This page
is updated Re. Toben arrest = scrole down
By Barbara Kulaszka
In recent years, considerable attention has been devoted
to the supposed danger of "Holocaust denial."
Politicians, newspapers and television warn about the
growing influence of those who reject the Holocaust story
that some six million European Jews were systematically
exterminated during the Second World War, most of them in
gas chambers.
In several countries, including Israel, France, Germany
and Austria, "Holocaust denial" is against the
law, and "deniers" have been punished with
stiff fines and prison sentences. Some Jewish community
leaders have called for similar measures in North America.
In Canada, David Matas, Senior Counsel for the "League
for Human Rights" of the Zionist B'nai B'rith
organization, says: [1]
The Holocaust was the murder of six million Jews,
including two million children. Holocaust denial is a
second murder of those same six million. First their
lives were extinguished; then their deaths. A person who
denies the Holocaust becomes part of the crime of the
Holocaust itself.
Often overlooked in this controversy is the crucial
question: Just what constitutes "Holocaust denial"?
Six Million?
Should someone be considered a "Holocaust denier"
because he does not believe as Matas and many
others insist that six million Jews were killed
during World War II? This figure was cited by the
International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1945-1946.
It found that "the policy pursued [by the German
government] resulted in the killing of six million Jews,
of which four million were killed in the extermination
institutions." [2]
Yet if that is so, then several of the most prominent
Holocaust historians could be regarded as "deniers."
Professor Raul Hilberg, author of the standard reference
work, The Destruction of the European Jews, does not
accept that six million Jews died. He puts the total of
deaths (from all causes) at 5.1 million. Gerald
Reitlinger, author of The Final Solution, likewise did
not accept the six million figure. He estimated the
figure of Jewish wartime dead might be as high as 4.6
million, but admitted that this was conjectural due to a
lack of reliable information.
Human Soap?
Is someone a "Holocaust denier" if he says that
the Nazis did not make soap from the corpses of murdered
Jews? After considering the evidence including an
actual bar of soap supplied by the Soviets the
Nuremberg Tribunal declared in its Judgment that "in
some instances attempts were made to utilize the fat from
the bodies of the victims in the commercial manufacture
of soap." [3]
In 1990, though, Israel's official Yad Vashem Holocaust
center rewrote history" by admitting that the
soap story was not true. "Historians have concluded
that soap was not made from human fat. When so many
people deny the Holocaust ever happened, why give them
something to use against the truth?," said Yad
Vashem official Shmuel Krakowski. [4]
Wannsee Conference?
Is someone a "Holocaust denier" if he does not
accept that the January 1942 "Wannsee conference"
of German bureaucrats was held to set or coordinate a
program of systematic mass murder of Europe's Jews? If so,
Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer must be wrong
and a "Holocaust denier" because
he declared: "The public still repeats, time after
time, the silly story that at Wannsee the extermination
of the Jews was arrived at." In Bauer's opinion,
Wannsee was a meeting but "hardly a conference"
and "little of what was said there was executed in
detail." [5]
Extermination Policy?
Is someone a "Holocaust denier" if he says that
there was no order by Hitler to exterminate Europe's Jews?
There was a time when the answer would have been yes.
Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg, for example, wrote in
the 1961 edition of his study, The Destruction of the
European Jews, that there were two Hitler orders for the
destruction of Europe's Jews: the first given in the
spring of 1941, and the second shortly thereafter. But
Hilberg removed mention of any such order from the
revised, three-volume edition of his book published in
1985. [6] As Holocaust historian Christopher Browning has
noted: [7]
In the new edition, all references in the text to a
Hitler decision or Hitler order for the `Final
Solution have been systematically excised. Buried
at the bottom of a single footnote stands the solitary
reference: `Chronology and circumstances point to a
Hitler decision before the summer ended. In the new
edition, decisions were not made and orders were not
A lack of hard evidence for an extermination order by
Hitler has contributed to a controversy that divides
Holocaust historians into "intentionalists" and
"functionalists." The former contend that there
was a premeditated extermination policy ordered by Hitler,
while the latter hold that Germany's wartime "final
solution" Jewish policy evolved at lower levels in
response to circumstances. But the crucial point here is
this: notwithstanding the capture of literally tons of
German documents after the war, no one can point to
documentary evidence of a wartime extermination order,
plan or program. This was admitted by Professor Hilberg
during his testimony in the 1985 trial in Toronto of
German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel. [8]
So just what constitutes "Holocaust denial"?
