email financial news service - MoneyNews - reports that
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan believes the U.S.
has "lost control" of the federal deficit.
France's Finance Minister revealed Greenspan's remarks
Saturday after a meeting with the Federal Reserve
Chairman.Some now believe Greenspan has serious worries
about the U.S. economy and will continue a maverick
course at the Fed until his scheduled departure on
January 31.

The James
Joyce Table
Midas du Metropole
Topic du Jour
September 14 - Gold $449.40 up
$3.70 - Silver $6.98 up 5 cents
"How Is Everything?"
"Everything Is Fine!"
Stepford Wives,
Result: CRASH!
records that the money changers have used every form of
abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible, to
maintain their control over governments, by controlling
money and its issuance." -James Madison
(When I refer to The Stepford Wives,
it is about a movie which came out in the 1970s
about a suburban group of US housewives in Connecticut
who were robotized by their husbands and were always
talking about how fine everything was. Here are snips
from a review of the recent remake of this cult movie:
"It turns out that
Stepfords husbands have conspired with chauvinistic
scientists to replace all the wives with computerized
android duplicates.
"Joanna soon discovers
that most of the other housewives are vapid creatures who
exist only to please their husbands and clean their
houses. Its the swinging seventies, but all the
wives wear hats and gloves, and demure high-necked,
ankle-length dresses. Their makeup and hair is absolutely
Barbie-doll beautiful at all times, whether theyre
baking brownies or scrubbing a toilet bowl
"When the formerly-feisty
Bobby succumbs to the lure of cooking, cleaning and
coddling, Joanna figures out that the perfectly
beautiful, perfectly coifed, perfectly deferential wives
have chips-for-brains. And shes next."
My point in
having fun with this is that this is what the
Orwellians/PPT/Gold Cartel have done with American
investors. They are treating them like they have "chips
for brains" (back in the ole
days us guys would have used a slightly more vulgar slang
on the for brains
comment). With their massive market rigging operations
they have created an illusion that everything is OK
no need to even think, little can go wrong. The
PPT crowd will take care of everything.

This is why the cretinous bums
are so desperate to keep gold from exploding through $450
and then making 17-year highs. Besides setting off all
kinds of bells and whistles and perhaps some derivatives
bombs down the road, it will begin to short circuit those
"chips." The American investor will see gold
exploding and finally realize all is NOT FINE
then is likely to start reacting accordingly.)
Its Wednesday morning with The
Working Group on Financial Markets going into Greenspan
Put operation mode
and doing it in
desperado-like fashion. The scenario:
*Gold was due $2 higher, yet came in
$4 higher. In 7 years I cannot recall this sort of
surprise super strong gold opening during a period when
The Gold Cartel was attempting to orchestrate one of
their patented moving average liquidation programs. They
have defended the $449/$450 level for a reason. They are
petrified what an exploding gold price could do to
precarious derivatives positions in the US and to real
estate related interest rates. Clearly the word has gone
out to all cabal operatives to sell bullion at these
*Greenspan meets with the 14 largest
credit derivatives players in the US tomorrow. Good
timing. You can be sure gold will be discussed privately
and not allowed to be discussed publicly, just like what
occurred with the PPT meetings to prevent the LTCM
blow-up from contaminating the rest of the financial
markets in 1998.
*The US retail sales number released
at 8:30 was the worst in four years and continues a slew
of disappointing economic numbers, calculated BEFORE
Katrina. The dollar began to swoon when the PPT sounded
their counter-attack bugle. Back up the dollar went.
08:30 Aug. Retail Sales
reported (2.1%) vs. consensus (1.4%); ex-Autos reported
1% vs. consensus 0.5%
Prior Retail Sales 1.8%; ex-Autos revised to 0.5% from
If the retail sales number was not
bad enough, the August industrial number was also worse
than expected (some trend these negative US economic
numbers have been:
09:15 Aug. Industrial
Production reported 0.1% vs. consensus 0.3%; Capacity
Utilization 79.8% vs. consensus 79.8%
Prior Indus. Production 0.1%; Capacity Utilization
revised to 79.8% from 79.7%.
