The Siren Song of Elliott Abrams
is the word being widely used to describe what happened
in Gaza in June when Hamas militias defeated the armed
security forces of Fatah and chased them out of Gaza.
But, as so often with the manipulative language used in
the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel, the
terminology here is backward. Hamas was the legally
constituted, democratically elected government of the
Palestinians, so in the first place Hamas did not stage a
coup but rather was the target of a coup planned against
it. Furthermore, the coup -- which failed in Gaza but
succeeded overall when Palestinian Authority President
Mahmoud Abbas, acting in violation of Palestinian law,
cut Gaza adrift, unseated the Palestinian unity
government headed by Hamas, and named a new prime
minister and cabinet -- was the handiwork of the United
States and Israel. The Fatah
attacks against Hamas in Gaza were initiated at the whim
of, and with arms and training provided by, the United
States and Israel. No one seems to be making any secret
of this. Immediately after Hamas won legislative
elections in January 2006, Elliott Abrams, who runs U.S.
policy toward Israel from his senior position on the
National Security Council staff, met with a group of
Palestinian businessmen and spoke openly of the need for
a "hard coup" against Hamas. According to
Palestinians who were there, Abrams was
"unshakable" in his determination to oust
Hamas. When the Palestinians, urging engagement with
Hamas instead of confrontation, observed that Abrams'
scheme would bring more suffering and even starvation to
Gaza's already impoverished population, Abrams dismissed
their concerns by claiming that it wouldn't be the fault
of the U.S. if that happened. Abrams has been
working on his coup plan ever since with his friends in
Israel. As part of this scheme, the U.S. also urged Abbas
-- again making no secret of this -- to dissolve the
Fatah-Hamas unity government formed in March this year,
form a new government, and call for new elections. Abbas
acceded to U.S. demands with embarrassing alacrity after
Hamas took Gaza. In a further gratuitous turn of the
screw, he has appealed to Israel to turn up the heat on
Hamas in Gaza by stopping delivery of fuel to Gaza's
power plant and keeping the Rafah border crossing point
from Egypt closed so that none of the thousands of
Palestinian waiting at the border to return home will be
able to enter. The UN's
outgoing Middle East envoy, Alvaro de Soto, whose final
report on his two years in Palestine-Israel was recently
leaked to the press, describes Abrams and a State
Department colleague, Assistant Secretary David Welch,
threatening immediately after the Hamas election victory
to cut off U.S. contributions to the UN if it did not
agree to a cutback in aid to the Palestinian Authority by
the Quartet (of which the UN is a member, along with the
U.S., the EU, and Russia). De Soto also describes a
gleeful U.S. response to Hamas-Fatah fighting earlier
this year. The U.S., he says, clearly pushed for this
confrontation, and at a meeting of Quartet envoys, the
U.S. delegate crowed that "I like this
violence" because "it means that other
Palestinians are resisting Hamas." The Israeli-U.S. strategy for Palestine is now crystal clear: overturn the will of the people (in this case as expressed through democratic elections), kill off any resistance (Hamas in this case, along with any civilians who might get in the way), co-opt a quisling leadership (Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas), push out and kill if necessary as many people as international opinion will allow, ultimately rid Palestine of most Palestinians. The cast of characters and organizations has changed from earlier times, but this has essentially been Israel's strategy from the beginning. The Bush administration is putting a beautiful face on this strategy in the aftermath of the Hamas takeover of Gaza, trying to lure the Palestinians with empty favors to Abbas and Fatah -- a three-month amnesty for 178 so-called militants in the West Bank, release of 250 prisoners (out of 11,000), $190 million in aid (most of it recycled from previous undisbursed allocations, and amounting in any case to a mere seven percent of Israel's annual subsidy from the U.S.), release of customs duties withheld for the last year by Israel (monies stolen by Israel in the first place). The U.S. is also holding out the promise to Abbas, if he behaves, to be allowed to play with the big boys in the Middle East and be included among the favored "moderates." In a speech on July 16, Bush offered the Palestinian people a choice. They can follow Hamas, he said, and thus "guarantee chaos," give up their future to "Hamas' foreign sponsors in Syria and Iran," and forfeit any possibility of a Palestinian state. Or they can follow the "vision" of Abbas and his Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, "reclaim their dignity and their future," and build "a peaceful state called Palestine as a homeland for the Palestinian people." The prerequisites imposed on Abbas are, as before, to recognize Israel's right to exist, reject violence, and adhere to all previous agreements between the parties. The promises of Bush and his neocon hucksters, led by Elliott Abrams, are a siren song, holding out a false hope that Abbas' surrender to U.S. and Israeli enticements will bring a just peace and a just resolution of the issues most important to the Palestinians. The vision of a "peaceful state called Palestine" that the U.S. holds out is a sham, constituting perhaps 50 percent of the West Bank (but only ten percent of original Palestine) in disconnected segments, with