New Orleans, LA -- Divers inspecting the
ruptured levee walls surrounding New Orleans
found something that piqued their interest:
Burn marks on underwater debris chunks from the
broken levee wall! One diver, a member of the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, saw the burn marks
and knew immediately what caused them. When he
surfaced and showed the evidence to his superior,
the on-site Coordinator for FEMA stepped-in and
said "You are not here to conduct an
investigation as to why this rupture occurred,
but only to determine how best to close
it." The FEMA coordinator then threw
the evidence back into the water and said
"You will tell no one about this."
At that point, the diver went back down to do
more inspection of the levee. On the second dive,
he secreted a small chunk of the debris inside
his wet suit and later arranged for it to be sent
to trusted military friends at a The U.S. Army
Forensic Laboratory at Fort Gillem, Georgia for
According to well placed sources, a military
forensic specialist determined the burn marks on
the cement chunks did, in fact, come from
high explosives.
> The source, speaking on condition of
anonymity said "We found traces of
boron-enhanced fluoronitramino explosives as well
as PBXN-111 embedded in the debris. This
would indicate at least two separate types of
explosive devices."
>The levee ruptures in New Orleans did not
take place during Hurricane Katrina, but rather a
day after the hurricane struck. Several
residents of New Orleans and many Emergency
Workers reported hearing what sounded like large,
muffled explosions from the area of the levee,
but those were initially discounted as gas
explosions from homes with leaking gas lines. If
these allegations prove true, the ruptured levee
which flooded New Orleans was a deliberate act of
mass destruction perpetrated by someone with
access to military-grade UNDERWATER high
More details as they become available . . . . .
Locals from Lakeview subdivision of
New Orleans report that after Katrina
passed a loose barge struck levee causing
breach that flooded city. Wayne Madsen
Report has been informed by evacuees in
Baton Rouge from Lakeview, a well-to-do
New Orleans neighborhood, that the
flooding of the city was caused by a
loose barge striking the levee on the
17th Street Canal. The breach was not
caused by rising flood waters as reported
by FEMA and other agencies. Lakeview is
some 1.5 miles down Veterans Boulevard
from the 17th St. Canal breach.
Distraught evacuees want to know why the
Coast Guard or the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers did not secure the barge. The
evacuees who witnessed the barge striking
the levee also want to know why the major
media is not covering this story. It is
not known what company owns the barge but
if it is a major campaign contributor to
the GOP, the answer is
self-evident."XYMPHORA SEPT28TH |
READERS (September 14, 2005) Counterpunch writer
Manuel Garcia, Jr opines on this story about how
a storm surge could be solely responsible for
this levee failure, but is factually incorrect in
his analysis.
Yes, a storm surge occurs as a hurricane
approaches land, bringing water in from the
sea. The water builds up on itself and
floods land as the hurricane comes ashore.
But only as it comes ashore. Once the rear
part of the eye wall comes ashore, the winds blow
in the OPPOSITE direction, thus sending water
away from the land.
Hurricanes swirl counter-clockwise. The top
right side of the hurricane is throwing water
inward toward land, the left side of the eye
is going in the OPPOSITE direction.
So for Mr. Garcia to argue that the storm surge
was "delayed" (for the 24 hour
difference between landfall and levee failure) is
simply impossible.
Mr. Garcia then goes on to state "This
pressure would work to both strain the levees --
like a membrane being stretched -- and to
infuse water through pores and cracks in the
solid (earthen) material.
The portion of the levee that failed was not
earthen. It was 40' long steel I-beams,
pounded deep into the earth by a pile driver and
surrounded at the top by steel reinforced
concrete! The portion of levee that failed
was steel and concrete, not earth! I don't
know about any of you, but I've never seen steel
and concrete stretch "like a
membrane." In fact, the ABC New video
which is part of this story, shows the steel and
concrete. Concrete is twisted, ripped and
shattered. Hardly the effect of water.
