The Rossport five speak: Monday October 24th 7.00pm ATGWU Hall,
Middle Abbey St.DUBLIN


October 9.45am
"in event of a leak, anyone within a mile would be killed and anyone within 1.6 miles would be irreparablt injured" David Aldridge, USNavy Engineer,
Shell, Statoil and Marathon with the assistance of the Irish Government, are building one of Europe's biggest gas refineries on sensitive bogland in a North Mayo Gaeltacht. Five men from Rossport spent 94 days in jail for peacefully protesting against the construction of the experimental gass pipeline bringing odourless gass to this refinery acrross their land from the Corrib gasfield. they are due to appear back in court on this date to find out whether they will be returned to prison.
The Corrib field alone is conservatively estimated to contain 20 billion Euro worth of gas, but under a deal signed by the disgraced former Fianna Fail Minister - Ray Burke - the Irish people will have to buy baqck their iwn gas at market prices, and only the multi-national companies will benefit from our natural resources.
The Shell to Sea Campaign want to see the refinery situated offshore and the deal negotiated for the benefit of the Irish people. Also the criminalisation of peaceful protest must end atonce. We think there should be a public enquiry into how the government have allowed a private consortium to use compulsory purchase orders to force a dangerous development onto a small rural community.


Date: Friday, October 21
Topic: --

Bush—Cheney indictments released this morning

Bush orders Fitzgerald fired and espionage indictments quashed

by Tom Flocco

Washington, DC—October 21, 2005—12:00 EST— exclusive—Today Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald handed over 22 indictments to Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, accusing President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney and others of espionage, obstruction of justice, perjury and a variety of other charges in the matter of the CIA/Valerie Plame leak-gate case.

According to intelligence sources who spoke with federal whistleblowers Thomas Heneghan and Stewart Webb, Bush then ordered Gonzalez to fire Fitzgerald and have the indictments quashed and sealed.

Gonzalez refused to release the indictments which have been handed down by the grand jury and ordered served by a judge, subjecting the Attorney General to additional charges of obstruction of justice, the sources said.

The indictments confirm our
original “Bush-Cheney indicted” report on August 2, 2005. (Tom

Gonzalez was Bush’s former personal White House counsel before receiving a presidential appointment as U.S. Attorney General.

The move is reminiscent of the “Saturday night massacre” when President Nixon fired Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox in an attempt to save his presidency and obstruct justice.

Intelligence sources added that Bush tried to delay publicity about his attempt to fire Fitzgerald and quash the indictments this afternoon by ordering a diversion regarding a “Capitol Hill police attempt to disrupt a suspicious package in a car near the U.S. Capitol.”

The move to distract attention from the indictments occurred not long after the receipt of process by Gonzalez, according to intelligence sources with knowledge of the events.

While Gonzalez received the service of indictments, Bush was in California this morning and was scheduled to speak at the dedication of the new Air Force One pavilion at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California.

It can be assumed that Bush’s orders for Gonzalez to refuse receipt of process and fire the prosecutor in the CIA leak case were discussed over the telephone since Bush was to speak at the Reagan Library just a few hours after the indictments were served.

Bush should have finished his speech at approximately 2:30 pm Eastern time, and it is probable that presidential strategy sessions regarding how to prevent the indictments and their criminal contents from becoming public have already commenced.

It is open to conjecture whether Bush could be arrested in California before even returning to Washington, given the criminal nature of the indictments.

An attempt to quash indictments and to fire Fitzgerald may also cause a constitutional crisis if Bush and Gonzalez continue to obstruct justice and defy U.S. law and constitutional legal process.

military or U.S. marshals should arrest Bush, Gonzalez, Cheney and others immediately for their criminal acts in keeping explosive espionage, obstruction and perjury indictments hidden from the American people, all of which affects U.S. national security.


