No Sympathy?
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2007 13:04:19 +0000
If you were to be completely honest with yourself would
you, like me, have to admit to a certain amount of
restrained, uncomfortable, glee when confronted now with
the physical legacy of the 9/11 attacks on the United
States? Ill explain with an example.
I recently sat watching "The Gangs Of New
York", again. Incidentally my least favourite
Scorsese film because, for me, among other things it
suffers from an appalling musical soundtrack and an ill
advised attempt to turn the mundane and routinely brutal
realities of the past, and indeed for that matter the
present, into an historic epic. At the long awaited
ending the camera holds on some headstones in a cemetery,
and then pulls back to take in the New York cityscape in
the background. This shot begins to slowly cross dissolve
into progressively more contemporary versions of that
famous skyline. It finally settles on a view that
includes the twin towers. Instantly, reflexively, my
inner voice kicked in with something along the lines of
Well you dont have those any more.
Does this happen to you? It does to me, relentlessly.
After the first couple of times I found myself thinking
along these lines I started to ponder and analyse why but
it continued to happen regardless. My friend who sat
watching the film with me said "They should have
kept on going withthat to bring it up to date" so I
knew that at least on this occasion I was not alone.
Actually her saying this prompted me to check the release
date of the film which as I had suspected was 2002. I
could be inventing this but I seem to remember reading
something at the time about the decision toinclude the
image of the World Trade Centre as a sort of homage to
its memory and that of the victims.
I would say that I find this understandable if a tad U.S.
in its degree of delusory denial. Symbolically it also
jars slightly for me given that the subtext of the film
deals with the appalling exploitation, manipulation and
gross mistreatment of the poor. Perhaps to have
cross-dissolved one last time and have it disappear could
have worked much more poignantly on a number of levels.
At least it would have been realistic.
So there you have it I for one have to admit to a
capacity for a certain amount of frigid non-sympathy when
it comes to the attacks on the U.S. But why is this so? I
am not by nature a cold or heartless person. Indeed I
remember weeping quietly as I watched, some months later,
the part of that documentary shot on the day by the two
fire brigade embedded French brothers, where you could
here the explosive impacts of the people hitting the
ground as they leapt from the upper floors. To put myself
in the position of someone for whom it was preferable to
leap from that height to their death made me ponder with
chilling effect what they must have been leaping from. I
also know that I have always felt nothing but sympathy
for the actual victims. So the answer does not lie here.
Neither am I an Islamic sympathiser. I have an extremely
limited idea of the teachings of the Koran let alone a
fundamentalist interpretation of them. I would also have
some pretty deep reservations about the inherent gender
issues of that cultural belief system but I do firmly
believe that Muslims are as entitled as any other group
to practice their faith. Of course the Catholic church,
for example, is only one step ahead of Islam in this
regard and any socio-cultural advancements in western
society when it comes to gender parity have had very
little to do with any church input.
The vast majority of Muslims were as shocked and appalled
as anyone else by the attacks in 2001 and remain so. It
is, I should think, understood by all but the most
abjectly ignorant among us that ultimately the motive for
the September 11th attacks had as little to do with
religion as the subsequent invasion of Iraq had to do
with weapons of mass destruction.
Now, if you can accept that the weapons of mass
destruction argument was at best a piece of necessary
propaganda then perhaps you will be able to see why it is
that I believe that I have the reaction I do to the 9/11
I believe I react the way I do because of the more or
less constant seething indignation I feel when it comes
to United States foreign policy past and present. The
bare faced lying of the propaganda machine does not, in
itself, annoy me all that much, and can quite often be a
source of ridiculous humour. Instead I find irritation in
the endemic puritanical hypocrisy of the majority belief
in the U.S. that the actions of their government are
synonymous with spreading liberty, democracy, and justice
to less fortunate corners of the globe. It would of
course be too easy to despise the stereotypical dupe who
articulates this nonsense. I feel genuinely sorry for
them, caught as they are in a culture that is so damaging
and emasculating to the average citizen as to render them
incapable of informed opinion.
For me the United States is like some vast and
tremendously dysfunctional family, and like all good
dysfunctional families it has its favoured few. These are
the shits I despise. The ones who know and understand
everything but do nothing because it is not in their
interest to buck the system.
The attacks carried out on the eleventh of September 2001
were everything that they are said to have been and more.
Cowardly, audacious, clinical, fanatical, meticulously
planned, and in the end, for me, somewhat suspiciously
easy to execute in the way that they were. I make no
attempt to diminish the suffering or loss of the
thousands of ordinary people touched by the events of
that day. But I recall feeling an instant discomfort and
sense of wrongness at the immediacy, and polished
vulgarity, with which the ownership of this grief was
claimed by the political class and the media in order to
foist upon the world their own apparently carefully
rehearsed response. All comment suddenly seemed to
harmoniously sing from the same song sheet, and the
chorus told of the inevitability of the revenge which
would be sought for this the greatest crime in the
history of the world.>
I do not know if it was the disconcerting nature of
having witnessed the vivid television footage of history
unfolding, or the subsequent barrage of western sectarian
indignation, but it seemed to me that many heretofore
healthily dissenting, sceptical voices seemed to fall
silent or change tack to better suit the new order. It
was many weeks, even months later before once again we
could hear a significant balance to the debate.
