Fleeing famine, bees seek asylum in cities--Germany
By Julio Godoy
Aug 14, 2008,
BERLIN (IPS) - For German
bees, the countryside is no longer what it used to be.
They are fleeing insecticides and genetically modified
crops to take refuge in cities.
On Jul. 15, six German apiarists moved their 30,000 bees
into Munich city, some 500 km south of Berlin. They were
trying to save their bees from genetically modified maize
crops near their village Kaisheim, some 80 km from Munich.
"If our bees were to come in touch with the
genetically modified maize, and the honey was
contaminated with it, we would not be allowed to sell it,"
Karl Heinz Bablock, one of the six apiarists who
resettled their beehives, told IPS. In Germany,
genetically modified crops are legal, but their harvests
are forbidden for human consumption.
Earlier this year, Bablock and several of his colleagues
filed a protest against the GM crops before a tribunal in
Augsburg, 60 km northwest of Munich. But the court ruled
in May that because the crops were legal, it was the
apiarists who should move their beehives somewhere else.
"It is well known that bees live 90 percent of their
lives in a perimeter of three kilometres," Bablock
said. "But bees can fly up to 10 kilometres without
any problem. Now we are really happy that the city of
Munich has granted our bees asylum."
Thomas Radetzki, director of the South German apiarists
union Millifera, said the bees will remain in Munich
"until the end of the summer. By mid-August the
maize bloom period is over, and the bees can go back home."
Relocation of bees is taking place all over Germany.
"But in some regions, as in Brandenburg, around
Berlin, it is almost impossible to flee from GMCs (genetically
modified crops)," Radetzki told IPS. "The GMCs
are everywhere, and bees come in touch with them one
place or other."
But it is not just genetically modified crops that
threaten bees. Changes in agriculture, such as the
introduction of monocultures and the intensive use of
pesticides are forcing bees to search for refuge in the
Peter Rozenkranz, entomologist at the University of
Stuttgart, told IPS that monocultures are depriving bees
of their natural habitat. "After some good weeks in
spring, bees are threatened by famine, because later in
the year, there are almost no more blooming flowers."
Rosenkranz said that a satellite view of Germany
illustrates the danger for bees. "You can see that
in vast regions, especially in the eastern part of the
country, there is nothing for bees to feed on."
Besides, he said, monocultures are saturated with
pesticides and insecticides. "Practically all
pesticides and insecticides are deadly for bees."
Apiarists in the federal state of Baden Wurttemberg
reported the death of hundreds of thousands of bees in
May. They blamed clothianidin, a chemical component of
the insecticide Poncho Pro, used to protect maize seeds
from larvae.
Manfred Raff, director of the regional apiarist
association, told IPS that he had his bees analysed after
the mass death. "We found abundant traces of
clothianidin in the bees' bodies."
After Raff and 700 other apiarists in Baden Wurttemberg
filed a complaint, the chemical giant Bayer Crop admitted
that Poncho Pro had caused the death of the bees, but
accused the seed producers of faulty use of the chemical.
For the bees, life in the cities has become attractive.
"Today, it is easier for bees to live in the cities,
because the recreational green areas and courtyards have
exuberant, varied vegetation, which blossoms over several
months, from early in the spring to the end of the summer,"
Rosenkranz said.
"In the cities, bees have only a couple of hundred
metres to fly, from a public garden to a balcony to a
courtyard to find luscious flowers, and mostly free of
insecticides," he added.
Rosenkranz says bees have been facing extermination for
years. In 2007 some 30 percent of the total German bee
population died. Now 330 wild bee species, out of a total
of 550, are enlisted as endangered.
Similar mass deaths of bees (also known as colony
collapse disorder) have taken place in other countries,
especially in the U.S., where in some 24 federal states
regions in 2007 up to 70 percent of all bees died in
mysterious circumstances.
The disappearance of bees -- pollinators par excellence
-- would have deeper environmental consequences than the
mere scarcity of honey. Food scarcity would grow if
colonies of bees stop pollinating fruit, nut and
vegetable crops.
"If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth,
man would have no more than four years to live,"
Albert Einstein has been quoted as saying. "No more
bees, no more more men!
Israel/USA company
marketting anti-viral agency for bees
It is a real-life nightmare scenario that
makes any horror movie pale by comparison. The honeybees
are in trouble and, by extension, so is the human race.
Last winter, over 36 percent of the U.S. bee colonies
collapsed, affecting honey production, but more
significantly, affecting the one-third of all food
production that requires pollination - from fruits and
nuts, to the dairy and beef cows that feed on alfalfa.
Now, an Israeli-U.S. company Beeologics is taking rapid
measures to bring to market a proprietary anti-viral
agent that promises to alleviate the effects of the virus
strongly associated with Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD),
with full-scale FDA trials commencing next month.
So far 60,000 hives are committed and Beeologics aims to
have 100,000 hives enlisted in the trial which will run
in several locations in the U.S. from October to February.
The season is critical, Eyal Ben-Chanoch, CEO of
Beeologics, tells ISRAEL21c, because the bee keeping
industry cycle follows the seasons of the bees which
strengthen in spring, and summer and naturally weaken
during fall and winter.