14th October 2005: Refco Sends Tremor Through Financial World
      Author: Jim Sinclair

Refco's position as the largest independent derivative dealer with billions of dollars in customers' money, declared a moratorium on withdrawing assets or funds today. That's analogous to a run on the bank with your once friendly banker slamming the front door in your face. This is a very serious situation, not so much because of the run but rather because the missing money has been replaced. What makes this aspect of the situation so serious - and why Refco must be rescued - is because it is the principle of many over-the-counter, unregulated, unfunded, unlisted and non-Clearing House guaranteed derivatives. If Refco folds up its tent, then the financial world folds. You can take
that to a real bank.
Every time you rescue a financial entity, you pour more fuel on the fire that will ultimately consume the dollar. We are so battered by economic misconduct and flagrant abuses in the business world these days that there are few if any rescue options for what is approaching in the financial world.
Even with "stabilization" activities in world dollar markets today, the US dollar did not make the desired technical breakout but in fact closed on its low - portending perhaps what's in store for tomorrow.

Harold Pinter, he has won the Nobel Prize for Literature

Pinter, who celebrated his 75th birthday this week, has had a long and acclaimed career as a dramatist. But he has made his mark too as an outspoken critic of government and the recent war in Iraq. Theatre critic Michael Billington, in his biography of Pinter, wrote: "Pinter remains to his credit, a permanent public nuisance, a questioner of accepted truths, both in life and art. In fact the two persistently inter-act."

UPDATEs FROM Kashmir further down page

Some 90 Guatemala villages remain cut off by mudslides with rescue workers unable to get in, the authorities say.

El-Baradei and the IAEA share the Nobel Peace Prize


THE SHAME OF WESTERN NATIONS: Only 8 helicopters from the 100-odd available in Afghanistan to USA and Nato troops were sent to Kashmir but the USA took care to have a spokesman on television announce their welcome presence........NO EARTHMOVING VEHICLES WERE SENT OF WHICH THERE ARE ALSO AN ABUNDANCE IN AFGHANISTAN.
* * * * *
Relief operations in the earthquake-hit Pakistan-controlled Kashmir have moved into top gear with the help of US and German helicopters, but hundreds of thousands of survivors were still desperate for help. The city of Muzaffarabad bore the brunt of the 7.6-magnitude earthquake which struck on Saturday, killing at least 23,000 people in Pakistan and making some 2.5 million homeless. A UN report on the international aid operation estimated that about 1,000 hospitals were "completely destroyed" by the quake. Aid is pouring into regions affected by the earthquake, after relief efforts were temporarily suspended because of bad weather, but correspondents say there is concern about a lack of co-ordination, with supplies yet to reach remote areas.
* * * * *

The Muslim Council of Britain in one day yesterday collected 3 million pounds from donations at its affiliated mosques throughout the country. One of its affiliates, Islamic Relief is acting as a lead agency on behalf of other humanitarian organizations including Muslim Aid and Islamic Hands.

Islamic Relief, cooperating with other UK charities such as OXFAM and Save the Children, has already sent a team of 65 emergency personnel including doctors and nurses to help with the rescue and aid effort. It has launched an urgent emergency appeal to help the victims of the Asian earthquake. “Over 200 volunteers from Aberdeen to Southampton are out today collecting money for this appeal. The destruction has been devastating. We need to start rebuilding the lives of the survivors and those affected as soon as possible,” said an Islamic Relief spokesperson.
* * * * * * * *

One by one, their cries stopped and 1,500 students died

By Justin Huggler in Bagh, Kashmir

Published: 12 October 2005

In Kashmir, they are beginning to give up hope. In the pile of rubble that was Bagh sixth-form college, more than 1,500 students lie entombed. For four days after Saturday's terrible earthquake struck, the people here heard the trapped teenagers crying out for help from the ruins of the college. They dug for them with their bare hands, but they could not move the debris. They prayed for the government relief effort, but it never came.

Yesterday, the last of the teenagers trapped inside fell silent. They are all dead now.At the sixth-form college, the townspeople had laid the exercise books and diaries they found in the rubble out reverentially alongside the ruins, a sort of makeshift memorial. An exercise book bore the name Anees Shah, and had the notes from his English class, written in halting, unfamiliar Western script. "Language: the way we express our thoughts", it read. It was all that was left of the students, all their families had left to grieve over.