Surely a claim that most Auschwitz inmates died from
disease and not systematic extermination in gas chambers
would be "denial." But perhaps not. Jewish
historian Arno J. Mayer, a Princeton University professor,
wrote in his 1988 study Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?:
The 'Final Solution' in History:
From 1942 to
1945, certainly at Auschwitz , but probably overall, more
Jews were killed by so-called 'natural' causes than by 'unnatural'
ones." [9]
Even estimates of the number of people who died at
Auschwitz allegedly the main extermination center
are no longer clear cut. At the postwar Nuremberg
Tribunal, the Allies charged that the Germans
exterminated four million people at Auschwitz. [10] Until
1990, a memorial plaque at Auschwitz read: "Four
Million People Suffered and Died Here at the Hands of the
Nazi Murderers Between the Years 1940 and 1945." [11]
Is it "Holocaust denial" to dispute these four
million deaths? Not today. In July 1990, the Polish
government's Auschwitz State Museum, along with Israel's
Yad Vashem Holocaust center, conceded that the four
million figure was a gross exaggeration, and references
to it were accordingly removed from the Auschwitz
monument. Israeli and Polish officials announced a
tentative revised toll of 1.1 million Auschwitz dead. [12]
In 1993, French Holocaust researcher Jean-Claude Pressac,
in a much-discussed book about Auschwitz, estimated that
altogether about 775,000 died there during the war years.
Professor Mayer acknowledges that the question of how
many really died in Auschwitz remains open. In Why Did
the Heavens Not Darken? he wrote: [14}
Many questions remain open ... All in all,
how many bodies were cremated in Auschwitz? How many died
there all told? What was the national, religious, and
ethnic breakdown in this commonwealth of victims? How
many of them were condemned to die a 'natural' death and
how many were deliberately slaughtered? And what was the
proportion of Jews among those murdered in cold blood
among these gassed? We have simply no answers to these
questions at this time.
Gas Chambers
What about denying the existence of extermination "gas
chambers"? Here too, Mayer makes a startling
statement: Sources for the study of the gas
chambers are at once rare and unreliable." While
Mayer believes that such chambers did exist at Auschwitz,
he points out that most of what is known is based
on the depositions of Nazi officials and executioners at
postwar trials and on the memory of survivors and
bystanders. This testimony must be screened carefully,
since it can be influenced by subjective factors of great
complexity. [15}
Höss Testimony
One example of this might be the testimony of Rudolf
Höss, an SS officer who served as commandant of
Auschwitz. In its Judgment, the Nuremberg International
Military Tribunal quoted at length from his testimony to
support its findings of extermination. [16]
It is now well established that Höss crucial
testimony, as well as his so-called "confession"
which was also cited by the Nuremberg Tribunal
are not only false, but were obtained by beating
the former commandant nearly to death. [17] Höss' wife
and children were also threatened with death and
deportation to Siberia. In his statement which
would not be admissible today in any United States court
of law Höss claimed the existence of an
extermination camp called "Wolzek." In fact, no
such camp ever existed. He further claimed that during
the time that he was commandant of Auschwitz, two and a
half million people were exterminated there, and that a
further half million died of disease. [18] Today no
reputable historian upholds these figures. Höss was
obviously willing to say anything, sign anything and do
anything to stop the torture, and to try to save himself
and his family.
