Few people
would be surprised to hear that cell phones are
unhealthy. But how many of us actually know the
degree of damage they cause, the extent of the
cover-up by the industry, or that there is a
viable solution? Dr. George Carlo, a mobile phone
industry whistleblower, recently presented a talk
in Vancouver about how electropollution from
wireless technology can cause brain damage,
cancer and an array of mental illnesses.
I checked his facts against recent, peer-reviewed
scientific papers and the results were startling.
Dr. Carlo explained why the industrys user
manuals dont warn of these health hazards:
currently, there are pending class action
lawsuits against them, which threaten to expose
the entire industry, similar to the cases brought
against Big Tobacco, and the asbestos
and silicone breast implant industries. But what
really shone brightly in Dr. Carlos message
were his realistic solutions. One option is to
have fibre-optic cables running underground to
our curbs to shorten the distance and power
necessary for the wireless signals. According to
Dr. Carlo, this option requires an ongoing search
for the diamond politician or activist who will
take the lead.
Its important to get the facts straight.
Dr. Carlo, a scientist hired by the cell phone
industry in the 90s, now believes cell
phones are the greatest health hazard of our
time. In his view, there is no question that
mobile phones cause terrible health consequences.
It seemed prudent to independently check the
recent, peer-reviewed scientific literature to
see if his mid-1990s results are supported today.
A quick search revealed five excellent studies
from 2006 that provide strong evidence of serious
problems from electromagnetic signals from cell
In contrast, several review studies that pooled
results from 10 to 20 other studies suggested the
evidence isnt conclusive either way.
However, these reviews may have been diluted by
the inclusion of some studies with ties to
telecommunication industry funders. One author
cited in these studies is affiliated with on
Australian institute that has an FAQ web page
full of suspicious PR (see
www.acrbr.org.au/FAQ.htm). The website states
this group of scientists has agreed, by
committee, on the science they want to do:
essentially, that which shows cell phones are
harmless, and they will focus their research
accordingly. Very revealing PR. Dr. Carlo also
found that among more than 300 studies completed
over the past six years, those funded by the
industry are more than six times more likely to
find nothing wrong than studies that
are funded independently.
Dr. Carlo explained in detail his theory of how
cell phones cause brain damage. It begins with
the wave. The signals use carrier waves of around
1,900 megahertz (MHz), which are so high in
frequency that they pass right through us, and
our houses, unnoticed. But harmful
information-carrying waves are packed into the
carrier waves. These information waves, which
carry signals that can be decoded by our
computers and mobile phones, are low-frequency
waves in the range of one hertz (Hz). Thats
slow. So slow that our cells can feel them as an
aggravating, physical jolt at their surfaces.
Within 30 seconds or so of bombardment, our cells
temporarily shut down their surface transport and
intercellular communication functions, to resist
further damage from threatening invaders.
Normally, small threats to cells cause them to
send out chemical signals to neighbouring cells
that tell them to protect themselves from
invaders, and they signal for help from our
immune systems T-cells. But bombardment
from mobile phone waves causes whole areas of
cells and tissues to shut down their surfaces,
stopping the active transport of good and bad
stuff in and out of the cell, without time to
signal a warning to other cells. Further, the
shut down of gap junction communication pathways
compromises tissue and organ functions, including
the immune system.
Free radicals build up inside the cells so they
eventually die and spill toxins and fragmented
DNA into the space between cells. There,
micronuclei form as a result of membranes
becoming organized around broken bits of DNA.
These micronuclei wreak havoc, disrupting cell
function and allowing cancers to form. That is
how, as Dr. Carlo explains, both benign and
malignant tumours are caused by wireless signals.
He suggests a similar process occurs at the
blood-brain barrier that protects our delicate
neurons and their tiny sophisticated chemical
signals from contaminants in our blood. Once
cells in the barrier are shut down by mobile
phone waves, all kinds of big, toxic molecules
enter our neural spaces where they can cause many
problems, among them autism spectrum
disorders, which include some types of
anxiety attacks, hyperactivity, ADD, problems
with focussing, mild and severe autism,
hyper-irritability and others.