The people had gathered around a body they had pulled from the ruins. The face was turning black as it decomposed. "We don't know who he is or where he's from," said Syed Hassan Ali, an English teacher and one of the few survivors from the college. "No one recognises him."Although nobody knew who he was, they gathered around the body, almost as a substitute for the bodies of their own loved ones that they could not recover from the ruins. "No one was helping us, we had only God," shouted one man, then broke down in tears. The earthquake struck just as the first class of the day was beginning.For the students, it is too late, but for the survivors the situation is still desperate. Most have no shelter. There are not enough tents to go round, and many are forced to sleep in the open, in the rain, in the cold, in streets and fields that have turned into mud. "The Pakistani government has abandoned us," said Azhar Mushtaq Kasher. "They say that Kashmir is part of Pakistan, but when we are in need they are doing nothing for us.""Look at the private houses still standing," said Mr Ali. Many were, though most were so badly damaged they were uninhabitable. "But this college just collapsed completely. The government buildings are the worst-built here."

In the absence of government relief, ordinary people have flocked to the worst-hit areas, bringing food and medicine, blankets and shovels to dig for survivors. Mr Kasher and Mr Qamar come from a village on the ceasefire line with India. They have spent many long nights under fire as the Indian and Pakistani armies shelled each other.They were not the only people streaming into Bagh yesterday. All day long they came down from the mountainsides, villagers abandoning the ruins of their homes. For four days they had waited for help to arrive. It never came. Yesterday, they ran out of food, and set off for the towns.

For the students, it is too late, but for the survivors the situation is still desperate. Most have no shelter. There are not enough tents to go round, and many are forced to sleep in the open, in the rain, in the cold, in streets and fields that have turned into mud. "The Pakistani government has abandoned us," said Azhar Mushtaq Kasher. "They say that Kashmir is part of Pakistan, but when we are in need they are doing nothing for us."

Earthquake's terrible toll is revealed Pakistan's president calls for international help as the death toll from Saturday's earthquake
nears, BBC
* * *

The U.S. Geological Survey said on its Web site the quake hit at 8:50 a.m. local time and had a magnitude of 7.6. It was centered about 60 miles northeast of Islamabad in the forested mountains of Pakistani Kashmir. Damage was extensive in Kashmir, the disputed Himalayan territory divided between India and Pakistan. Officials in the Indian-controlled portion reported 157 killed, including 14 soldiers who perished in a landslide. At least 600 were injured.

Air force and army soldiers helped civilian authorities rescue people trapped under buildings. Telephone lines were down. Bridges had developed cracks, but traffic was passing over them. At least 100 people died in Mansehra district in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, and 70 percent of mud-brick homes in quake-hit areas collapsed, said Asif Iqbal, the provincial information minister. Casualty tolls from other districts were being compiled. The quake brought down a 10-story apartment building in Islamabad and dozens of people were feared trapped in the rubble. Rescuers pulled out at least 20 injured people. Some residents were Westerners, a building employee said.

Kudos!  Kudos!
Mailman Bulldozes Katrina Red Tape

Born in Bernice, Louisiana, former Utah Jazz all-star Karl Malone overcame a mountain of red tape placed in his path by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Army Corps of Engineers  to do something good. Both agencies said Malone wasn't authorized to bring his machinery into the area to clear private property. He did!
For Malone, a.k.a. Mailman, "Everything about this just felt right.  My mom died two years ago, and in our last conversation, she told me that one day I would have to step up on a grand scale and help people. I knew this was it."
An experienced trucker and logger, Malone brought 18 vehicles, including backhoe, bulldozers and several RVs, complete with food and water for his crew, from his Arkansas-based logging company to Pascagoula, Mississippi. He spent 12 hours a day behind the wheel of his heavy machinery clearing 114 lots at his expense.

Kudos to the Mailman! (Forwarded to The DISH by from

Sunday, October 2, 2005 8:50 PM EDT





DHS says the requested info is "exempt" from public disclosure. The  only items exempt from public disclosure are law enforcement tools  and national security items!

This means that the United States Government, in cooperation with  computer manufacturers, is incorporating hardware devices into YOUR  new computers designed to invade your privacy; record your passwords,  web browsing history, online chats, search terms and anything else  you type. This data is automatically forwarded to Dept. of Homeland  Security, WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE, CONSENT OR A SEARCH WARRANT, each  time you connect to the internet.

To the Government: I have repeatedly warned you against putting such  devices within my reach. I have repeatedly warned you that I would  find them and disclose the information to the public. Your devices  have now been found and revealed to the public. You were warned. You 
ignored the warning, now you've been caught and exposed. Hal Turner

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