A Wake-up Call By Paul Craig Roberts
07/19/07 "ICH"
wake-up call is unlikely to be effective, because
the American attitude toward government changed
fundamentally seventy-odd years ago. Prior to the
1930s, Americans were suspicious of government,
but with the arrival of the Great Depression,
Tojo, and Hitler, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
convinced Americans that government existed to
protect them from rapacious private interests and
foreign threats. Today, Americans are more
likely to give the benefit of the doubt to
government than they are to family members,
friends, and those who would warn them about the
governments protection.
observers are puzzled that President Bush is
persisting in a futile and unpopular war at the
obvious expense of his partys electoral
chances in 2008.
the July 18 Los Angeles Times (Bush the
Albatross), Ronald Brownstein reminds us
that Bushs behavior is disastrous for his
political party. Unpopular presidents have
consistently undercut their party in the next
election. Brownstein reports that 88%
of voters who disapproved of the retiring
presidents job performance voted against
his partys nominee in past elections. . .
. On average, 80% of voters who disapproved
of a presidents performance have voted
against his partys candidates even in House
races since 1986.
notes that with Bushs dismal approval
rating, this implies a total wipeout of the
Republicans in 2008.
number of pundits have concluded that the reason
the Democrats have not brought a halt to
Bushs follies is that they expect
Bushs unpopular policies to provide them
with a landslide victory next year.
is a problem with this reasoning. It assumes that
Cheney, Rove,and the Republicans are ignorant of
these facts or are content for the Republican
Party to be destroyed after Bush has his
warmonger-police state fling. After me, the
it more likely that Cheney and Rove have in mind
events that will, once again, rally the people
behind President Bush and the Republican Party
that is fighting the war on terror
that the Democrats want to lose?
events could take a number of forms. As
even diehard Republican Patrick J. Buchanan
observed on July 17, with three US aircraft
carrier battle groups in congested waters off
Iran, another Tonkin Gulf incident could easily
be engineered to set us at war with Iran. If
Bushs intentions were merely to bomb a
nuclear reactor, he would not need three carrier
strike forces.
the administration has switched to blaming Iran
for the war in Iraq. The US Senate has
already lined up behind the latest lie with a
97-0 vote to condemn Iran.
false flag terrorist strikes could be
orchestrated in the US. The Bush
administration has already infiltrated some
dissident groups and encouraged them to
participate in terrorist talk, for which they
were arrested. It is possible that the
administration could provoke some groups to
actual acts of violence.
Americans dismiss suspicion of their government
as treasonous, and most believe conspiracy to be
impossible because someone would
is no basis in any known fact for this opinion.
to polls, 36% of the American people disbelieve
the 9/11 Commission Report. Despite this lack of
confidence, and despite the numerous omissions
and errors in the report, it has proven
impossible to have an independent investigation
of 9/11 or to examine the official explanation in
public debate. Even experts and people with
a lifetime of distinguished public service are
dismissed as conspiracy theorists,
kooks, and traitors if
they question the official explanation of 9/11.
This despite the fact that war in the Middle
East, a long-planned goal of Bushs
neoconservative administration, could not have
been initiated without a new Pearl
powerfully constructed steel buildings could
suddenly turn to dust because they were struck by
two flimsy aluminum airliners and experienced
small fires on a few floors that burned for a
short time appears unexceptionable to a
majority of Americans.
people have talked. Hundreds of
them. Firefighters, police, janitors, and others
report hearing and experiencing a series of
explosions in upper floors and massive explosions
in the underground basements. This
eyewitness testimony was kept under wraps for
three or more years until the official
explanation had taken root. The oral
histories were finally forced loose by freedom of
information act suits. The eyewitness
reports of explosion after explosion had no
Silverstein, who received billions of dollars in
insurance payments for the destroyed buildings,
talked. He said on public television that
the order was given to pull building
7. His stunning admission had no
Bush administration is preparing us for more
terrorist attacks. The latest intelligence
report says that Al Qaeda has regrouped, rebuilt,
and has the ability to come after us again.
Al Qaeda will intensify its efforts to put
operatives here, says the report.
operatives, such as Michael Chertoff, and various
instruments of administration propaganda have
warned that we will be attacked before next
years election. Chertoff is not a
person who wants to be known as Chicken Little
for telling us that the sky is falling.
has the Republican Party in such a mess that it
cannot survive without another 9/11.
Whether authentic or orchestrated, an attack will
activate Bushs new executive orders, which
create a dictatorial police state in event of
national emergency.
[See http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=CHO20070624&article
Id=6134 ]
UK government is hand-in-glove with the Bush
administration and will provide cover or
verification for whatever claim the Bush
administration advances. So will the
right-wing governments in Canada and
Australia. That takes care of the
English-speaking world from which contrary
explanations might reach the American people.
is possible that Bush is now too weak, that
suspicion is too great, and that there is too
much internal resistance in the federal
bureaucracy and military for any such
scenario. If so, then my prediction prior
to the invasion that the US invasion of Iraq will
destroy Bush, the Republican Party, and the
conservative movement will be proven true.
The Democrats strategy of doing nothing
except making sure Bush gets his way will produce
the landslide that they expect.
this assumes that Cheney, Rove, and their
neoconservative allies have lost their cunning
and their manipulative skills. It is
difficult to imagine a more dangerous assumption
for Democrats and the American people to make.
the US experiences new attacks, Bush will be
vindicated. His voice will be confident as he
speaks to the nation: My administration
knew that there would be more attacks from these
terrorists who hate us and our way of life and
are determined to destroy every one of us.
If only more of you had believed me and supported
my war on terror these new attacks would not have
happened. Our security efforts were
impaired by the Democrats determined
attempts to surrender to the terrorists by
forcing our withdrawal from Iraq and by civil
libertarian assaults on our necessary security
measures. If only more Americans had
trusted their government, this would not have
happened. And so on. Anyone should be
able to write the script.
Paul Craig
Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
in the Reagan administration. He was Associate
Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page
and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is
coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He
can be reached at: PaulCraigRoberts@yahoo.com