*Iraq is a horror show with
Americans still in denial of what the eventual
consequences will be as a result of this folly.
05:12 2 car bombings in
One car bombing in a Shiite neighborhood in north Baghdad
killed atleast 81 people, according to BBC, and wounded
at least 100 after driving into a crowd in the Kadhimiyah
district at about 8 am localtime, according to CNN. A
second blast killed 11, according to SkyNews, citing
*With all this lousy news, news
which will surely worsen in the months ahead due to
Katrina, the bonds and US stock market are slightly
higher with the market open a half hour. The message to
the markets from the PPT is more of the same: No
matter what the news is we can control the markets via
our derivatives operation and we can spin the news to
make everything OK.
This is:
*More of their same Matrix-like
*Treating the American investing
public like The Stepford Wives. "How is
everything?" "Everything is fine!"
*How crashes occur. The Orwellians
can only fend off reality for so long. 1987 and 1929 come
to mind in that regard.
I see developments the way Adrian
The PPT is desperate this AM. Since May we have the left
shoulder and head of a massive head and shoulders in the
DJIA, S&P and Nasdog. Yesterdays fall started
the completion of the right shoulder. The PPT with lousy
Iraq news, lousy retail news, Ophelia about to hit the
East coast etc etc they are trying to prevent the
formation of the right shoulder. May be a bridge too far?
*Just out the oil inventory
numbers, showing a substantial build in gasoline
inventories. Not even the Planet Wall Street crowd on
CNBC believes that one. An Adrian encore:
Now we know that the PPT is absolutely terrified of the
right shoulder forming
the DOE report confirms it.
Having gasoline stocks go UP 1.9 million bbls when 10% of
the countries refining capacity has been offline for 3
weeks is nothing short of pure fabrication and fantasy.
The magnitude of this bold face lie indicates that the
needle is in the red zone and the lights on the dash are
all flashing.
Meanwhile, how many times does gold
have to surge in the first 10 minutes to an hour, only to
be stopped dead in its tracks for the entire rest of the
Comex trading session, before the dingbats in the
mainstream finally note this is not natural market
action? No market trades like this year in and year out
without constant official interference and price
The gold market has now been open 3
hours on the Comex and Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase
are bombing it, as reported to me by one of the GATA
Oh yes. If that werent enough
of The Gold Cartels playbook modus operandi to
report to you, the PM Fix was $449.30. As soon as the
surge in physical market gold was accommodated in London
and the Fix concluded, the cabal went after gold on the
Comex and it was taken down $2.
The market is now closed and, while
$450 was not allowed to be breached, The Gold Cartel had
their hands full. Gold stormed back up. More and more
investors realize the reasons to be long gold are more
than compelling. They are going off the charts.
We are right back to where we were
Monday night with gold sitting right below $450 and ready
to rocket. Gold should blow through $450 and roar higher.
Yet, there are the crooks to contend with. Whether the
bad guys get theirs tomorrow or not, they are doomed.
Some possible very bullish news to
bring your way on silver. Silver has been too quiet and acted
too mysteriously for far too long. Silver is the one
market which is most likely to erupt out of the blue and
go ballistic with no apparent reasons showing on the
surface. One clue something is up is that a significant
buyer of the $10 DEC silver calls emerged. That same
buyer sold DEC $7 puts.
The silver open interest rose 973
contracts to 115,475, while the gold open interest fell
352 contracts to 321,200. While there was some spec gold
liquidation, that was countered by fund buying on the dip
to match The Gold Cartels selling.
From here on in the COT figures will
become very pronounced with the Commercial short position
growing and growing as the specs pile on the long side.
At some point we will get our long awaited Commercial
Signal Failure, which means The Gold Cartel gets blown
out of the water as the desire to own gold overwhelms
their ability to manipulate and suppress the price. MIDAS
speculated a couple of weeks ago that the aftermath of
Katrina would be too much for the price managers and end
up to be the tipping point which did them in. We are
getting close.
