there was no place to lay down, not even room on the sidewalk. they slept outside Wednesday night, under an overpass.

Denise said yes, there were young men with guns there. but they organized the crowd. they went to Canal Street and "looted," and brought back food and water for the old people and the babies, because nobody had eaten in days. when the police rolled down windows and yelled out "the buses are coming," the young men with guns organized the crowd in order: old people in front, women and children next, men in the back. just so that when the buses came, there would be priorities of who got out first.

Denise said the fights she saw between the young men with guns were fist fights. she saw them put their guns down and fight rather than shoot up the crowd. but she said that there were a handful of people shot in the convention center; their bodies were left inside, along with other dead babies and old people.

Again Denise said the people thought there were being sent there to die. lots of people being dropped off, nobody being picked up. cops passing by, speeding off. national guard rolling by with guns aimed at them. and yes, a few men shot at the police, because at a certain point all the people thought the cops were coming to hurt them, to kill them all. she saw a young man who had stolen a car speed past, cops in pursuit; he crashed the car, got out and ran, and the cops
shot him in the back. in front of the whole crowd. she saw many groups of people decide that they were going to walk across the bridge to the west bank, and those same groups would return, saying that they were met at the top of the bridge by armed police ordering them to turn around, that they weren't allowed to leave.

so they all believed they were sent there to die.

Denise's niece found a pay phone, and kept trying to call her mother's boyfriend in Baton Rouge, and finally got through and told him where they were. the boyfriend, and Denise's brother, drove down from Baton Rouge and came and got them. they had to bribe a few cops, and talk a few into letting them into the city ("come on, man, my 2-year-old niece is at the Convention Center!"), then they took back roads to get to them. after arriving at my other cousin's apartment in Baton Rouge, they saw the images on TV, and couldn't believe how the media was portraying the people of New
Orleans. she kept repeating to me on the phone last night: make sure you tell everybody that they left us there to die. nobody came. those young men with guns were protecting us. if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have had the little water and food they had found.

that's Denise Moore's story.
Lisa C. Moore

September 17, 2005 -- Pentagon covering up shooting incidents in New Orleans and environs? Reports are emanating out of New Orleans that National Guard, regular military, officers of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and private security personnel have shot to death homeless and needy survivors of Hurricane Katrina. One shooting incident is alleged to have occurred last week at Louis Armstrong International Airport where over a hundred people were subjected to lethal force after troops feared they were going to "riot." It is uncertain how many people have been killed by lethal force in New Orleans, but the numbers mentioned are in excess of 150.

There are also reports that those who gathered in and around the New Orleans Superdome after the flooding were shot by troops and their bodies stored in walk-in freezers in the arena. Local reports from New Orleans suggest law enforcement personnel have been required to sign non-disclosure agreements about the shooting incidents. There are also recurring reports that troops, Federal law enforcement, and private security personnel are harassing civilians on the streets. Wayne Madsen Reports.

Katrina Genocide
written by CartierX

Did they bomb the levy to save more valuable real estate?
Preservation of the French Quarter
was more about economics than racial hate
New Orleans is for rich tourists.
Poor locals just get in the way
The poor rats that survived extermination
are now being told they cannot stay
"We will rebuild!!!!" Dollarmites cry
Over the legacy of death & blood
I suppose they will try
to build a bigger better Vice Pit
a new & improved Sodom & Gammorah
Exclusivity for the decadent rich
courtesy of genocidal horror
I pity those that think they've outwitted God
Intent on rebuilding Paradise devoid of depressive poverty
Prophecy will run its course revealing who really has sovereignty
When Bourbon Street miraulously remained safe & dry
A Dollarmite was heard to say...
"We finally cleaned up public housing."
All the niggers are gone to stay."
Meanwhile Hurricane Ophelia stands poised right off the coast
No hurry.  God ain't thru with New Orleans
Her streets will forever be haunted by ghosts
God will eventually have His Way
with those murderers that rebuild & try to stay
Executive Decision by the Chamber of Commerce?
I'm sure the Black Mayor had no voice
Once rich white folks make up their minds
Token Kneegroes have no choice
God knows that the cost of Black success
has its share of compromise & growing pains
Sadly there is no shortage of Black Dollarmites
Still the genocidal question remains...
Did a contracted assassin plant deadly charges
from the depths of the sewers beneath the city
to skillfully alleviate & redirect
the pressure on the 17th St. Levy???
Witnessess heard a series of explosions
But the powers that be claim it was a barge that broke the wall
So why did it take the Army Corp of Engineers
a whole week to plug that deep deep hole?
Barges float ontop of the water.
So what made that hole sooooo deep?
If steathily blown from the gaseous sewers
its no wonder theres so much sewage floating down the streets.
But the business district stayed high & dry
Shoot all looters! We heard ˜em cry
Cops that protect & serve the rich
made every effort to comply
Meanwhile poor old folks in nursing homes had to die
"Forget about saving survivors!"
The prime directive is "Save our property!"
Now the whole world has seen the reality for America's poor
& Blacks on TV being sacrificed in the Big Easy
Poor people, Black People, Old People & Babies
all drowned like pesky rats
undesirable American citizens with little or nothing to tax
Blowing the Levy may 4-ever remain a deep dark secret
You won't hear about it on TV news
Only those of us with nothing to lose
can afford to voice our views
The commercial media will be forced to lie
But God Knows & will punish those
that used Katrina to commit Genocide

© 09/12/05's fish determines E.T.A. &   Eagles' Dinner

on her usual high flight path
bald eagle surveys all the land

talons sharp / wing span wide
 tail rudders  / speed broken

 to touch down / not to ask
                        reasons why

 T'is to do / or to die.
                     joseph nyerere© 9/23/2005                           

"...Pretty soon these stories will no longer be a part of the headlines of our lives. I feel deeply that we owe it to every single family who has suffered to not forget and to not let them stand alone. Thank you."

-- TV host Oprah Winfrey