The anarchic online
journal for authors
of political enquiry,
poetry, philosophy
and art.


Any new texts during March see end this column

The Editor's Cell

More Entertainments - Jocelyn Braddell

STOPPRESS !!Iraq puppet Gov. of USA plan to execute three women tomorrow

(NEW)Tanya Reinhardt Dies - a noble woman who sought for peace and justice for the Palestinians

S-hell in Corrib Co.Mayo fasten up Irish Business Firms as Potential Fall-Guys in Emergency

(NEW)More Vatican Censure for those Priests who aid the Poor

Apples For Animals - Tamer

European News(UPDATED - re. Sanctions Palestine and Atzmon Speech Sweden.)

MONEY - Market Meltdown (updated)

Ireland - Arts Press Releases

Hibernator; Prince of the Petrified Forest - A BEACONSFIELD Commission

When Green Became Dark by Jerry Vilhotti

Two Jazz Gigs in London with Gilad Atzmon

Vladimir Putin's Speech on Security at the Munich Conference

(NEW)From Esther to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee by Gilad Atzmon

International Law Origin - Chapters that drifted by anonymously

Book: Nationalism and the Destruction of Tradition - C.Carmicheal Extract Chapter 1.

A Greek Warning to the Iraqis - Nikos Raptis + Iraq Through the Lens of Soldier's Memoirs- Stepeh Soldz

Iraq inU.S.-Iranian Relations, Speech byDr. Hooshang Amirahmadi

Middle East News and Comment (UPDATED)

Revealed , The True Extent of Britain's Failure in Basra by Patrick Cockburn (UPDATED)

News from Palestine

Croatia's "Museum" - A survivor is Interviewed by J.Skendzic

Lengthy Page on Holocaust, Teaching,Ilya Ehrenberg, Investigating, and Comment

Ugly Rumours, Tony Blair's Band is Back !!!

Australia the 51st State - John Pilger

"In Philosophy The Name of the Game is Disagreement"Harvey Blume interviews John Searle + Science Fiction? by J Braddell becomes a Truth.....

Archaeology: Japanese find 4,000 yr.old tombs in Egypt

What is Islamic Art? Lucien de Guise + The Mathematicians, by P Lu.

Fear and Loathing in the Bay State - Dion Dennis - C Theory

Eighteen Months After Katrina - Bill Quigley

(NEW) Airport by Ian Reed

Correcting the Distorted Vision of the Corporate Media - Media Lens + What Next for Media Reform - D.Scheter + Venezuela's New Media interview(UPDATED)

Black History Month Poem - bLACK rAGE

A Tribute to the Black Panther Party - Larry Hales

Book: Rumsfeld , His Rise Fall and Catastrophic Legacy - A. Cockburn , Article of Introduction

Doremus Observes Looming Police State and Severe Poverty Rate Highest in 30 years

Touch One! Touch All! The Struggle for Freedom in Guinea Conakry (UPDATED)

Science and the Precautionary Principle versus the Regulatory Agencies Agenda + US Federal Court Rules GMCrops ILLEGAL - by ISIS

(NEW)Bees Die - International Alarm and Queries

Environment: Curbing Emissions, US Cities Lead the Way - G Nichols,Mayor of Seattle

Science: Mobile Phone Hazards - Report on Dr.George Carlo's Research Text by A.Brown

What are we ashamed of? Jews in the Porn Industry - N.Abrams

Israel :Miscellaneous

Letters to the Editor ; Gary writes on 9/11 No Sympathy? + Call to Protest AIPAC's Annual Conference, March 12th

A Fool and Charlatan in Power - Saul Landau


MEMRI and Dr Wafa Sultan

Mistrial aids Lt.Watada