Forensic Investigations
In his 1988 book, Professor Mayer calls for "excavations
at the killing sites and in their immediate environs"
to determine more about the gas chambers. In fact, such
forensic studies have been made. The first was conducted
in 1988 by American execution equipment consultant, Fred
A. Leuchter, Jr. He carried out an on-site forensic
examination of the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz,
Birkenau and Majdanek to determine if they could have
been used to kill people as claimed. After a careful
study of the alleged killing facilities, Leuchter
concluded that the sites were not used, and could not
have been used, as homicidal gas chambers. Furthermore,
an analysis of samples taken by Leuchter from the walls
and floors of the alleged gas chambers showed either no
or minuscule traces of cyanide compound, from the active
ingredient of Zyklon B, the pesticide allegedly used to
murder Jews at Auschwitz. [19]
A confidential forensic examination (and subsequent
report) commissioned by the Auschwitz State Museum and
conducted by Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow has
confirmed Leuchter's finding that minimal or no traces of
cyanide compound can be found in the sites alleged to
have been gas chambers. [20]
The significance of this is evident when the results of
the forensic examination of the alleged homicidal gas
chambers are compared with the results of the examination
of the Auschwitz disinfestation facilities, where Zyklon
B was used to delouse mattresses and clothing. Whereas no
or only trace amounts of cyanide were found in the
alleged homicidal gas chambers, massive traces of cyanide
were found in the walls and floor in the camp's
disinfestation delousing chambers.
Another forensic study was carried out by German chemist
Germar Rudolf. On the basis of his on-site examination
and analysis of samples, the certified chemist and
doctoral candidate concluded: "For chemical-technical
reasons, the claimed mass gassings with hydrocyanic acid
in the alleged 'gas chambers' in Auschwitz did not take
place ... The supposed facilities for mass killing in
Auschwitz and Birkenau were not suitable for this purpose..."
There is also the study of Austrian engineer Walter
Lüftl, a respected expert witness in numerous court
cases, and former president of Austria's professional
association of engineers. In a 1992 report he called the
alleged mass extermination of Jews in gas chambers "technically
impossible." [22]
Discredited Perspective
So just what constitutes "Holocaust denial"?
Those who support criminal persecution of "Holocaust
deniers" seem to be still living in the world of
1946 where the Allied officials of the Nuremberg Tribunal
have just pronounced their verdict. But the Tribunal's
findings can no longer be assumed to be valid. Because it
relied so heavily on such untrustworthy evidence as the
Höss testimony, some of its most critical findings are
now discredited.
For purposes of their own, powerful special interest
groups desperately seek to keep substantive discussion of
the Holocaust story taboo. One of the ways they do this
is by purposely mischaracterizing revisionist scholars as
"deniers." But the truth can't be suppressed
forever: There is a very real and growing controversy
about what actually happened to Europe's Jews during
World War II.
Let this issue be settled as all great historical
controversies are resolved: through free inquiry and open
debate in our journals, newspapers and classrooms.
1. The Globe and Mail (Toronto), Jan. 22, 1992.
2. Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the
International Military Tribunal (IMT "blue series"),
Vol. 22, p. 496.
3. IMT "blue series," Vol. 22, p. 496.
4. The Globe and Mail (Toronto), April 25, 1990; See also:
M. Weber, "Jewish Soap," The Journal of
Historical Review, Summer 1991.
5. The Canadian Jewish News (Toronto), Jan. 30, 1992, p.
6. See: Barbara Kulaszka, ed., Did Six Million Really Die:
Report of the Evidence in the Canadian 'False News' Trial
of Ernst Zündel (Toronto: Samisdat, 1992), pp. 192, 300,
7. C. Browning, "The Revised Hilberg," Simon
Wiesenthal Annual, Vol. 3, 1986, p. 294; B. Kulaszka, ed.,
Did Six Million Really Die (1992), p. 117.
8. B. Kulaszka, ed., Did Six Million Really Die (1992),
pp. 24-25.
9. A. Mayer, Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?: The 'Final
Solution' in History (Pantheon, 1988), p. 365.