no true sovereignty or independence, no capital, and no justice for Palestinian refugees. In these circumstances, Bush's vision of a "reclaimed dignity" and a decent future for Palestinians is also a sham. Although Abbas and his Fatah colleagues are going along thus far, most Palestinians have not fallen for these blandishments, which offer nothing in return for their abject surrender to Israel. The election of Hamas in the first instance sent a political message -- of resistance to Israeli occupation and extreme dissatisfaction with Fatah's failure to end it or even to protest it adequately and the international community's failure to help -- and nothing in recent developments gives the Palestinians any hope that their message has been heard. Quite the contrary, in fact. But any expectation that this fact will lead them now to surrender is premature. As Israeli activist and commentator Jeff Halper wrote soon after the Hamas election, the Palestinians gave notice in that election that they would not submit or cooperate, that they were resurrecting a tactic from the 1970s and '80s, of remaining sumud, steadfast -- not engaging in armed struggle but not caving in to Israel's desire that they disappear. The race now is to see whose strategy prevails and whether the Palestinians in their steadfastness can hold out against Israel's long-term strategy of apartheid, ethnic cleaning, and even, as honest commentators have increasingly begun to label it, genocide. * * * Last fall, in the aftermath of a summer of daily Israeli bombardment of Gaza, Israeli historian Ilan Pappe characterized as a deliberate genocide what was then an average daily death toll of eight Palestinians in Israeli artillery and air strikes. Following Israel's disengagement from Gaza in 2005, the Israeli political and military leadership, recognizing that Gaza's almost 1.5 million Palestinians were hermetically sealed into a tiny geographical prison, had come to view them as an extremely dangerous community of inmates, which, in Pappe's words, had "to be eliminated one way or another." With no way to escape, Gaza's Palestinians could not be subjected to the gradual ethnic cleansing occurring in the West Bank, and so, at a loss as to how to deal with this massive problem, Israel was simply implementing a "daily business of slaying Palestinians, mainly children," always using Palestinian resistance as its excuse on security grounds for inexorably escalating its attacks. Palestinian resistance, Pappe noted, has always provided Israel with the security rationale for its assaults on the Palestinians -- in 1948, in the late 1980s when the Palestinians belatedly began resisting the occupation, during the second intifada, and following the 2005 disengagement from Gaza. When Israel ultimately escaped international accountability for ethnically cleansing over half of Palestine's native population in 1948, it was given license to incorporate this policy as a legitimate part of its national security agenda. Pappe predicted in 2006 that, if Israel continued to avoid any censure from the international community for its genocidal policy in Gaza, it would inevitably expand the policy. Only international censure, and he believed only the external pressure of boycott, divestment, and sanctions, could stop "the murdering of innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip." Writing again about Gaza only a few weeks ago in the wake of Hamas' defeat of Fatah forces there, Pappe notes that he received many uneasy reactions to his earlier use of the charged term "genocide" and had himself initially rethought the term, but ultimately "concluded with even stronger conviction" that genocide is the only appropriate way to describe what Israel is doing in Gaza. Again noting the different realities in the West Bank, where ethnic cleansing is proceeding, and Gaza, where this option is not possible and where ghettoization is also not working because the Palestinians refuse to accept their imprisonment docilely, Pappe says that Jews, of all people, know from their own history that when ethnic cleansing and ghettoization fail, the next stage is "even more barbaric." Israel has been experimenting, he says, with gradually escalating killing operations against Gazans. At each stage, Israel uses more firepower, and as the distinction between civilian and non-civilian targets has gradually been erased, casualties and collateral damage have risen. In response, Palestinians fire more rockets, thus providing Israel with a rationale for further escalation. So-called "punitive" actions, undertaken on the grounds of enhancing Israeli security, have now become a strategy, Pappe observes. The experimental aspect has been in gauging international reaction. Israel's military leaders wanted to know "how such operations would be received at home, in the region and in the world. And it seems the answer was 'very well'; no one took interest in the scores of dead and hundreds of wounded Palestinians." Each Palestinian response, and each Israeli killing operation ignored by the world at large, enables Israel "to initiate larger genocidal operations in the future," Pappe says. For now, internal Palestinian fighting, itself fomented by Israel and the U.S., has given the Israelis a respite, essentially doing Israel's job for it. But Israel stands ready to wreak more havoc and death whenever it pleases. Again, Pappe asserts that the only way to stop Israel is through a campaign of boycotts, divestment, and sanctions -- the only way of cutting off the "oxygen lines to 'western' civilization and public opinion" on which Israel depends. Only such external pressure, he believes, can possibly thwart Israel's implementation of its "future strategy of eliminating the Palestinian people." Other critical observers have begun to see a similar murderous intent in Israel's handling of the Palestinian issue. Richard Falk, professor emeritus of international law at Princeton, in a recent ZNet article entitled "Slouching Toward a Palestinian Holocaust," also spoke forcefully of a possible coming genocide: "[I]t is especially
