By Jerry Vilhotti
"So Byrom you say you now want
to be a writer making millions of dollars!
That shows. That shows how the super elite hiding deep
inside their bunkers have
brain washed you into thinking you could do what they are
the most afraid of being
a thinking person! Why do you think our dear politicians
have fabricated the notion
that there is a so called free education and you will be
able to serve your country
with your brain when they made sure your brain would have
water drowning it from
putting two thoughts together to vuck with pleasure - One
on the Other - to come
out to an understanding? That's why they keep hate alive
by having races and
ethnic groups calling each other ugly names. Were your
normal school teachers like
priests not allowed to marry? They weren't because that
would have cost money
and that's the real god in people's hearts and if there
is a true God he
will compassionately say all you bastards must go to the
great poet's ninth
circle of hell for you have betrayed yourselves and all
others who trusted you!
Did you ever read Luis Bunuel's words where he said:
'In any society, the
artist has a responsibility. His effectiveness is
certainly limited and a writer
or painter cannot change the world,but they can keep an
essential margin of nonconformity
alive. Thanks to them, the powerful can never
affirm that everyone agrees with
their acts. That small difference is very important.
When power feels itself totally
justified and approved, it immediately destroys whatever
freedoms we have left,
and that is fascism.' You know my dear Byrom Hoover
Bush, your great country
is now in the womb of all that with no enjoyment. You and
all the phonies are being
swirled down a toilet bowl but you think it's a ride in
an amusement park!
And it was you who wanted to come to this city that they
call a place of light built
on lies! The global gobblers will find themselves
one day in Dante's ninth
circle because these so-called leaders sold the country
out while wearing their
flags and phony smiles! Don't they see they're
killing the very thing that
is sustaining them?" Olivia said,while they
were in the nation's capitol
on Olivia's dime, in a hotel overlooking the Potomac
River; using the tone his
father struck when displaying his condescension honeyed
with venom.
How he had embarrassed her when he did three of his
pseudo TB coughing attacks making
many people run for cover in a great panic and then he
settled the Capitol police
down who were going to shoot him dead thinking he was a
Bunny Laden though being
eight inches shorter than the alleged terrorist by doing
his speech therapist's
suggestion before saying words that began with a
consonant: "Officers (whistle)
we are (whistle) Americans (whistle) from Ashtabula, Ohio!"
His wink made
all fifty police persons cock their guns thinking he were
going to spill the beans
in his code about the hundreds of thousands of voters
denied to vote in the great
state of Democracy once owned by Connectandcut; pulling
off a second smoke and mirrors
feat within five years not needing a Supreme Court to
elect a so called president
for a second time ....
Olivia misunderstood Byrom's look of fear which was
masking his deep concern
that in fact he had used up all his capital and was going
to be asked to leave her
accommodations and he would be forced to go live once
again in a marginal neighborhood
to take on his roll of camouflage to allude definition
and be caught by agents searching
for him for the support payments he owed his wife with
the four children of whom
he knew for certain the last two were not his.
"Byrom. Byrom you look at me with darting
blinking eyes of love. You think
I'm far too wonderful to criticize and you always suck in
your breath out of
respect for me!"
It was moments like this he hated Berlin University
educated Olivia, at least ten
years his senior, and yet he realized if he were to make
it by becoming one of her
son's managers at one of his many custard stands in the
great state of Our Kind
of Democracy, Ohio not far from Kent State where
students got a good learning
about disobeying authority that "indeed" his
father, The Old Warrior,
often used that word and the expression "I'm, afraid"
often in his
dazzling display of superiority over those whom he felt
inferior, his last chance
for success would be dashed forever.
He would have to watch his ways if he were ever
going to succeed in this survival
of the fittest kind of world.
"(Whistle) let's (whistle) go (whistle) see (whistle)
the (whistle) sights
and our (whistle) great lea... lea...leaders and (whistle)
their (whistle) Great
(whistle) Decider!"
" You decided all that by yourself? Talk like
a vucking subservient human
being!" Olivia said with an expression his father
had once owned. END 10-3-08