10. Nuremberg document 008-USSR, in IMT "blue series,"
Vol. 39, pp. 241, 261.
11. B. Kulaszka, ed., Did Six Million Really Die (1992),
p. 441.
12. Y. Bauer, "Fighting the Distortions," The
Jerusalem Post (Israel), Sept. 22, 1989; Auschwitz
Deaths Reduced to a Million," The Daily Telegraph (London),
July 17, 1990; " Poland Reduces Auschwitz Death Toll
Estimate to 1 Million," The Washington Times, July
17, 1990.
13. J.-C. Pressac, Les Crémetoires d'Auschwitz: La
machinerie du meurtre de masse (Paris: CNRS, 1993), p.
148. See also: R. Faurisson, "Jean-Claude Pressac's
New Auschwitz Book," The Journal of Historical
Review, Jan.-Feb. 1994, p. 24.
14. A. Mayer, Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? (1988), p.
15. A. Mayer, Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? (1988), pp.
16. IMT "blue series," Vol. 1, pp. 251-252;
Nuremberg document 3868-PS, in IMT "blue series,"
Vol. 33, pp. 275-279.
17. Rupert Butler, Legions of Death (England: 1983), pp.
18. See: R. Faurisson, "How the British Obtained the
Confession of Rudolf Höss," The Journal of
Historical Review, Winter 1986-87, pp. 389-403.
19. See, for example: B. Kulaszka, ed., Did Six Million
Really Die (1992), pp. 469-502. See also: M. Weber,
Fred Leuchter: Courageous Defender of Historical
Truth, The Journal of Historical Review, Winter
1992-93, pp. 421-428
( )
20. An Official Polish Report on the Auschwitz 'Gas
Chambers, The Journal of Historical Review,
Summer 1991, pp. 207-216.
21. G. Rudolf, Gutachten ueber die Bildung und
Nachweisbarkeit von Cyanidverbindungen in den 'Gaskammern'
von Auschwitz (London: 1993) (
); The Rudolf Report (in English) (
22. "The 'Lüftl Report'," The Journal of
Historical Review, Winter 1992-93.
This essay is adapted from a text first published in 1992
by the Canadian Free Speech League.
About the Author:
Barbara Kulaszka is a Canadian lawyer who practices
law in Brighton, Ontario. She is best known for her work
in free speech cases. During the 1988 Holocaust
trial in Toronto, she served a co-counsel (with
Doug Christie) for defendant Ernst Zundel. In 1999 she
was awarded the George Orwell Award by the
Canadian Free Speech League.
ZGram - Update on the political
kidnapping of Dr. Fredrick Toben on British soil
There is no doubt that the global
struggle for Truth in History is now accelerating public
awareness with the arrest of an Australian citizen of
German descent in an airplane at Heathrow. This was
again a desperate act to contain the ever more unraveling
Holocaust swindle.
Guess what? Grossmann, the
eager beaver Mannheim prosecutor who helped to mastermind
the Zundel kidnapping, as documents reveal, requested
this arrest!
These impact persecution attempts
are meant to strike terror in the public - but boomerang
to an astonishing degree. Millions of people all
over the world are drawn to Revisionist websites to find
out for themselves what these bizarre arrests of
Holocaust Revisionists are really all about. Toben's
website is at
and is one of the Internet's oldest websites, under
attack by organized Jewry almost since its inception.
The Toben case is different only
from the Zundel kidnapping in that the Holocaust Lobby's
claws have come out and the fig leaf has been dropped
that this was anything but yet another political hit as
punishment for questioning the Holocaust. The
arrest was made while Toben was in transit, flying from
the United States to Dubai with a stopover in London,
where government law enforcement officers obliged the
Holocaust aficionados and acted as a hit squad on a
peaceful but politically incorrect non-British citizen
for a "speech crime".
I don't have high-speed internet
access, therefore I may not be fully informed. I am
not even sure this ZGram will get through, because once
again there has been Zundelsite sabotage - by now a
common occurrence. But I will tell you what I know.