painful for me, as an American Jew, to feel compelled to
portray the ongoing and intensifying abuse of the
Palestinian people by Israel through a reliance on such
an inflammatory metaphor as 'holocaust.'. . . "Is it an irresponsible overstatement to
associate the treatment of Palestinians with this
criminalized Nazi record of collective atrocity? I think
not. The recent developments in Gaza are especially
disturbing because they express so vividly a deliberate
intention on the part of Israel and its allies to subject
an entire human community to life-endangering conditions
of utmost cruelty. The suggestion that this pattern of
conduct is a holocaust-in-the-making represents a rather
desperate appeal to the governments of the world and to
international public opinion to act urgently to prevent
these current genocidal tendencies from culminating in a
collective tragedy. . . . "Gaza is morally far
worse [than Darfur], although mass death has not yet
resulted. It is far worse because the international
community is watching the ugly spectacle unfold while
some of its most influential members actively encourage
and assist Israel in its approach to Gaza." Israel's
strategy of "eliminating the Palestinian
people," is not new, as Ilan Pappe has long made
clear in his several histories of the conflict, most
notably the newest, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine,
on the deliberate expulsion and dispossession of
Palestinians in 1948. But the methods and the tactics
change from time to time, and it is clear that now that
Israel is enjoying the full, open, and conscious backing
of the United States in this endeavor, thanks to the
neocons' hijacking of Middle East policymaking in the
Bush administration, it is proceeding really quite
brazenly, making little secret of its essential hostility
to all Palestinians and of its ultimate intent to
eliminate, by whatever means necessary, the entire
Palestinian presence in Palestine. At the same
time, there is growing recognition in many quarters of
what exactly Israel's agenda entails, as well as growing
willingness to speak about it publicly and to label
genocide and apartheid as the realities that they are.
This recognition is growing not only among humanists like
Pappe and Falk, but also among realists like John
Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, who startled the world in
2006 with a forthright critique of the extensive power of
the Israel lobby over U.S. policymaking; among outspoken
former policymakers like Jimmy Carter, who had the
temerity last year to write a book about Israeli policy
with the word "apartheid" in the title; among
some activists who are ready to put forth and stand by a
campaign of boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against
Israel; and even among many thoughtful Jewish and Zionist
commentators who have begun to challenge their
assumptions about Israel's innocence and the benign
nature of Zionism. Indeed, in ways
not yet fully understood or fully played out, the years
2006 and 2007 have been a seminal period in the conflict.
Developments on the ground, where the genocidal policies
described are being pursued with increasing openness,
along with new trends in the public discourse that swirls
(or pointedly does not swirl) around the conflict in the
world outside have forced new ways of thinking, new
pressures, new ways of dealing with the long-running
tragedy that is Palestine. Two distinctly opposite trends
have emerged: one is the new and revolutionary push to
examine Israeli and U.S. policies toward the conflict
openly and without artifice; the other, in large part a
reaction to the first, is a continuation and
magnification of the longstanding impulse to deny the
realities of the situation, suppress knowledge, suppress
debate, close discourse. The future will be determined by
which trend gains ascendancy. For the moment, the second
is ascendant, as always, but the undercurrents created by
the first trend simmer strongly. The fundamental
question is whether the Palestinians will be able to
survive an intensifying assault on their very existence
by the most powerful nation in the region, supported and
actively assisted by the most powerful nation in the
world, until the new voices opposing this assault grow
strong enough to be heard around the world. For Palestine
will not be saved without a total change in the public
discourse surrounding every aspect of the conflict --
without a far more widespread awakening, of the kind
Richard Falk has come to, to the horrific oppression
Israel is visiting on the Palestinians, and probably
without the kind of serious pressure on Israel, from the
outside, that Ilan Pappe advocates. * * * The
Palestinians' own will and steadfastness are obviously of
great importance. The key question is whether they can,
despite the forces working against them, remain sumud,
and regain the basic loose unity that had until recently
kept them more or less together as a people through 60
years of being scattered. Or will they simply be willed
away by the world community, left to molder and
disintegrate in their small, confined enclaves --
including not merely in Gaza but in various disconnected
reservations in the West Bank, in small pockets inside