Vanishing bees
CCD is characterized by the mysterious and inexplicable
loss of worker bees in managed honeybee colonies. There
is often still honey in the hive, and a few immature bees,
but the adult bees have vanished. It was first noticed as
a problem in the winter of 2006/7, when beekeepers began
reporting losses of 30 to 90 percent of their hives,
according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Since then, the crisis has grown. Last winter, a survey
by the U.S. Department of Agriculture/Agricultural
Research Services (USDA-ARS) and Apiary inspectors showed
that 36 percent of America's 2.4 million hives were lost
to CCD. The survey covered almost 20 percent of America's
1,500 commercial beekeepers, and suggested an increase of
11 percent over the losses of 2007, and 40 percent over
the losses of 2006. Similar losses are being reported in
Italy, Spain, Greece, the U.K., and other countries
across Europe.
There is much at stake. "Today it's not about honey
but about pollination," says Ben-Chanoch.
Pollination using managed honeybees is a critical element
in modern agriculture; more than 130 crops in the U.S.
require pollination, with an annual crop value of $15
The cause of CCD is still unclear. Some are convinced it
is connected to the Varroa bee mite, others suspect a
single cell parasite, or a virus. Some even blame
pesticides or cellphones. None of these suspected causes
bear up to close scrutiny, according to Ben-Chanoch.
"So far, there is no solution because no one has
even come to an agreement as to what the problem is,"
adds Nitzan Paldi, chief technology officer of Beeologics.
One virus strongly associated with CCD, however, is
Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV). Identified by
Hebrew University of Jerusalem plant virologist Prof.
Ilan Sela in 2004, the virus causes honeybees to suffer
from shivering wings, followed by paralysis and death
outside the hive. In 2007, the journal Science published
research by a prestigious team of US scientists and
researchers that found a significant connection between
IAPV and CCD in honeybees.
A contagious virus
At Beeologics, scientists are convinced that IAPV is the
primary cause of CCD. "If you look how the disease
spreads, it's very reminiscent of flu. Flu also starts in
the fall and hits hard in the winter, the same is true of
this bee virus," explains Paldi. "It's very
contagious like a flu. In our opinion, we have something
that's interacting very strongly with the environment to
cause CCD. It could be interacting with pesticides, with
improper nutrition, general stress - but that's not what's
killing the bees. What's killing them is a virus and we
believe that virus is IAPV."
Using the Science article as validation, in the summer of
2007, the company's founding research team - Sela,
biochemist Dr. Eitan Glick and doctoral student Eyal
Maori - began work to develop an affordable cure for the
They turned to a longtime collaborator, plant virologist
Dr. Gal Yarden who was previously CEO of publicly traded
Bio-Oz Biotechnologies and to Paldi, an expert in bee
pollination and an experienced entrepreneur. Beeologics
was founded as a commercial entity in October last year
with the help of Ben-Chanoch, an Israeli-American serial
entrepreneur based in Florida.
Beeologics' solution, Remebee, utilizes a mechanism
called RNA interference (RNAi, also known as gene
silencing) a mechanism that inhibits or hinders gene
expression. "The technology is based on naturally
occurring biological agents. Conceptually, we're
introducing the factor that prompts the silencing
response," Paldi tells ISRAEL21c.
"We didn't invent gene silencing. However, as far as
we know we are among the first to use it commercially on
According to the company, the patent-pending Remebee
provides protection from IAPV and other bee viruses. The
technology is potentially applicable to all bee viruses,
precludes the possibility of virus breaking resistance,
is non-toxic and leaves no residues in either honeybees
or their honey.
Successful trials
Initial trials on 100 hives were conducted in Florida
from March to June. The trials were designed, managed and
monitored by Dr. Jamie Ellis from the Entomology
department at the University of Florida, with
collaboration of the USDA-ARS in Fort Pierce, Florida and
the Florida Department of Agriculture, Apiary Inspection
Remebee is delivered to the colony via regular feeding
processes. Laboratory and field trials demonstrated that
feeding IAPV specific RNA prior to virus inoculation
dramatically improved bee-to-brood ratio and honey yield
compared with bees inoculated with IAPV only.
Beeologics has now applied for FDA approval for Remebee
and has partnered with all major US and international
institutions working on the CCD problem, including
leading US beekeepers Dave Mendez and Dave Hackenberg,
the man who alerted the media to CCD after losing 90
percent of his bees in 2006.
"Hackenberg provided us the hives and the bees for
the trials in Pennsylvania as did Mendez in Florida,"
says Ben-Chanoch. "It was a great sacrifice because
these beekeepers were already hurting - these hive were
planned for revenue generation and the replacement cost
for this size of fully populated hive is substantial."
The company is also in the process of establishing
European partnerships, following successful presentations
this summer before the World Health Organization and
major bee conferences.
Ben-Chanoch hopes that Remebee will just be the start for
Beeologics. The businessman who founded GreenOvation Labs,
a Florida-based business accelerator for innovative
biotech technologies in 2007, hopes the company will
become the 'go to' company for bee health.
While it's primary focus is Remebee and solving the
current CCD crisis, Beeologics' wider focus is developing
a full line of products for bee health, starting with
RemebeePro, a multi-viral agent; and RemebeePlus, a
feeding supplement based on natural ingredients.
From Ha'aretz On-Line.