In the EU, most countries have
stringent "Holocaust Denial" laws where the
slightest doubt expressed about the orthodox Holocaust
tale gets people prosecuted and, in many cases, convicted
to long prison sentences. Germany and Austria are
the most notorious and brutal - in Germany, for instance,
even attorneys are thrown in jail who dare to defend the
However England, to its credit,
has courageously resisted a "Holocaust denial"
law so far - therefore, a political arrest of this nature
on British soil of a non-citizen in transit has
particularly nasty odor.
This will get interesting. England
has a couple of high-profile celebrity Revisionists who
are taking an active role in challenging what happened.
I have been told that David Irving, England's enfant
terrible, has offered Toben a place to stay in his home,
should he be released on bail, and Lady Michelle Renouf,
that elegant and beautiful socialite, a well-known
producer of DVDs of Revisionists'
dramatic stories of political
victimization, is capably putting together a legal team
to launch an extradition advocacy defense.
let that melt on your tongue!
This is revolutionary! This
should have been done with other high profile cases of
Revisionist truth tellers who have been likewise
politically nabbed and who idealistically and perhaps too
trustingly relied on a "Truth is a defense"
strategy - only to find out that the judiciary is so
corrupt through fear or blinded by political correctness
that it is stony ground to hope for justice based
on forensic science.
Lady Renouf's update is at
David Irving's website is at
and carries additional articles
and commentary.
A particularly peppery commentary
by Michael James has been parked at the Truthseeker at
Additionally, there is youtube
with offerings as follows:
from the US:
from England:
in front of Westminster
Magistrate's court with Lady Michèle Renouf, Kevin Lowry-Mullis
(Töben's solicitor) and David Irving
from Australia:
from Malaysia:
We hope that other countries will
take notice and join in. This political kidnapping,
just like the Zundel and Rudolf kidnappings a few years
ago, highlights yet once again that Germany is nothing
but a bully Zionist vassal, forcing its odious Holocaust
Denial laws on other countries that want nothing to do
with their hateful laws to please the Noisy Lobby.
It will be interesting to learn
if Britain is still strong and independent enough to
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Re: Sylvia Stolz, German Lawyer of Ernst Zundel Sentenced
To 3-1/2 Years internationalwhiteflight
Forum Member
All we can do is support this woman and Mr.
Zundel in their quest for the truth. When they are
released from prison they must stand their ground.
Sylvia Stolz's Court statements
Sylvia Stolz, lawyer on trial
for Holocaust Denial, accuses court of Talmudic
German Patriot Defence Lawyer
Sylvia Stolz was sentenced to 3 and-a-half years in
prison and disbarred for 5 years.
Below Sylvia's comments to the
She says the Court is perverting
and repressing the truth with the cudgel of "Holocaust,"
making a mockery of justice. Her trial has made clear the
criminal absurdity of prosecuting "Holocaust Denial."
How can one deny something that never existed? She says
these entire proceedings began as a show trial in a
kangaroo court and never progressed beyond that point.
The main proceedings were projected with smoke and
mirrors and the official fairy tale of "Holocaust"
was enforced by undisguised force. She observes that the
political intent of the Court is the ultimate eradication
of the German Nation and its replacement by a mongrelized
and deculturated population of mindless consumers.
Sylvia says she is confident that
she has succeeded in exposing this Court to the whole
world as an agent that is hostile to the German Nation.
By openly and flagrantly violating the law, this Court
flees before the truth. Incessantly, like turning a
prayer wheel, it has rejected her every evidentiary
motion with the cynical pretext of "abuse of
courtprocedure." ..... She has hope and faith that
the German Nation will someday bring this treacherous
Court to justice.
Sylvia describes how the Defense
was forced to accept the contents of the indictment, and
this caused the Court's desired verdict to be the
inevitable consequence. In the absence of material
evidence, the Court relied on its infantile rulings that
"Abuse of Procedure = Criminal Act." Thanks to
this judicial sleight of hand, there was no assumption of
innocence and the Court did not have to prove guilt.
Sylvia asks: to what is Grossmann
referring when he mentions "domestic and foreign"
court verdicts? Could he be referring to the Nuremberg
show trials? The Allied Military Tribunal was nothing but
a postwar Talmudic Inquisition conducted by Germany's
enemies. It featured witnesses with "built-in
credibility" and Jewish testimony that could never
be questioned or authenticated. She asks: what would
people like Grossmann do without the official obligatory
fairy tale of "Holocaust?" Her trial has again
demonstrated that world political powers are players in
the "Holocaust" game (or "Holocaust
Industry" as Prof. Norman Finkelstein calls it, he
should know, since both of his parents were interned at
Auschwitz during the War.) This explains why objective
historical research is still suppressed, sixty-three
years after the end of the War. As an example of ongoing
intellectual repression in Germany Sylvia refers to the
"Hermann Case" in which a popular commentator
was fired for referring to such positive aspects of
National Socialism as its family policy and the
construction of Autobahns.
Sylvia demonstrates that the
Court's procedural system is very, very simple. It
consists of disallowing all evidentiary motions as "abuse
of Court procedure," which is a criminal act. She
says that the District Attorney's closing tirade was
beneath all legal criticism, nothing but purest slander
and abuse.....Then Sylvia shows how powerful interests
profit greatly by inculcating a negative self-image into
German society, with their incessant propaganda and
brainwashing. If Germans were as evil as Grossmann
depicts them, they would long ago have skinned him alive.
She points out that under the
present Talmudic Inquisition, anyone who calls attention
to the destructive nature of Judaism can be punished.
Glenz tells the Court Reporter to
write that remark down as well. Sylvia observes that
today, no one is allowed to say anything the least bit
derogatory about Jews, and yet the necessary first step
toward changing and improving conditions in Germany is
recognizing the cause of our malaise. She says that Horst
Mahler's writings provide the proof for this, and she
will stand by this assertion. Glenz orders the Reporter:
"Put that in too!"
Sylvia continues and remarks that
Germany now stands under the yoke of world Judaism. Glenz
threatens: "We are going to cut off your final
address if..." But Sylvia ignores him and says that
following World War II, the real criminals took over the
world. Glenz growls "I'm warning you!" but
Sylvia again urges the public to consider the causes of
Germany's plight and continue gathering and considering
the material evidence. She tells the Court that National
Socialism is not dead, regardless of how much Grossmann
and his ilk wish it were dead. She says that National
Socialism represents what is good and enduring in the
German spirit. Idealism and patriotism are rigidly
suppressed at this time but they cannot be suppressed
Turning toward Grossmann and the
Court, she asks:
"Is he German? Or is he
perhaps related to that Moshe Grossmann who for four
years following the end of World War II continued
torturing and murdering German slaves in the East, as the
Jewish author John Sack reports in his book An Eye for an
Then she turns to the Bench and
"What about you are
you Germans?" "German" stands for honor
and steadfastness! Think of Deutsche Treue! Nobody can
call what is going on in this court as "honorable."
In this court, the only "justice" is inspired
by the Talmud!"
Sylvia expresses her faith that
history will take its inevitable course and "the
truth will win out." She says that since the trial
began she has been prepared for her preordained
conviction she told them at the beginning that she
knew her verdict was handed down, even before her
indictment. To the Bench she says,
"And you, my high-and-mighty judges, will never
again experience inner peace... Your depiction of
National Socialism as a criminal system will see to that.
You are willing accomplices to the brainwashing and
degradation of the German people.... Adolf Hitler
accurately recognized the Jewish problem, the malevolent
power of the Jews in certain respects... Yes, I share the
values of National Socialism!"
Sylvia continbues:
"If my actions bring a
little more light into this dark hour for Germany, then I
will gladly go to prison! It does not bother me that I am
officially ridiculed and insulted by this despicable
court and atrocious government... My high and mighty
judges, you are convicting yourselves, not me."