Israel, in poverty-stricken refugee camps in neighboring
Arab states, and in isolated exile communities throughout
the world? Will they have the strength of purpose to
continue pursuing justice and independence, or will they
merely go along with their assigned fate, succumbing to
the classic colonial strategy, which Israel is pursuing,
of emasculating any resistance by co-opting its leaders,
inducing one segment of the native population to police
and suppress the rest? Over the 60
years since the Palestinian naqba, or catastrophe,
which saw the Palestinians dispossessed and ethnically
cleansed to make room for the establishment of Israel as
a Jewish state, Palestinian history has evolved in
roughly 20-year phases. The first, from 1948 to the late
1960s, was a period of nearly helpless quiescence during
which the Palestinians were almost extinguished as a
people -- first dispossessed and dispersed, then totally
forgotten by their Arab brethren and by the rest of the
world. Israel and Israeli propagandists willed any memory
of Palestinians out of the public consciousness and
erased most remaining physical traces of the
Palestinians' presence on the land. Palestinians
themselves existed in a state of shock, trying to regroup
but unable to devise a strategy for resisting and
bringing their case to international public attention. The second phase
was an era of Palestinian resistance. Running from the
late 1960s and spurred in great part by Israel's 1967
capture of the West Bank and Gaza, the remaining parts of
Palestine, this period saw the PLO unify the
geographically and politically disparate Palestinians
around the goal of liberating Palestine and saw
Palestinian factions employ terrorism and armed struggle
in response to Israeli terrorism and oppression. This is
the period when Palestinians in the occupied territories,
unable to use armed struggle against Israel's
overwhelming strength, used the strategy of sumud,
remaining steadfastly on the land to thwart Israel's
attempts to force them out. In 1988, a year into the
first intifada, a popular and largely non-violent
uprising that brought the Palestinians considerable
international sympathy and gave them the confidence of
political success, the PLO accepted the two-state
formula, thus waiving claim to three-quarters of original
Palestine by recognizing Israel's existence inside its
pre-1967 borders and agreeing to accept a small
Palestinian state in the remaining one-quarter. During
this phase, the world was finally made aware, although
not always necessarily in favorable terms, of the
Palestinians' existence and their plight. The third
two-decade period, up to the present, began as a period
of accommodation but, as this unreciprocated
accommodation has increasingly been exposed as bankrupt,
is ending with a renewal of resistance. Yasir Arafat
formalized the PLO's huge 1988 concession by signing the
Oslo accord in 1993 and agreeing to the several
implementing stages that followed -- stages that, far
from moving toward Israel's withdrawal from the West Bank
and Gaza and toward establishment of a sovereign,
contiguous Palestinian state there, actually consolidated
Israel's control, facilitated a massive influx of Israeli
settlers into the very territories slated for Israeli
withdrawal, forced the Palestinian leadership into the
collaborationist role of enforcer of Israeli security,
and isolated the Palestinian population and Palestinian
authority in the territories into literally hundreds of
disconnected land segments. When at the Camp
David peace summit in 2000 it became clear that, as far
as Israel and the U.S. were concerned, a limited
Palestinian independence could be achieved only through
still more concessions to Israel, and on such critical
issues as the disposition of Arab East Jerusalem and the
fate of approximately 4,000,000 Palestinian refugees
scattered throughout the Arab world, Palestinian eyes
were opened to Israel's endgame, and resistance began
anew. The Palestinian leadership still formally supports
the two-state solution, and even Hamas has consistently
indicated a readiness to give Israel a long-term truce
and accept Palestinian statehood in the West Bank and
Gaza if Israel withdraws from these territories
completely. But, as it has become increasingly obvious
that Israel has no intention of ever making meaningful
concessions to the Palestinians, more and more
Palestinians, including the 1.3 million who live inside
Israel as (second-class) citizens, have abandoned
accommodation and are returning to maximum demands such
as full implementation of the right of return for 1948
refugees and equal citizenship for Palestinians and Jews
in a single state in all of Palestine. After a period
of armed resistance and terrorism during the second
intifada following the peace process collapse in 2000,
resistance has turned primarily to political means. Hamas
refuses, despite major economic deprivation resulting
from international political and economic sanctions, to
capitulate to demands for recognition of Israel's right
to exist unless Israel recognizes a Palestinian right to
exist and defines where its borders and the limits of its
expansion lie. Inside Israel, Palestinian citizens have
begun to demand an Israeli constitution (there has never
been one) that would mandate equal rights for
Palestinians and Jews, making Israel a state of all its
citizens rather than a state of Jews everywhere. There
have also been increasing calls, by some few Israelis and
large numbers of Palestinians, for establishment of a
single state for Palestinians and Jews in all of
Palestine, in which all citizens would have equal rights,
equal dignity, and equal claims to national fulfillment.