Why Is the Yellow Metal Not Taking Off?
By George Kleinman and P.V. Ramanathan
Khaleej Times, Dubai
Monday, September 19, 2005
Our June 27 article in Khaleej Times (entitled "A
Silver Opportunity") called for higher gold prices.
We have been consistently bullish on gold for quite some
time now. While gold prices have been generally buoyant,
we have not seen any of the significant spikes that one
would normally associate with a potentially highly
inflationary background of galloping energy prices and
runaway deficits.
Gold closed around $459 this past Friday (Sept. 16) with
a monthly change of +4.3 percent and a one year change of
+13.53 percent. In fact it has only just regained its
March 11 high of $458.5.
Why is gold so slow in going up? Here is an interesting
insight from Doug Casey.
After the price of gold spiked over $850 in January 1980,
gold production increased substantially -- and it stayed
up, even with the steep falloff in gold prices.
Production has gone from about 1,200 tonnes per year in
1980 to its current level, over 2,500 tpy.
Where did all that new gold production come from? Aside
from the dramatic increase in price incentive in 1980,
new technologies
have matured, such as heap leaching and satellite
prospect identification. In addition, since the collapse
of communism, manyprospective areas of the world have
opened to modern exploration.
Another economic factor keeping the price of gold down
recently has been producer hedging. This is a
particularly complex part of the puzzle, but in a
nutshell, when gold was falling, as it was from 1980 to
2000, many big producers, starting with
Barrick,"hedged" against decreasing prices by
selling large portions of their future production at
substantially over the then-current prices. Since gold is
a "carrying charge" market, it's usually
possible to sell several years forward at a price
reflecting current interest rates and storage costs. In
the mid 1980s, when gold was, say, $400, it meant they
could sell three years out for, say, for a little over
When time came to deliver, the metal might actually have
traded for only $350. That was a very smart thing to do
-- at the time. What wasn't so smart was failing to
recognise when gold bottomed out and prices started
rising again. The producers have started de-hedging in
the last couple of years but still have massive short
positions. By some estimates, to the order of 1,700
tonnes of gold -- almost half last year's entire gold
supply from all sources -- is still sold forward.
Obviously, gold sold forward in the last five to seven
years at prices considerably below today's is costing
these companies a fortune, but the big impact on price
may come from the bullion
banks. Why? Because they could borrow gold from central
banks for nominal interest rates (0.5 to 1.0 percent),
sell it on the open market (believing they will be able
to return it when they take delivery on futures contracts
bought from hedging mines), and invest the proceeds,
conservatively, to clear a 4 to 5 percent profit margin.
This had the effect of increasing the global supply of
gold, basically adding already produced (borrowed)
reserves onto the production/supply side of the scales.
Another purely economic factor holding the price of gold
back may simply be traders selling every time gold
approaches $440. How can one say that?
In part because you can see gold retreat time and time
again, as it approaches $440-$450. As Jon Nadler, a
senior executive with, explains: Traders, not being
long-term-oriented folks, are not
waiting for gold to go to the moon. They are
perfectlyhappy to buy in the
$417-$430 range and sell the
moment they can make $20-$30 per ounce.
In addition, investor fascination with real estate is
capital from other investments, even undervalued ones
gold. Why did investors focus on real estate, rather than
gold, after the tech bubble burst, the dollar started
falling, and broader
equities markets started trading sideways? It
could be attributed mainly to the fact that gold was in a
secular bear
market from 1980 to 2001.
As a consequence, a whole generation of investors grew up
thinking of it
as an investment "dog" as well as a monetary
anachronism. Strong growth in
the past of the U.S. economy
and the years of low interest rates have spawned a
complacent mentality
among most Americans. Given the record levels of
debt among individuals and the federal government, this
feeling of prosperity must be a form of mass delusion.
Rising interest rates are already putting the squeeze on
credit card and mortgage holders with variable interest
rates. That could get very ugly, very quickly.
