Top 5:  3 down 2 to go.
Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley

Economic Toxicity by Joseph Nyerere

This Fix-It Series will run for the next I-don’t-know-how-long or until they fit it.  “They”?   Yes.  They.   Not us.  Not we.

The New York Times reported that in a briefing to congress Friday
Treasury secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke painted a grave picture of an economy on the edge of a major recession and told congress that action was urgent and imperative.    Wow!  The R-word!

I’m not sure how recession has meaning for folk.   When you hear the R-word what comes to mind.   Lazy fair? Does the R-word help, hinder or hurt.  Does it facilitate an understanding about how you feel; how does  it position you in the economic storm? 

What do you feel when the R-word pours on you like rain.  Does it make you feel like you are standing, waiting for a Hurricane with an umbrella?

I need to practice my French.   Lehman Brothers,  Merrill Lynch,  AIG,  Morgan Stanley,  Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan Chase, CitiCorp.  Oh yeah, Freddie Mack and his sister went to the government.  Who's next.   When will  social security be privitized.

Where is the market force when we need you Adam Smith.   This supply and demand stuff dont appear to be working Maynard Keynes.    Mr. Henry George what should we do now.   I'm down here on Main Street wishing it w ere  Wall Street.   Maynard Keynes you are suppose to come to our aide.   What happened Maynard.  All we have is George Bush and the last time he said "truth me", he carried the country into a none ending war that is bankrupting the country.
Every since first heard the R-word,   I went Wow!  The R-word.  Wow!  At the limit, the R-word approaches the N-word,  as does the E-word, representing evil, recently slung  into the text by George Bush.

Until They Fix-It.  Wow!  Wow! 

As reported, “The Bush administration is asking Congress to let the government buy $700=2 0billion in toxic mortgages in the largest financial bailout since the Great Depression, according to a draft of the plan obtained Saturday by The Associated Press.”

The scope of the Wow factor subsumes macroeconomics and must be tended in closed format when dealing with the national debt, the economy and a gigantic 10.6 trillion dollars dog-figure sitting on its hind legs demanding to be feed.  

The Wow! Factor is a constant in the minds of the people that causes the uninformed sectors of the population to gasp, “do you believer that… Wow! Wow! Wow!  

The Wow! Factor invades and lodges itself immediately after an event or something surprising that enters the brain.  It happens just behind the eye sockets and pounds the eardrums, as on a tympani.  The brain just doesn’t comprehend, so it appends Wow! Wow! to the end of a truth, as the mind continues to be amazed and puzzled. 

Serious academic study and deep thought is taking place in academys around the world about these seemingly delusional phenomena, but they are not imaginary as has been determined in the Lidioscopic Resonant Ordeal Studies performed by Joseph Nyerere.  They are both real and complex variables, concurrently, as has been determined in the harmonic domain of the 10th dimension.  

(An aside:  In Wolof, spoken in Senegal, folk append Wow! Wow!  As you are speaking to let you know, that they are listening, that you should continue speaking.   You say … continuing to speak; the listener will continue to say wow! Wow! until the listener disagree or tires of listening, at which time the conversation will flip into another gear.  This Wow is different from the wow herein discussed.)

Think about it:  The United States plan is to buy the bad debt of any U.S. financial institution for the next two years as a way to FIX-IT.  Notwithstanding that the debt is by definition “bad” thus “toxic”.  No matter.  Just be a U.S. financial institution and you can work the deal.  Wow!  Wow! Wow!

Fixing it would raise the national debt to above 10.6 trillion dollars.  President Bush says it’s a quick fix because the congress is leaving Washington to tend to the election coming up in November. 

''We're going to work with Congress to get a bill done quickly,'' President Bush said at the White House. Without discussing details of the plan, he said, "this is a big package because it was a big problem.''  Wow! Wow!

About the same time of year, some years ago Bill Clinton was president said, “this is a big deal” when he was about to fix something.   And “this is a big deal” entered the lexicon of news reports for time memorial.  But he never fixed it, whatever IT was that he was going to fix.  He even said,  “depends on what you mean by IS”.  Bill Clinton is brilliant.  Should George W. Bush be concluded as such under the brilliant appraisal light, in view of his dark mind set?

They said, Edmund L. Andrews, in The New York Times, "The Bush administration, is moving to prevent an economic cataclysm, urged Congress on Friday to grant it far-reaching Emergency powers to buy hundreds of billions of dollars in distressed mortgages despite many unknowns about how the plan would work.”   Wow!  Wow!  Brilliant!  Brilliant!
Wow!  "unknowns about how the plan would work".  wow! wow!

Democratic leaders immediately pledged to work closely with Mr. Paulson to pass a plan in the next week, but they also demanded that the measure include relief for deeply indebted homeowners, not just for banks and Wall Street firms."  Wow!  Wow!

 And my good friends continue to say there aint no devil.   I'm going to hold out that he
does exist until I stop seeing him.

I even see him during business hours.

Top 5:  3 down 2 to go.
Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley

i wake up monday & Gold man & Mor gan done gone.
They done gone wit the wind of rapid change,  DOOM.

that's all.  aint no mo. they all gone.

if you think it dont affect you and me and its just them / then think agin.

how much of yo retirement money been lot in the last month?  
how much?   how much has your 401 depleted in the last month? 
how much is yo stock lost in the last month?   
only way for i dont be worried (concerned) is i aint got nothing in the first place.

the only one left standing is you and me, the tax payer.    put your money in yo shoe.
if we dont find no way / we go'n be gone too / Lord of Mercy ! / Aint it a shame !

time will tell.   and we'll do like we alway been done since we been here.
  make a way outta no way.
          mercy mercy