Finally, new calls have arisen for international boycott,
divestment, and sanctions against Israel until it
demonstrates that it is prepared to end its racist
oppression of Palestinians. Each of these
phases has been marked by two principal features:
Israel's consistent efforts over 60 years to eliminate
the Palestinian presence in Palestine, and the
Palestinians' determined and to this point successful
effort to defeat this attempt to erase them from the
landscape. Israel has varied its tactics but ultimately
has never given up its goal of establishing "Greater
Israel" as an exclusively Jewish state. Its methods
have involved bald-faced ethnic cleansing as in 1948; a
continual propaganda campaign attempting to demonstrate
that Palestinians do not exist and, if they do, have no
rights in any case; a steady expansion into more and more
Palestinian territory; and a gradually escalating effort
to make life so unbearable for that persistent remnant of
Palestinians inside Israel and in the occupied
territories that they will leave voluntarily. Most
recently, Israel and the U.S. have been making a
concerted effort to undermine Hamas, for the very reason
that it represents the political if not the religious
will of the people, and to force the split between Hamas
and Fatah that culminated in last month's fighting in
Gaza. Israel found an
eager collaborator in the Fatah-led Palestinian
Authority, whose leadership has sought since the start of
the peace process to cooperate with the Israeli occupier
and the U.S., despite being repeatedly slapped in the
face. The leadership's forlorn desire to be seen as
"moderate" and "reasonable" has meant
that the Palestinian Authority, whether headed by Yasir
Arafat or by Mahmoud Abbas, has never registered a
serious protest against Israel's continued consolidation
of the occupation and has rarely even paid lip service to
the right of return for Palestinian refugees. This
attempt to curry favor is the reason today that the
leadership cooperates openly with Israel and the U.S.
against Hamas, despite clear evidence that Israel will
never make meaningful territorial concessions to the
Palestinians or even any real political concessions to
Fatah, such as release of significant numbers of
Palestinian prisoners, and despite clear evidence that
the U.S. will never pressure it to do so. Discussions
over the years with ordinary Palestinians, including some
working inside the PA, reveal a near universal chagrin at
the PA's accommodationist stance. Both in advance of the
elections that brought Hamas to power and since,
Palestinians have expressed consternation at Abbas' blind
desire to please the U.S. in the expectation that this
behavior would bring some political benefit to the
Palestinians, despite repeated evidence to the contrary.
There is widespread disgust not only with the PA's
corruption but more importantly with its utter failure to
defend Palestinian rights. Abbas is clearly still running
after the U.S. and just as clearly getting nowhere. Is this abysmal
Palestinian situation a harbinger of things to come? The
Palestinians are suicidally split; one segment of the
leadership is desperately paying court to their
oppressors, while the other stands strong in resistance
but is seriously isolated; Gaza is impoverished and
entrapped; the West Bank lies helpless on its back, open
to the picking by territorial vultures; and no one,
absolutely no one, in the international community seems
willing seriously to intervene, to press for restraint by
Israel, to oppose the unquestioning U.S. support for
Israel, to recognize Palestine's legally constituted
government, or even to offer meaningful aid to the
Palestinians. Is this the vision of the Palestinians'
next 20 years? Most Israelis and most U.S. policymakers
hope so. This is a Palestine molded in the neocon
laboratories of the Bush administration, part of the
"birth pangs" of a new Middle East, a Middle
East envisioned in the corridors of the White House and
the State Department as dominated totally by Israel, full
of subservient Arab governments (dubbed
"moderates" in the jargon of the new age) or,
where the "moderates" do not prevail, mired in
continual U.S.-instigated warfare. * * * Enter Elliott
Abrams, the neocons' Dr. Frankenstein and senior
working-level creator of much of the Middle East's
current turmoil. Although not a main architect of the
Iraq war, Abrams, who has been the principal Middle East
adviser on the National Security Council staff throughout
most of the Bush administration, was part of the
pro-Israeli neocon cabal that devised and pushed for the
war. He it was who advocated and has now largely
succeeded in creating the "hard coup" against
Hamas. Working with Vice President Cheney's Middle East
adviser David Wurmser, another rabid Israeli supporter,
and with Cheney himself, Abrams fully supported and may
have given Israel a green light for Israel's war against
Hizbullah in Lebanon last summer. This year, according to
the New Yorker's Seymour Hersh and others, Abrams
has been a key figure behind the fighting going on at the
Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon; the
insane scheme, undertaken in cooperation with some Saudi
elements, some powerful rightwing Christians in Lebanon,
and at least indirectly with Israel, has involved arming
and encouraging extremist Sunni militias in Lebanon in
order to weaken Shia Hizbullah, as well as Iran and
Syria. Finally, it almost goes without saying that Abrams
has become a leading advocate, again according to Hersh,
of an attack on Iran, and he has been pushing Israel to
launch an attack on Syria. Palestinian
commentator Rami Khouri calls this induced chaos the
beginning of a great "unraveling" of the
current Arab state order established decades ago in the
aftermath of World War I. At the very moment when Arab
states -- including not only governments, but various
groups within them, including Islamist, other sectarian,
ethnic, and tribal movements -- are struggling to define
