By Jocelyn Braddell

Trained by outrage I read to day :Swedish admiral Jorgan Ericsson told Polish daily Dziennik that Sweden, Finland and Norway may create a joint "Scandinavian army" to help with purchasing of high-tech military kit and eliminate resource overlap.

Trained by outrage at the the desecration of the archaeological heritage of Gabhra Valley, Tara, I have continued reading the histories of Ireland and religions - in order to reach an understanding of the Ancient and the Christian Irish. I begin to reach moments of thought and extrapolation

When Christianity began to make itself felt in Rome it was actually not given any credence over any other religious ideas. Infact as far on as the 4th. Century AD the persistence of the Christians in the notion that they were "right" and others "pagans, and barbarians of whatever persuasion" wrong, really irritated and annoyed the Roman Senators. Religion was a personal matter for all at that time, and never a political persuasion. In what short time did those facts alter! In the Middle East only under the inheritance of Mohammed did Islam finally become a perpetual (as it is today) political force .Social control among the Arabs at that time had an excellent "Creed" that was expressed thus under the Caliphs who exerted control under these three philosophical and practical guides according to the fifth Caliph inpower, Muawiyah of the Umayyad dynasty in Syria, as :

1. The hilm (helm, guide - forbearance) known only at the moment of anger;

2. Courage -  known only in war;

3. Brotherly love among all men  - implicit only when need prevailed..

so cool, so modern a creed that resembles a commonplace in our own time among the citizens of the EU.

After the reign of Julian in Rome (Julian started a religious reformation of the state, which was intended to restore the lost strength of the Roman State. He supported the restoration of Hellenic paganism as the state religion . His laws tended to target wealthy and educated Christians, and his aim was not to destroy Christianity but to drive the religion out of "the governing classes of the empire. Wikipedia)
who was brought up as a Christian, there was a pause. The military rule of Rome continued and personally began to make its mark - the priority of the 4th Century control. The pressures of the Norse from Russia, and Denmark, who hated Christianity, spread military domination in Europe, although the Norsemen would, as they did in Ireland, eventually settle and trade. Heroes suffered a loss of their status, it diminished as Christian power grew, and was replaced by individuals who submitted gradually, and then comprehensively throughout France and Britain, to a papal control from Rome that became more and more interested in power and profit as time passed. We have now arrived at the penultimate of that trajectory - Christianity is a failed religious philosophy but the power of finance is at the apex of social control.

During this historic financial trajectory we have recorded the tension, the war-games of finance, the secretive finances of the rich and the outrage and misery of the poor. Education of life has adopted the cunning, but not clever, resource of supplying every condition of man with a polarised vision of existence. At the present time, as finance on a global scale has been crippled by the foolish hegemony of 3 nations, the Americans, the Israelis and the British, we are actually almost back to square one. Religion has become an individual personal belief again, although the hegemonies of the preceding religions are in conspiracies to regain their power. Military power has evidently become in the perspective of the majority of governments, world wide, as the only form of social control worth developing.

Illustration of Cervantes story "The Poet who thought he was made of Glass"

Thus I composed the following the aspect of a Conclusion to the Curse of St RuAdan. An end to the Desecration of Tara that was exerted by a clever ruse - drawing the King, Diarmuid, into a conmtest of "curses" that the Saints of Christianity had adopted from St.Patrick. The Saint cunning and mindful of the "Three Whispers" which assured control in ancient Arabic, and also the Brehon Laws, was recognised by the Kings of Ireland in the place of the Assemblies (Tara). So he challenged Diarmuid to a contest of - the "Curse"

The secret Rampart of the Three Whispers at Tara is between the Hall and the Heroes' Well .


(“Hilm” such as “forbearence; tact;”)

There was a Saint

Unruly Adan

The red haired,

Churl, of a god

Unknown to himself;

And he uttered desolation

On the fruits of the sea,

The air, the wind

And the perfect light

Of the Sun on Tara.

Because that churl


Knew of the helm

Of the Mu’yawya…

The three threads

Of the soul’s advice,

The triskelion,

Ruadan's curse prevailed.

His cunning tongue

A hound, coursed -

Of courage,

Of brotherly love,

Of which Diarmuid,

King of Ireland,

Had every facility... but

Of utter loss nevertheless


Tolerance, forbearing,

A hand on the helm.

The third whisper was required;

A courtesy

Omitted ; contempt

Desecrated by a Saint’s Curse.

It seemed today - forever

Forever to prevail,

On the sacred Hill of Tara.

Indeed, time and enough...

But no longer?

We now discover

The sly loan

Adan,  the red churl,

Took to his grave.

For if Diarmuid replied

Curse against Curse

As he did

His hand forsook the triskelion.

Jocelyn Lamont (Braddell) Aug.1st 2008

The tripod - for stability on uneven ground.
The trident
The Ego, Id, Superego,
The three Fates
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
3,2,1, get, set, go
the tritone in music...
"On the surface there might appear to be no link between Wagner's Gotterdammerung, West Side Story and the theme tune to the Simpsons.
But all of them rely heavily on tritones, a musical interval that spans three whole tones, like the diminished fifth or augmented fourth. This interval, the gap between two notes played in succession or simultaneously, was branded Diabolus in Musica or the Devil's Interval by medieval musicians. "