Though we
are seeing the beginnings of a change in attitude, most
institutional and
retail investors still think putting
capital in gold and other precious metals is a little
When the housing bubble bursts, stocks, bonds, and the
depreciating dollar
won't provide a refuge. The herd is going
to head into commodities in general, and gold in
particular. Gold is,
after all, the crisis commodity.
The Gold Anti Trust Action Committee (GATA,
feels a scandal is brewing. Central banks may not be able
to control the price of gold, as was the case before
but they have the motive, means, and appearance of
influencing it. The United States in particular, since
its dollar has in good measure replaced gold as a reserve
asset around the world, has an interest in seeing low
gold prices, and a
quiet gold market.
Why? Because the value of the world's fiat currencies,
particularly the
dollar, rests mainly upon the confidence
of the public.
Unfortunately, confidence is not a stable foundation upon
which to build the world economy. Like any attitude,
confidence can change overnight.
Governments want to maintain confidence at all costs, and
the one thing most likely to destroy it and set off a
full-scale monetary panic, is a runaway gold price.
Therefore, it's quite logical that they will make every
effort to suppress the price of gold.
How? The key component of GATA's claims is that the
central banks are
lending gold to bullion banks and still keeping
the gold on their books as reserves. In these
"swaps," each
bar of gold essentially gets counted twice, exerting a
negative pressure on the gold price when the borrowed
gold gets sold on the open market.
There's no question that bullion banks are selling
borrowed gold -- what
makes this the stuff of a "conspiracy" is that
GATA says the central banks are not being truthful about
whether or not they are counting gold not actually in
their vaults as
Specifically, GATA chairman Bill Murphy says the central
banks are reporting an aggregate of about 31,000 tonnes
gold held in reserve but have only about half as much in
their vaults. The amount of gold they actually have on
hand may be as little as14,000, or even 12,000 tonnes.
Murphy says the International Monetary Fund claims that
it "recommends" that swapped gold be excluded
from reserve assets.
However, some central banks report otherwise. For
example, a footnote on the
central bank of the Philippines
web site contradicts the IMF's claim: "Beginning
2000, in compliance with the requirements of the IMF's
reserves and foreign currency liquidity template. ...
swaps undertaken by the BSP with non-central banks shall
be treated as
collateralized loans. Thus, gold under the swap
arrangement remains to be
part of reserves."
The European Central Bank, the Bank of Finland, the
Bundesbank, and the Bank of Portugal also confirmed in
writing to GATA that swapped gold remains a reserve asset
as per IMF regulations. So clearly there is a disconnect
Summarising the GATA argument, in their own words:
"GATA believes that the
implications of IMF accounting procedures
for reversible gold transactions are very significant.
Clearly deceptive accounting, countenanced by the IMF,
has allowed official sector gold to hit the market
a corresponding drawdown on the balance sheets of central
banks. This has made it impossible for analysts to
the exact size of official sector gold loans, swaps, and
deposits. The
unwillingness of central banks to provide
even a minimum level of transparency suggests that total
gold receivables are substantially larger than the
accepted industry
figure of approximately 5,000 tonnes. Macroeconomist and
former World Bank
consultant Frank Veneroso contends that 10,000 -15,000
tonnes of gold have
left central bank vaults
via loans, deposits, and swaps."
Would central bankers really lend out gold to people who
are selling it,
in return for a measly 0.5 percent interest?
The jury on this is out. Let us wait and watch responses
GATA gets from them. If what GATA says is true, bullion
banks could be in
trouble every time gold spikes. If they can't replace the
gold they've sold
from new mine production,
they'll have to get it on the open market, and that could
wipe them out. And if the bullion banks go bust, what
will happen to the
central banks if GATA is right?
Fear of that outcome could certainly drive them to lend
even more gold to
the bullion banks, adding selling pressure
whenever the price of gold goes up, making the hole they
are digging deeper each time.
Whether or not there's any deliberate price manipulation
may be hard for GATA to prove.
We are obviously providing all this as background
information. We will
continue to maintain our stance that trend is your
friend. On the charts, we
now have a weekly close above
$453. We now look for an orderly progress to $475. Stay