themselves, Khouri says, huge external pressures led by
the U.S., Israel, and some European governments and
abetted by some Arab governments (those currying favor
with the U.S.), are weighing down on the local elements
to thwart them and redirect them toward fulfilling
Western interests. Khouri calls this a formula for an
explosion. Some form of utter turmoil, if not an outright
explosion, would seem to be precisely the desire of
Abrams and his fellow neocons, as well as of Israel. No one should be
surprised that Abrams has had a hand in creating the mess
in the Middle East and is actively working for the
dismemberment and emasculation of the Arab world. He did
this in Central America before being caught lying to
Congress during the Iran-Contra investigation and being
momentarily sidelined. More to the point, concern for
Israel's interests, and an extreme rightwing agenda, have
long driven Abrams' actions. He is the
son-in-law of two of the original neocons and the most
strident rightwing supporters of Israel, Norman Podhoretz
and Midge Decter. If his relatives were not enough to
incriminate him, Abrams has been outspoken himself, in
office and outside, in opposition to virtually any peace
process and any Israeli territorial concessions. In the
early 1990s, according to a 2003 profile in the New
Yorker, he co-founded the Committee on U.S. Interests
in the Middle East, which spoke out against Israeli
territorial concessions, and later in the '90s he was a
fierce critic of the Oslo process. He has written of the
first Palestinian intifada, which involved virtually no
violence beyond stone-throwing, that it was no mere
"uprising" but involved "terrorist
violence" against Israelis. Since coming to the NSC
staff, he has made it widely known that he has pushed the
administration to line up in support of Israel. He has
also made little secret of his strong anti-Palestinian
views. Far worse than putting the fox in charge of the
henhouse, the move that put Abrams on the NSC staff
placed the pro-Israel lobbyist par excellence, emotional
advocate for Israel, icn charge of making policy on a
conflict of surpassing importance to U.S. national
interests in a world far beyond Israel. More than most
policymakers past or present, Abrams wears his
pro-Israeli heart on his sleeve. In a 1997 book on the
place of Jews in U.S. society, Faith or Fear: How Jews
Can Survive in a Christian America, he took the
position that Jews should "stand apart from the
nation in which they live. It is the very nature of being
Jewish to be apart -- except in Israel -- from the rest
of the population." Although maintaining that this
stance implies no disloyalty to whatever nation Jews live
in, he unabashedly affirmed the importance of the Jewish
"bond" to Israel. The Jewish community in the
U.S., he said, should conceive of itself as a religious
community because "faith is the only ultimately
reliable bond between American Jews and Israel." He
laid out a program for change in the Jewish community
that could not have made his commitment to Israel
clearer. Describing Israel as a source of Jewish identity
for millions of American Jews and "the essence of
their lives as Jews," he said his program would mean
making "the link to Israel . . . one of personal
contact and commitment" rather than merely of
financial support. For all his
affection for Israel, Abrams has shown himself to be a
pragmatist -- in the sense of devious manipulator that
describes his hero Ariel Sharon -- and this pragmatism
has ultimately allowed him to accomplish more for Israel
than his harder lining colleagues would have been able to
do. One longtime friend says of him, according to the New
Yorker profile, that he is "unusually effective
at combining different strands of policy. It's a mark of
his performance in these jobs -- showing an acute
sensitivity to what his political opponents are worried
about and knowing how to win them over, or neutralize
their animosity toward him." This cold-blooded
awareness of what politics demands enabled Abrams to
maneuver through the hype surrounding the Roadmap peace
proposal when it was first presented in 2003, and in the
end undermine the Roadmap altogether at a time when
politics demanded that Israel appear to be going along
with this U.S.-proposed peace plan. While many
Israelis and most of Abrams' neocon colleagues feared
that the plan would demand real territorial concessions
of Israel, Abrams worked closely with Sharon's chief of
staff, Dov Weisglass, to design a scheme that would make
it appear that Israel had agreed to the plan while
actually placing the onus on the Palestinians to take the
first step by stopping all terrorist incidents and
dismantling militant organizations. After Israel had
destroyed all Palestinian security capability, it was
clear that this would be an impossible task for any
Palestinian leadership, but Abrams and Weisglass knew
this would give Israel the breathing space to proceed
with settlement expansion and consolidation of the
occupation. It was an intricate maneuver that reassured
the right wing in Israel and the U.S. that Israel was
making no concessions but made it appear to most of the
world outside that Israel was ready to make "painful
concessions" if the Palestinians "showed their
good will." Weisglass later
exposed the thinking behind the scheme as it began to
evolve a year later into Sharon's plan for so-called
disengagement from Gaza. These peace plans, he said,
speaking specifically of the disengagement plan, supply
"the amount of formaldehyde that is necessary so
there will not be a political process with the
Palestinians." They "freeze" the political
process. "And when you freeze that process, you
prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, and you
prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and
Jerusalem. Effectively, this whole package called the
Palestinian state, with all that it entails, has been
removed indefinitely from our agenda." Weisglass
boasted that this had occurred with "a [U.S.]