Based on levels of adult cell phone use in the
90s, Dr. Carlo predicts 40,000 to 50,000
new cases of brain and eye cancer caused by
mobile phones each year worldwide. By 2010, he
estimates the number to be near a half million
cases. Given that Dr. Carlos prediction
derives from conditions in the 90s
average use of 500 to 1,000 minutes per month,
with little or no wireless background signal
the numbers are bound to be higher.
Increasingly, we are blasted by wireless signals
all day long, both at home and at work. In
certain closed spaces, such as cars or buses, the
signals are intensely amplified as they bounce
around, trapped. Data, so far, suggest there is
no safe level, only a probable safe duration of
exposure. Our cells may not be damaged until
after about 30 seconds of bombardment from
wireless phone signals.
Dr. Carlo also suggests our cells can be
imprinted so they remember the disruption and
pass it down to future cells. This may be why
some people seem to have heightened sensitivity,
experienced as sudden unexplained anxiety when
walking past a wireless hotspot. While
peer-reviewed studies have not yet been done to
directly address this claim, most of us have
experienced the effects of an
information-carrying signal that disrupts
sensitive objects around us, like the car stereo.
Although additional research is required, our
instincts are probably right; these signals have
an effect and it is unnerving.
So why dont our cell phones and wireless
cards come with a Use at your own
risk label and a warning that there is
evidence they may be harmful? The crux of the
problem is historical. Mobile phones were
exempted from pre-market safety testing in the
80s because they were presented as merely
low-powered devices, taking the onus
off the industry to prove their safety. This was
a problem for advocates and opponents alike.
Industry found it necessary to prove they were
safe to defend against claims such as the cell
phone related brain cancer death of Deborah
Reynard in 1993. Reynards cancer was
unusual, growing from the outside to the inside
of her head, at the precise location of her
mobile phone antenna. Following that case, the
industry began to fund its own researchers to
study the health effects of cell phones, but it
struck a deal with the regulating bodies that
stipulated they would only research the damaging
effects of cell phones as long as they could
remain unregulated until all the research was
done. Thats when the industry hired Dr.
Even before Dr. Carlos groups
research was published, the industry began to
file for patents on devices to make them safe,
but these depended on proof that cell phones
posed a danger. It was a classic Catch-22,
leading to a cascade of hypocritical acts by the
industry as it sought safer technologies, while
at the same time printing users manuals
stating that cell phones were not harmful.
The industry was obviously aware that Dr. Carlo
was a threat; since his findings, he has been
threatened, physically attacked, defamed and his
house mysteriously burned down. By 1998, his
groups research showed that the nearfield
electromagnetic plume of seven or eight inches
around the antenna of the cell phone caused
leakage in the blood brain barrier, as well as
rare neural-epithelial cancers and double to
triple the risk of benign and malignant brain
Then theres the story of Milt Bowling,
Canadas most outspoken mobile phone critic
and head of the Electromagnetic Radiation Task
Force (ERTFC). In the 90s, Bowling was
catapulted into an all-consuming battle with the
industry when it attempted to erect a cell tower
on the roof of his sons school. It became
outrageous when one company implanted a mobile
phone transmitter inside a church cross and
donated it to the church across from the school.
Bowlings story appeared on the Fifth Estate
in 1997 and made waves around the world. His
chief concern now is that our safety regulations
are ridiculously outdated, only requiring limits
for radiation high enough to heat body tissue by
one degree celsius within six minutes. He says
this is like saying if it doesnt cook
you, theres no problem. Clearly,
science shows problems prior to the tissue
Given the threat of public opposition roused by
activists such as Dr. Carlo, and Bowling here in
Vancouver, why dont our governments
establish more restrictions? Vested interests are
a huge problem. Governments know they can only
charge a tiny fee for licensing alternatives,
such as fibre-optics, whereas they can charge a
fortune for wireless bandwiths, totalling several
billion dollars in the US. So governments have
taken the path-most-paying. As an example, to pay
for initial, expensive, wireless infrastructure
(towers), industry made agreements with
regulators (e.g. the Federal Communications
Commission, or FCC in the US) that the big
companies could pay 10 percent down and leave the
cell phone users to pay off the remainder. This
may be the reason for the aggressive marketing of
mobile phone plans to teens; theres a big
debt to pay off.