Even to this day it is still very uncommon to hear any
mainstream acceptance that in the litany of horrors that
is the bloody chronicle of post World War Two human
history the attacks of 9/11 register as some sort of
minor incident. Of course this is only true if your
measure is loss of life and infrastructure. For the
opposite, accepted analysis, to prevail you simply need
to use theatricality and global saturation as your scale.
No I cannot sympathise with the United States as a nation
for the 9/11 attacks no more than I would have
sympathised with Nazi Germany had a lucky Jew managed to
give Adolph Hitler a bloody nose at the Nuremberg
Rallies. Or to contemporize that analogy, if a
Palestinian were to have managed to slight Israel by
hitting Ariel Sharon on his fat head with a brick. Sorry.
From: DC Antiwar Network <dawnactivists@yahoo.com>
Call to Protest AIPACs Annual
MONDAY, MARCH 12 - 6 to 8 PM
DC Convention Center, Mount Vernon Place between 7th
& 9th Streets NW
Stop Funding Crimes Against Palestinians
And Iraq and Iran Wars
DC Antiwar Network invites other peace and justice
organizations to endorse and/or participate in a peaceful
Congress Stand Up to AIPAC demonstration on
Monday, March 12 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. We will protest
the Gala Banquet of the 2007 American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual conference being
held at the DC Convention Center. Dozens of congressional
representatives and executive branch officials will
attend the AIPAC banquet. Senate leaders Harry Reid and
Mitch McConnell and house leader Nancy Pelosi will speak.
We encourage those inside and outside of D.C. who cannot
attend to take other action: * call congressional
representatives, especially Reid, McConnel and Pelosi,
and ask them NOT to attend the AIPAC conference. * lobby
congressional representatives in person or via phone on
13th for Palestinian rights and/or against Iraq and Iran
wars. On the afternoon of March 13th one thousand or more
AIPAC conference goers will be lobbying congress in
person against Palestinian rights and in support of war
against Iran. To endorse this call and be listed in the
press release e-mail dawnactivists@yahoo.com by noon March 8, 2007. Feel free to include a
web page link, e-mail or phone contact for our web page http://dawndc.net
We protest AIPAC, a non-registered agent of the State of
Israel, bribing and bullying American congressional
representatives into supporting Israel, often in ways
that ultimately harm Americans. Although AIPAC does not
even represent a majority of American Jews, its massive
network of allied political groups and committed
supporters raise money and apply political muscle with
two main goals:
* AIPAC works to perpetuate Israels illegal
occupation and apartheid practices in the West Bank and
Gaza, including the building of an apartheid
wall which has been condemned as illegal by the
International Court of Justice. It supports ongoing
discriminatory practices, land confiscation and ethnic
cleansing in both the occupied territories and Israel.
AIPAC and its allies propaganda efforts have misled
most Americans into thinking the Palestinians merely are
terrorists trying to destroy Israel, instead of being
victims of 60 years of Israeli aggression who seek equal
political rights, including to return to their illegally
confiscated lands and homes.
* AIPAC works to protect Israels confiscated
Palestinian lands by promoting U.S. dominance in the
Middle East. AIPAC and its neoconservative
and Christian Zionist allies promoted an
American war against Iraq. They now promote an Israeli
and/or U.S. attack on Iran, even though the U.S.
Department of Justice is prosecuting former AIPAC
staffers for spying on the U.S. to gain
information about Iran to relay to Israel. AIPAC supports
Israeli threats to attack Irans nuclear facilities
to force President Bush to do so. Any attack on Iran
could lead to the first use of nuclear weapons since
1945, deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iranian
civilians, retaliations by Iran and Shiites in Iraq that
could kill thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq, a cut off of
oil supplies that could devastate the world economy, and
escalation to regional or even world nuclear war.
AIPACs destructiveness has been highlighted in the
last year by the writings of respected Professors Walt
and Mearsheimer (The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign
Policy) and former President Jimmy Carter
(Palestine: Peace Not Apatheid). Dozens of
pundits, left, right and mainstream have echoed their
analysis. AIPAC provides ideological propaganda and
political muscle to promote wars that its military
contractor allies need to profit from wars. These special
interests undermine American democracy by making
congressional representatives and the president more
responsive to them than to American voters.
Those who sign on to this call demand congress stand up
to special interests like AIPAC, end U.S. support for
illegal Israeli policies, end war on and occupation of
Iraq and prevent any war against Iran. We support just
reparations for aggrieved Palestinians and Lebanese for
their economic and personal suffering over many decades.
We predict that should either Israel or the U.S. initiate
war against Iran, the various peace and justice
movements, as well as Americans from a variety of
groupings, will work to hold accountable those
responsible for mass murder against innocent Arabs and
Muslims, as well as the unnecessary deaths of thousands
of American service people. Such initiatives might
include: driving responsible representatives and
officials from office and electing ones who truly
represent the American people; registering AIPAC and
other defacto Israel lobbies as foreign agents;
forbidding anyone with dual citizenship from working in
the United States government; permanently ending all aid
to Israel; prosecuting for war crimes the most culpable
American and Israeli officials and lobbyists; and many
other efforts.
Organizer: DC Anti-War Network. Current Endorsers: