Appel de Blois
The following statement on the
legitimacy of historical research and concern about
retrospective moralization of history and intellectual
censure invites approval
(english version)
In order to approve the "Appel de Blois",
send an e-mail to contact@lph-asso.fr, give your first and last names and write
"read and approved". Everyone is entitled to
give its signature. Academics should add their university
and others their residency.
Since 2005 Liberté pour lHistoire
has fought against the initiatives of legislative
authorities to criminalize the past, thus putting more
and more obstacles in the way of historical research. In
April 2007, a framework decision of the European Council
of Ministers has given an international dimension to a
problem that had until then been exclusively French. In
the name of the indisputable and necessary suppression of
racism and anti-Semitism, this decision established
throughout the European Union new crimes that threaten to
place on historians prohibitions that are incompatible
with their profession. In the context of the Historical
Encounters of Blois in 2008 dedicated to The
Europeans, Liberté pour lHistoire invites
the approval of the following resolution :
Concerned about the retrospective moralization of history
and intellectual censure, we call for the mobilization of
European historians and for the wisdom of politicians.
History must not be a slave to contemporary politics nor
can it be written on the command of competing memories.
In a free state, no political authority has the right to
define historical truth and to restrain the freedom of
the historian with the threat of penal sanctions.
We call on historians to marshal their forces within each
of their countries and to create structures similar to
our own, and, for the time being, to individually sign
the present appeal, to put a stop to this movement toward
laws aimed at controlling history memory.
We ask government authorities to recognize that, while
they are responsible for the maintenance of the
collective memory, they must not establish, by law and
for the past, an official truth whose legal application
can carry serious consequences for the profession of
history and for intellectual liberty in general.
In a democracy, liberty for history is liberty for all.
Pierre NORA, chairman of Liberté pour lHistoire