presidential blessing and the ratification of both houses
of Congress." He did not openly credit Abrams, but,
as a State Department official once told an interviewer,
Abrams is "very careful about not leaving
fingerprints." Abrams has
repeated this act multiple times -- not only over the
Roadmap and disengagement, but over the issue of Israeli
settlement expansion and over Israel's construction of
the apartheid wall (on which he has helped plan such
minutiae as the placement of gates and some parts of the
wall's route) -- each time making it appear that Israel
is making concessions, or would do so if it had a decent
Palestinian partner for peace, but quietly manipulating
the situation so that in the end Israel is enabled to
proceed with its plans more or less unimpeded. By thus
cooperating with Israel to fine tune its occupation
practices, Abrams has acted as a partner of Israel rather
than as a U.S. policymaker and has given legitimacy to
virtually every aspect of Israel's continuing occupation. This same
pattern is apparently being repeated with the engineered
Hamas-Fatah split. Although Israel has no more intention
now than ever previously of making real concessions to
Abbas (and indeed announced immediately after Bush's
speech that it will not even discuss the central issues
of borders, refugees, and Jerusalem), the U.S. and
presumably Abrams have persuaded the Israelis to make
some low-cost gestures to Abbas, while acting as though
they are eager for negotiating progress whenever the
"moderate" Palestinians are ready -- all in the
hope of undermining and finally defeating Hamas. Reports of a
rift between Abrams and Condoleezza Rice are frequent,
but it is probable that Rice has simply decided to follow
Abrams' lead in most things Middle Eastern. She is
probably more dovish than Abrams, and she seems to have
made a serious although badly misguided and short-lived
effort early this year to restart some kind of
negotiating process between Israel and the Palestinians,
with her attempt to put a "political horizon"
for negotiations before them, but she is neither as
clever nor as emotionally involved in the issue as
Abrams, and she appears content to follow along, even at
the cost of some embarrassment when her initiatives are
undermined. There is some
question in fact whether Rice truly disagrees with
Abrams. She did, after all, learn most of what she knows
about the Palestinian-Israeli situation at the feet of
Abrams, who was the NSC staff's principal Middle East
point person for most of her term as national security
adviser. The fact that her principal State Department
assistant secretary for the region, David Welch, seems to
be actively cooperating with Abrams in efforts to stir up
turmoil in Lebanon and travels with Abrams to Israel
indicates either Rice's total submission to Abrams'
dictates or her disinterest in taking any kind of
policymaking lead in the Middle East. In either case, if
there was ever a disagreement strong enough to matter, it
appears by now to have been submerged. Thus Abrams
almost certainly has fairly free rein to fold, spindle,
and mutilate policy on Palestine-Israel. He is obviously
in his element, hyperactively pulling strings behind the
scenes everywhere, wheeling and dealing with cohorts in
Israel -- where he travels every month or two, sometimes
more often -- as well as with compliant elements among
the "moderate" Arab governments. Shortly after
September 11 and the start of the "war on
terror," according to the New Yorker profile,
he was so enthusiastic about the prospect of manipulating
the Arab world that he exulted that "I feel young
again! I love all these battles -- they're so familiar to
me." He was back in the fray, as during the era of
the Central American wars. There is little evidence that
he faces any restraints inside the U.S. He has obviously
triumphed in whatever competition there might have been
with Rice, he works closely with Cheney and Cheney's
right hand, David Wurmser, and he has a coterie of
admirers and supporters among the neocons in think tanks
around Washington. He appears to be not only Israel's
facilitator and co-conspirator on Middle East issues, but
Bush's Middle East brain as well. * * * This picture of
unrestrained power and extreme partisan advocacy at the
center of Palestinian-Israeli policymaking in Washington
is the backdrop against which any intensified
anti-Zionist sentiment and any effort to change and
broaden public discourse must struggle. The power that
Abrams and his neocon cohorts wield is further
strengthened by the well financed, single-focus Israel
lobby. Together, these factors present an almost
insurmountable obstacle to any progress toward open
discussion of the Palestine-Israel reality, and
ultimately toward real justice for Palestinians and
genuine peace for the region. Nor is it an obstacle that
will be removed after Abrams leaves office, even if a
Democratic president is elected and the neocons are
banished; the lobby, of which Abrams is only one, albeit
very central part, wields such power and such control
over discourse on Palestinian-Israeli issues that policy
will not change significantly whichever party holds the
White House and whichever controls Congress. Nonetheless,
there is some change underway in public discourse, at
least enough to worry some of the lobby's movers and
shakers, who constantly wring their hands in distress
over the supposed "anti-Semitism" of the
growing numbers of Israel's critics. It is impossible at
this stage to foretell the outcome of what is, without
exaggeration, an epic struggle between those fighting for
pure justice for a dispossessed, oppressed people and
those on the other side who, in the course of fighting to
preserve the ethnic and religious superiority of Jews in
an exclusivist state, are provoking a clash of
civilizations and a disastrous global war with the Muslim
world. On the one hand, it is clear that the voices of
critics like John Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt, Jimmy
Carter, and the relatively few others with the courage to
speak out and organize campaigns such as the
boycott-divestment-sanctions campaign are but a small
chorus against the lobby's huge symphony orchestra.
Moreover, the chorus' song comes at a time when the
U.S./Israeli/lobby orchestra is creating maximum chaos
throughout the Middle East, generating more turmoil,
manufacturing more fear, and helping drown out opposing
voices. On the other
hand, Zionism is unquestionably under assault these days.
Increasing numbers of commentators and politically aware
individuals are finally beginning to recognize that the
oppression, the atrocities that Israel has been
committing in the occupied territories for the last 40
years, are not some kind of aberration but are merely a
continuation of a campaign of ethnic erasure begun in
1948. Ariel Sharon himself described the conflict with
the Palestinians that began with the second intifada in
2000 as "the second half of 1948." The late
Israeli historian Tanya Reinhart recognized this reality
and noted in her 2002 book Israel/Palestine: How to
End the War of 1948 that as far as Israel's political
and military leaders are concerned, "the work of
ethnic cleansing was only half completed in 1948, leaving
too much land to Palestinians." This leadership, she
said, "is still driven by greed for land, water
resources, and power," and they see the 1948 war as
"just the first step in a more ambitious and more
far-reaching strategy." Increasingly,
other thoughtful Israelis are coming to recognize this
connection to 1948 and reject it -- to recognize that the
occupation cannot be ended and real peace forged without
looking back to the beginning in 1948 and rectifying the
huge injustice done then to the Palestinians. For the
Palestinians themselves, the right of return -- the right
to return to their homes in Palestine or receive
compensation for the loss of those homes -- has become a
genie that, having been roused by Israel's own loud
objections to recognizing the refugees and by Israel's
constant attention to its "demographic
problem," will not be put back in the bottle. The next 20-year
phase in Palestinian history is a chapter that cannot yet
be foretold. The range of possibilities is wide. At one
end is continued Palestinian accommodation and surrender
to the siren song of empty U.S. and Israeli promises,
such as is being encouraged today. Continued resistance,
largely political but also including some military, along
the lines of Hamas' strategy is probably more likely.
Over the longer term, it is possible to see success in
some measure, some form of vindication and real justice.
Ultimate justice -- for both peoples -- would be the
establishment of guaranteed equal rights for Palestinians
in Palestine, formal establishment of a single state for
Palestinians and Jews, and acceptance of a formula under
which Israel recognized its responsibility for
dispossessing the refugees and the refugees were granted
the right to return if they chose. Twenty years
hence, will Israel continue to exist as a Jewish state,
intent on maintaining Jewish supremacy at any cost? Will
the Palestinians be further dispossessed and scattered?
Despite their dismal situation today -- and despite over
the years being repeatedly dispossessed, exiled, ignored,
oppressed by successive conquerors, occasionally
massacred -- the Palestinians have remained remarkably
persistent and steadfast, and it is difficult to envision
their total defeat. In his 1970s novel The Secret Life
of Saeed, the Pessoptimist, on the difficult life of
Palestinians in Israel, Palestinian novelist Emile Habiby
wrote a scene that probably in some way describes the
future of Palestine. His hero, the Pessoptimist, watches
as an Israeli military governor drives a Palestinian
woman and her child away from a field she is working.
"The further the woman and child went from where we
were . . . the taller they grew. By the time they merged
with their own shadows in the sinking sun, they had
become bigger than the plain of Acre itself. The governor
still stood there awaiting their final disappearance. . .
. Finally he asked in amazement, 'Will they never
disappear?'" Jeff Halper
observed in a recent personal account of his own journey
away from Zionism that "the truth is that despite
[Israel's] desperate attempts to erase their presence and
replace it with purely Jewish space, the Palestinians
define our existence." The refugees in particular,
despite not even being present, pose the greatest
challenge to Jewish comfort; they "do not give us
rest, [they] prevent us from truly taking possession of
the land." The refugees and everything about the
country that until 1948 was Palestine "are now a
poltergeist under our feet, concealed under layers of
'Judaization.'" This
uncomfortable and highly unequal coexistence, we can
probably all be assured, will remain in place for the
foreseeable future. But ultimately, some combination of
these narratives -- Palestinians as ever-present,
Palestinians as the source of eternal Israeli
discomfiture, finally Palestinians as returned,
unearthed from layers of Judaization and living together
with Jews as equal citizens -- may describe a better
future. Halper hopes for a day when Israelis will
exorcise their demons by doing justice to the
Palestinians, "which means turning the Land of
Israel into Israel/Palestine (or Palestine/Israel)."
Many others are talking increasingly of a vision of
Palestine as a land in which Palestinians and Jews are
equal. It won't be an easy progress, but at the end of
the next 20-year phase, it is not beyond the realm of
possibility that Palestinians will be living in freedom,
justice, and prosperity. To be meaningful, all three of
these requirements for a decent life must be there for
both peoples in equal measure. Kathleen Christison is a
former CIA political analyst and has worked on Middle
East issues for 30 years. She is the author of Perceptions
of Palestine and The Wound
of Dispossession. She can be reached at |