Digest No.2193
The Danziger Bridge incidents - an
Interesting Investigation of the TimeLine Media Response. Sept15th
Here's the full text
(also available here
and here
and here)
of the Associated Press article on something that
happened at Danziger Bridge in New Orleans on September
"Police shot and
killed at least five people Sunday after gunmen opened
fire on a group of contractors traveling across a bridge
on their way to make repairs, authorities said.
Deputy Police Chief W.J. Riley said police shot at eight
people carrying guns, killing five or six.
Fourteen contractors were traveling across the Danziger
Bridge under police escort when they came under fire,
said John Hall, a spokesman for the Army Corps of
They were on their way to launch barges into Lake
Pontchartrain to help plug the breech in the 17th Street
Canal, Hall said.
None of the contractors was injured, Mike Rogers, a
disaster relief coordinator with the Army Corps of
Engineers, told reporters in Baton Rouge.
The bridge spans a canal connecting Lake Pontchartrain
and the Mississippi River.
No other details were immediately available."
This is a revision of the first version
(or here):
"Police shot eight people carrying
guns on a New Orleans bridge Sunday, killing five or six,
a deputy chief said. A spokesman for the
Army Corps of Engineers said the victims were contractors
on their way to repair a canal.
The contractors were walking across a
bridge on their way to launch barges into Lake
Pontchartrain to fix the 17th Street Canal, said John
Hall, a spokesman for the Corps.
Earlier Sunday, New Orleans Deputy Police Chief W.J.
Riley said police shot at eight people, killing five or
The shootings took place on the Danziger Bridge, which
spans a canal connecting Lake Pontchartrain and the
Mississippi River.
No other details were immediately available."
Second thoughts:
The Associated Press had severe second thoughts
about the first version:
"Stations: The latest New
Orleans-datelined urgent series Hurricane
Katrina-Shootings has been KILLED. The Army Corps of
Engineers says the contractors were shot at, then police
fatally shot the gunmen who'd fired on the contractors.
The contractors were NOT killed.
A kill is mandatory. Make certain the story is not
broadcast.A sub will be filed shortly.AP Broadcast News
Center - Washington"
The difference between the two AP stories is that
one story has the police shooting and killing armed
contractors, while the later story has them shooting and
killing people who were shooting on armed contractors. A
fairly significant change.
Reuters has what appears to be an even later version
(or here)
of the story:
"New Orleans police
killed four looters who had opened fire on them on
Sunday as rescue teams scoured homes and toxic waters
flooding streets to find survivors and recover thousands
of bloated corpses.
A fifth looter was in critical condition
but no more details were available about the incident in
a city where authorities are slowly regaining control
after a wave of looting, murders and rapes in the wake of
Hurricane Katrina.
'Five men who were looting exchanged gunfire with police.
The officers engaged the looters when they were fired
upon,' said New Orleans superintendent of police, Steven
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contractors working on a
levee breach were fired on by gunmen but no one was hurt,
said the Corps' Mike Rogers. It was not
clear if the two incidents were connected."
So now it appears there were two incidents, one where
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contractors were fired upon
but no one was hurt, and one with no contractors, where
police killed looters who were firing at them. The incident appears to have been reported on Australian
television, together with the sound of live gunfire.
Quite the story. It made a considerable impression on
various right-wing bloggers, who felt it showed how these
dangerous black looters were so evil that they were
preventing repair of the levees in order to keep the city
flooded so they could continue looting. When you think
about it, that theory seems to give the looters a degree
of planning and organization which is not credible. It
makes more sense that the police would get into a
gunfight with looters, or even use the excuse of looters
to explain why they killed a lot of people, but how then
did the AP get the whole story so wrong - twice! -
by adding the contractors to the mix?
Helicopter adds to the big day:
It was a big day at Danziger Bridge. Later in the day
a helicopter crashed there. From USA
Today (or here):
". . . in the evening, a civilian
helicopter crashed near the Danziger Bridge, but the two
people on board escaped with only cuts and scrapes,
according to Mark Smith of the state office of emergency
from CNN (more CNN here):
"On Sunday, a helicopter that had
been involved in rescue operations crashed northwest of
New Orleans.
