The anarchic online
journal for authors
of political enquiry,
poetry, philosophy
and art.


The Editor's Cell

Appel de Blois - english version - by Pierre NORA, chairman of Liberté pour l’Histoire

World Archaeological Congress establishes Development Archaeology with bulldozers.


(NEW) Jewish film Obsession sent to 28,000,000 voters USA

(NEW) Things are going to get much worse...Morgan Kelly

(NEW) Change? Yeah - right.... by Frank Scott

(NEW) Response to Joe the Plumber - Soft Shoes by Joseph Nyerere

(NEW) Danger signals: EU Military Plan to Eradicate Somalia's "Pirates"

(NEW) Comment and Facts on bailouts - to be updated

(NEW) A Sardonic Look at EU's New Heroes - the Bail-out Gang by H.J.Schlamp

Update on USA Bail-out

Updates on European Bail Out

(NEW)A Glance at Ralph Nader on his circuit in Conneticut - Mark Pazniokas

(NEW) Credit Crunch - Cambridge Forum talk by Gilad Atzmon

(NEW)Not one Dime ! by Mike Whitney

(NEW) Outrage ! Michael Moore's Solution !

(NEW Part 2 and Part 3 now added)Keeping the Media Safe for Big Business - Media Lens Alert Part 1.

The New World War - The Silence is a Lie by John Pilger

NO to the Paulson/Bernanke Bail-out - The Derivatives Scam and Gamble by WGTarpley also Missing Money and Collateral Fraud by CAustin Fitts.

Voting for Democrats and Republicans just makes gullible and delusional citizens co-conspirators -By Joel S. Hirschhorn

An Open Letter to Members of the Congressional Black Caucus on the Bail Out by John Burl Smith

Top Five; 3 Down 2 To Go - Economic Toxicity by J Nyerere

Now is the Time to Resist Wall Street's Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein and those who argue with her...

Prisoner 650 Afia Siddiqui

The Wandering Who? Book Review by Gilad Atzmon, Author Professor Shlomo Sand, Israeli Historian

Remember 9/11 and the inadequate Investigation

President Medvedev: Why I had to Recognise Georgia's Breakaway Regions

Politicians and the Military Conspired to drop Atomic Bombs in Japan - Now they have "new" weapons they want to try out............John Pilger

And So it Continues 26 Years After the Massacre - Laurie King .Electronic Intifada

Britain has failed US Detainees by Noam Chomsky Comment by RVerkaik Law Editor

Betrayal of Trustees of Tate Gallery London

Why I am Helping Hugo - by Ken Livingstone

The War on Shampoo by Paul J Watson

European Informations of interest to Lisbon Treaty voters

European News

EU Determined to Create and Trow Out "Illegal" Immigrants - And What were we all? Luis Gonzalez

The Blood of Dresden - from Kurt Vonnegut's papers.

Mai Pederson, David Kelly's Friend ..." He could Not have Killed Himself."

Nuclear Industry's Financial and Safety Nightmare - ISIS PRESS RELEASE

Free Education In Ireland - A Joke,G.Kerrigan & Bertie Ahern's Welcome Assurance against the Financial Trouble.. I would Dig my Way Out of It.

Confirmation for Irish Farmers of their NO Vote Lisbon Treaty re DOHA Agreement & USA Farm Org. thinks about the Bail-Out

Celebrity Politics.... ofcourse: Bono by Dave Marsh

Artisans in Ireland and great artist's collaboration on Environment Storybook

Tara - The fight Goes On - from several websites

For Tara reference some interesting details on Celts. I.Wilkens


Art and Book Reviews

(NEW) Photographs - R.Braddell

(NEW) Whistle While You Work by Jerry Vilhotti

The Value of George Orwell by C.Reese

What is Holocaust Denial? by Barbara Kulaszka

LETTERS: George Rishmawi Asks Us for a Better Future ; Lying Printing Machines; White Folks Ain't Stupid

Joost Van Steenis - A New Look at Protest - its Success and Failures.

Towards a Second Cold War? by Noam Chomsky

Zac de la Rocha talks to Anne Powers

Joseph Nyerere on Skates or other Means of Pursuit for the Money

(NEW) Asaf Sirkis Trio - release of THE MONK ,review Rory Braddell

London Jazz Festival in Nov.Gilad Atzmon gig in Purcell Room

Nick Miller exhibition New York Studio School Sept.18 - Oct.25th

(NEW)Poet John Mellor - Sort Sol

Masterpieces and Miracles, Istanbul

Middle East and elsewhere

What did my Father Do to Deserve this? Interview with Laila Al Arian by N Welch

Misc. interesting reports from Israel as Zionism corrupts the State.

The Future is One Nation by Ghada Karmi

Family Politics and the New Gaza Crisis by Ramzy Baroud

Tossed Out Like a Dog by Gideon Levy

International Solidarity Movement Gain a Foothold in Gaza

Iran ; Dutch Propaganda War

Iraq: Nuremberg Principle VI & US Troops Commit Suicide & The War Will Go On by CGEstabrook

Pakistan Unrest Increases and Govt. orders Kill USA invaders

Afghan Gov. officials Arresting Journalists

Reports from Russia

USA or "Western Civilisation"

Three Men Crammed inside a 6X12ft.Cell by Rashad Price

Posted as yet Another Hurrican Approaches New Orleans


Chiswick, London Spectacular Mosaic for Incarcerated Black Panters

McCain's Neo-Con Warmonger and Dennis McDonough Obama's Man on the War Front.

How the Chicago Boys Wrecked the economy Michael Hudson interview with Mike Whitney

Harlem Day Pasrade Arrests &An Affluent White Harlem? A Beveridge sums it up...

UPDATE ON TROY DAVIS 24.10.08 W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio

Hi Joseph's Picked up his Pen some more ! ; Two Old Friends by Joseph Nyerere

Review EricAlterman the Journalist in Palestine who did not see a Palestinian & KPFA BayView Radio allows Homeland Security Rough Up Staff

At JFK Airport - Denying Basic Rights is Just another day at the Office - Emily Feder

Highjinks in Australia's Legal World

Cranbrook Indian Residential School - Neglect and Death Hidden in Canada



Cell Phones , Coltan and the Congo from THE DISH MAG.

(NEW) Cell Phone Catastrophy Looms - What They Do Not Want You To Know

US Medical Magazine writes on Nikolas Tesla

Urban Waste Water a Threat; Swedish Paper at Water Summit. African Example

A Page on Fish

Bees seek Asylum in German Cities plus Israeli/USA anti-viral Agent found for Bees?

Solar Power Getting Cleaner Fast by ISIS and Wireless Electric Power demonstrated.