My old friend Joseph's got writing
mania - don't miss this!
2 Old Friends
What it look like Jimmy ? / Like it is,
yo ! / wh'sup my main - you au ite
/ yeah, i'm au ite. things be working when we
Hey! I saw Lil Jimmy Jam the other day / wit
Sue Ann, main... / Dude done got big main
He told me he gitting all A's down at Howard
main / Hey Yo! thats it! thats it! I
How's yo momma main ? / she au'ite /
I saw huh a couple months ago over in east newyork / she
told me to come over to get some good food she be making
but i had to jump / had tah go'dah work / or
you know i would'dah been on it main.
Yeah main, God is Good, main / you and me and Lil
Jimmy gotta go over on Kingston
& play some ball on the weekend sometime, main /
or after work or some'n main. say'n?
yeah call me and let me know and we'll do it / Lil
Jimmy dont haf'tah go back to school for another 2
or 3 weeks.
show is good seeing main / aint seen you in while
main / we gotta stay in touch main.
how much longer you got in school? / another semester /but
I've been there so long
a semester seems like years main.
Yeah, I know what you're saying / that business admin
shit is strong main
keep taking it to the hole and you'll git the prize main
I say that because I was just a ball player in college...
"you were the best tho, the best ever, the best",
says Jimmy.
what you been doing main since i say you last main /
i started a little business with a little money i
won on my digit / wasn't much about 6 grand
i bought a truck / started picking up used junk computers
and sellin'em,
made a little more money / made a few good connections
then i started an office cleaning business
it picked up / now i have about 60 people working /
cleaning office buildings and
the 4 truck drivers i have pick up waste building
materials from construction sites /
some of the materials are salvaged,recycled and can be
sold, some materials are dumped.
yeah main GOD is GOOD. I'm trying to get to the
next level and dont know how / Big demand /
I'm not getting down the floor fast enough to stop
the fast break. I'm losing business.
when you git out of that school stuff main you know me /
you know where i am and how we be /
contact me / wit yo knowledge main / we can blow up
you wit all that new education and stuff / i'ont
know none of that shit / I just know how to make
we'll hook up like old times main / 1 and 2 / 50 / 50 /
you take'em from inside and i'll take em from outside / i
need somebody i know i can trust up in here /
i need to make money / i'ont need to be watching nobody
i need you to show me stuff / show me how to work this
shit from a different level and we'll blow sky high /
just like we used to do on the courts main.
you and me. hurry up main!
Check this my man / I was reading Forbes Magazine the
other day main / them folk got a lot of money.
Now I know these politicians aint gonna fix nothing so I
am writing to the billionaires to
see if they can give us a hand down under here,
right about now, sayin?
I figure they oughtta help us out a little bit to fix
this here little thang we got here. OK! cause
they the ones caused it to be not happening.
Billionaires make a lots of money, yo. Ophra,
she got a billion too, lets not leave huh out of
they stuff.
I figure it this way. about this. This
thing is gittin ugly. We gotta do something about
this thing called a crisis
They say We. But We know we aint Them.
We's us. They trying to be us. OK.
They can say what they fuckin wanna say, cause We know it's
them, and they keep trying to play us.
I did the math. Its like this. there are -
and I'm quoting Forbes Magazine, au ite. You 'ont
believe me then go to /
see for yo'self. There is a lot of
other good business stuff up in that Forbes Magazine that
folk dont ever know bout.
You can also get a mini education bout how the banking
system in the U. S. work by going to
Dont faint when you see the crazy shit they be saying
makes stuff work right. I'm telling you, shit
aint working. They better change they game plan
There are 1062 Billionaires in the world. The top (1
thru 25) billionaires have a net worth of $760,000,000,000
and billionaires 26 thru
46 have a net worth of $419,000,000,000. check this
Them billionaires wanna stick your son Lil Jimmy, who
aint gonna be earning shit till after another 10 years -
they talking about the government buying up billions of
dollars for some junk paper they call a security, with
some initials on it calling it a CDO or some'n.
I carry all kinds of junction to the junk yards, so
i know the shit aint got no salvage value, worth
They say if WE dont help'em, they gonna be hurt,
and we go'on be hurt. I say hurt'em.
Help'em out of this little crisis- they say.
Crisis dont hurt me cause I'm African born in America,
so I know crisis like Langstons know him some rivers.
What kindda shit is that? WE. they mean
THEY. They want me, Joe Public, to loan
them $700,000,000,000.
I say borrow it from the billionaires. They got it like
that. Hit me up on my cell Jimmy so we
can run some ball.
Gotta jump.
joseph nyerere