No evacuees were on board the Eurocopter AS 332 Super
Puma and the pilot and crew were rescued safely,
according to an official with Helinet Aviation Services,
which had a chopper flying above the crash site."
again from the AP:
"A civilian helicopter that was
not involved in rescue operations crashed in New Orleans
on Sunday and the two people on board were slightly
injured, a state official said.
The helicopter crashed in the area of the Danziger
Bridge, said Mark Smith, spokesman for the Louisiana
Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.
'The helicopter came down hard and rolled over on its
side and broke its blades off and broke its tail off,'
Smith told reporters in Baton Rouge.
'There were two civilians on the helicopter. Both
sustained cuts and scrapes,' he said.
It was not known why the helicopter was in the area,
Smith said.
The US military and Coast Guard have conducted hundreds
of helicopter flights in the New Orleans area in recent
days searching for Hurricane Katrina survivors and have
rescued thousands of storm victims.
Early media reports said the crashed aircraft was a Coast
Guard helicopter.
Live television footage from the scene showed the red
helicopter lying on the ground near a roadway, with smoke
drifting from its cockpit. The ground around the wreck
was blackened and churned up by the aircraft's rotor
Smith said he did not know if shots had been fired at the
helicopter. Gunfire has been reported on numerous
occasion in the New Orleans area in recent days.
'It could have been mechanical failure,' he said."
So now a coast guard helicopter has
morphed into a civilian helicopter, which is showing a
peculiar fascination with the Danziger Bridge. This
mysterious helicopter was also described as a 'rescue
helicopter' and a 'Coast Guard Super Puma
"A rescue helicopter has crashed
in New Orleans, US television networks say.
The two crew members from the Coast Guard Super Puma
helicopter were safe, MSNBC said.
Live television footage from the scene showed the red
helicopter lying on the ground near a roadway, with smoke
drifting from its cockpit. The ground around the wreck
was blackened and churned up by the aircraft's rotor
This is an awfully specific description to be wrong. On
the other hand, the Coast Guard doesn't appear to use the
Super Puma, but rather another Aerospatiale product
called the Dolphin.
Of course, the Coast Guard might have contracted with
somebody with a Super Puma, so you never know. You have
to wonder why a rescue helicopter was flying around the
Danziger Bridge, not a residential area where there would
be somebody in need of rescue, and on all accounts a dry
enough area for quite a bit to be going on.
Some good questions
from Nur al-Cubicle:
"For certain, the Danzinger Bridge
is nowhere near the breaches nor should the industrial
area be a magnet for looters looking for television
"The implication is
that something is occuring on and near the Danziger
Bridge which is both extraordinary and alarming. A simple
mind says the helicopter was a news aircraft gone out to
follow up on the shooting and was forcefully not
permitted to photograph. A dull person could think that
3:00 pm in the afternoon is an odd hour to be on foot in
the hot Gulf sun and rather late in the day to be getting
around to starting repairs on breached levees. A
disinterested so-and-so might wonder about the police
escort after having heard press accounts of the reduction
of New Orleans police to skeleton crew on the point of
I would add that it is an odd way to make repairs in a
breech in the 17th Street Canal by launching barges into
Lake Pontchartrain.
My best guess is that the police killed
some people and used the Army contractor story to cover
it up. The victims are unlikely to have been looters, but
may have used guns in self-defense. The police story
inadvertently disclosed that people working for the army
were up to some mysterious job, a job that was supposed
to be a secret. The helicopter went to take a look at
what was going on, and was shot down. Discrepancies in
the official story are starting to lead to theories that at least some
levees and floodwalls were intentionally destroyed,
theories that gain some credence in that even the experts
are baffled at what
happened to the floodwalls. Its a bit too convenient that
storm surge gauges stopped functioning during a . . .
storm surge, thus removing inconvenient questions about
how a nine foot storm surge went over a wall designed to
stop an 11.5 foot storm surge.