The industrys need to cover-up the hazards
of wireless technology has been fuelled not only
by fear of lost profits, but also by fear of
bankruptcy. Insurance companies gradually
withdrew all coverage for claims relating to
health problems from cell phones following the
first studies showing they were dangerous. Today,
there are seven pending class action suits
against the mobile phone industry; one successful
lawsuit alone could bankrupt a company by setting
a precedent for other pending lawsuits. It took
just one such lawsuit each to bring down the
silicone breast implant and asbestos industries.
A more frightening side of all of this is that
the cell/wireless industries represent such an
enormous portion of the stock market. If they
caved in suddenly, the ripples could be
catastrophic. We all need to be sensible. Expose
the truth, plan for changes and move swiftly and
intelligently towards a better, less wireless
world. This article was inspired by a
recent talk by Dr. George Carlo, a scientist and
cell phone industry whistleblower. Visit
(www.safewireless.org) for more information about
Dr. Carlos work. His visit to Vancouver was
sponsored by the Health ActionNetwork Society
Dr. Carlo offers solutions at three
1) primary solutions that prevent damage;
2) secondary solutions that reduce the effects of
the damage;
3) tertiary solutions that repair the damage.
Primary solutions include using a hands-free
headset to keep the phone away from your body.
However, this doesnt reduce your background
exposure to wireless hotspots, and even worse,
wire-antenna and Bluetooth headsets may act as
antennas to attract ambient or background
wireless signals to your head. Dr. Carlo suggests
using air-based head sets, although
they wont prevent second-hand
The best solution is to reduce background
radiation by moving to an older, but better,
technology: fibre-optic cables that transport the
signal to the curbsides of our schools, cafes,
offices and homes, after which we can either
plug-in to the signals or use short distance or
air-based wireless. Its expensive in that
it involves digging trenches to keep the cables
straight and protected, but the technology is
ready to go and the insulation around them is
very effective; the radiation is almost nil.
Dr. Carlo suggests combining primary solutions
with secondary and tertiary solutions. Secondary
solutions include working with the subtle
energies of our cells, which have their own
natural electromagnetic fields. Tertiary
solutions include enhancing peoples overall
health to foster the repair of cell membranes.
Boosting our health by improving the immune
systems ability to stimulate cellular
repair may help with both of these solutions.
However, in our cities with widespread, blanket
wireless systems, as in Toronto where background
radiation is already 500,000 times higher than it
was five years ago, its hard to imagine
that merely boosting our immune systems could
completely counter the harmful effects.
Lastly, Dr. Carlo talked about abstinence. He
confessed that while abstinence works, it is not
really practical. Try getting teens off their
cell phones! One study showed that 91 percent of
12 year olds use cell phones, and in Buffalo
teens were clocking in 2,600 to 7,000 minutes per
month on their phones.
With cheap packages going for as little as $150
for 5,000 minutes, its unlikely teens will
abstain any time soon. Among males, theres
even the belief that carrying their phone in
their front pocket, where it is known to reduce
sperm count, is the greatest thing ever, good
birth control! Abstinence doesnt work for
cell phones any more than it works for teens and
sex. In fact, Dr. Carlo himself uses a cell
phone, albeit, with an air-based headset.
Marketing campaigns for mobile phones and
wireless technology capitalize on our need to
fill the empty spaces in our urban landscape.
They are irresistible because they facilitate
community. Despite the damage they cause, we like
the feeling of the grassroots empowerment and
interconnectedness they provide.
If this connection is real, let's harness it now
to spread the truth about these hazards and work
together on solutions.