A fool and charlatan in power
ZNet Commentary
February 21, 2007
By Saul Landau
"there is a connection between fools and
-Gunther Grass
On January 10, "Bring 'em on" Bush spun a last
ditch effort to shift blame for his incompetence and
stupidity to Congressional Democrats. A "surge"
- read escalation -- of 21,500 more troops to Iraq, he
argued, would "help the Iraqis break the current
cycle of violence." Bush promised that his soldier
surge "would hasten the day our troops begin coming
home and put us on the road to victory."
Bush then turned political desperation into moral
imperative: "To step back now would force a collapse
of the Iraqi government, tear that country apart and
result in mass killings on an unimaginable scale."
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) charged that Bush's escalation
would compound a series of bloody mistakes that began
when Bush misled the nation into war. He introduced
legislation to prevent Bush from sending additional
troops and spending additional dollars on escalation,
without Congressional approval. Congress can stop Bush by
cutting his Iraq war budget as Congress did in 1975 to
stop President Ford from continuing the Vietnam War.
Johnson staged a phony Tonkin Gulf incident to justify
asking Congress to allow him to send combat troops to
Vietnam without a congressional declaration of war. In
2002, Bush used WMD as his Tonkin Gulf. He assured
Congress that Iraq had dangerous weapons and links to al
Qaeda. In 2004, Bush's own investigation team revealed
their absence. In May 2003, he announced "Mission
Accomplished." He added: "Major combat
operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the
United States and our allies have prevailed."
Fantasy or deception?
By his January 2006 State of the Union speech, as
violence became uncontrollable, he still was
"confident of our plan for victory." To
skeptics, he snapped. "?we are in this fight to win,
and we are winning." Troop level decisions, he
declared, "will be made by our military commanders,
not by politicians in Washington."
In January 2007, admitting deep problems for the first
time, he recalled Generals John Abizaid, head of U.S.
Central Command amd George Casey, Iraq Commander, who
opposed increasing troop levels and replaced them with
military yes-men.
Spin doctors coined "surge" as a benign term.
The proverbial throwing good money after bad - killing
and destroying more - better fits Bush's mission-less
escalation of troops.
Congressional hearings may "clarify" Bush's
language. The ubiquitous "supporting our
troops" and "war against terrorism"
clichés bear no relationship to escalation. Hearings
could also focus on four years of consistent
Administration dissembling in victory phrases.
Hearings should bring out the obvious: Bush's policies
have made more U.S. enemies, indeed terrorists, in Iraq
and throughout the Middle East. Iraq, instead of being
the frontline against terrorism, has become the center of
a strategic nightmare.
With 72% opposing escalation (Gallup, January 9), Bush
chose the White House library to appeal for more
destruction and violence to remedy violence and
destruction. For a President who hates reading as his
father despises broccoli, the library option provided a
bizarre symbol.
In that library Lyndon Johnson biographies would have
shown Bush's speechwriters that in 1966 LBJ assured the
nation that more troops would allow the United States to
hold areas they captured. Were Bush's speechwriters
playing a joke when they had Bush repeat Johnson's lines
about more U.S. troops somehow securing Baghdad, a task
not done in four years? This time the President means it,
even though he assures us that U.S. commitment to Iraq is
not open-ended. Logic? How can U.S. troops hold Baghdad
without an indefinite commitment?
Cynics say that Bush aimed his speech at shifting blame
onto Democrats for refusing to fund the troop increase.
"You see," he might later say, "the
Democrats cut off the extra funds that would have
promoted a U.S. victory." As if! If that doesn't
work, he can blame the irresponsible Iraqis.
Bush ignored the bi-partisan and ultra establishment Iraq
Study Group, chaired by long time Bush family consiglieri
James Baker and former Congressman Lee Hamilton (D-IN).
They declared Bush's military effort in Iraq a failure.
The group, nevertheless, concluded that the U.S. has
brought neither democracy nor stability to Iraq, but that
the U.S. should not immediately withdraw, despite the
fact that their presence makes the region more volatile.
Does this confusion reflect conflicts between ISG members
who have financial interests in staying in Iraq (like
Halliburton and agribusiness companies who are making
fortunes in Iraq) and the logic of their evidence?
The ISG report suggested: stop making enemies and talk to
Iran and Syria. Bush repeated anti-Syria and Iran
slogans. Bush doe not learn.
A Congressional assessment would show Bush waging a war
without just cause to replace a terrible dictator with a
semi-puppet government that allows for routine violence
and chaos.
Does the U.S.-supervised Iraqi government really govern?
Moqtada al-Sadr, whose revered father led Iraqi Shiites,
leads a large militia. He has a strong relationship with
Prime Minister al Maliki. Shiite Iraqis, the majority of
the population, afford al-Sadr more legitimacy than U.S.
selected politicians. Small wonder! Members of Parliament
seldom venture out of the Green Zone; some even reside
Is the U.S.-trained army loyal to the government? How to
test this? An army-militia confrontation would probably
lead to the breakdown to the barest smidgeon of order
that remains in Iraq.
If the army's loyalty remains questionable, what would
20,000 more troops accomplish? Last November, Gen.
Abizaid rejected Senator John McCain's calls to send in
additional forces. "I met with every divisional
commander, Gen. Casey, the core commander, Gen.
Dempsey," said Abizaid. He asked if bringing
"in more American troops now, [would] add
considerably to our ability to achieve success in Iraq
and they all said 'no.'"
Was Abizaid really saying that more U.S. troops and
weapons in Iraq favor their enemies not Iraq's secular
democrats. Those who stand to gain most from increasing
U.S. troop presence and weapons, the Shiite mullahs and
ayatollahs, like Moqtada al-Sadr, represent the
antithesis of democracy and secularism.
Bush's Iraq adventure illustrates Walter Scott's adage:
"What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice
to deceive!" Bush has taken Iraq from Purgatory to
Hell. Did the Shiite executioners taunting and dancing
around the Sunni Saddam Hussein at his hanging offer an
omen for the future?
His former adviser Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
Wolfowitz once assured Congress that Iraq would not erupt
in sectarian violence. The scholarly Under Secretary --
now World Bank head -- Wolfowitz swore in August 2003
that "Our coalition will stay until our work is
done." He extolled "the sacrifices that our
magnificent troops are making." Their deaths and
wounds were "for their children, and their
grandchildren, for our children and our grandchildren,
and ... for our security." Ironically, Congress
apparently believed him. Now, only idiots and zealots
think U.S. military presence can provide security in
Wolfie and Bush ignored the huge Iraqi Shiite faction
bent on reviving political power of centuries past. Nor
did they foresee an Iarqi Shiite alliance with likeminded
"militias" in Iran, Syria and Lebanon. Instead
of democracy, the U.S. faces a growing threat to build a
Shiite Islamic Republic on the Arabian Peninsula.
On August 29, 2003, U.S. forces did not prevent the
bombing of the Shiite Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf, in which
Ayatollah Mohammad Baqir al-Hakim died. US officials
blamed Al-Qaeda. Then, they blamed Saddam and his
But Iraqi Shiites blamed U.S. forces for this and the
hundreds of subsequent bombings, shootings and
kidnappings. Even Ahmad Chalabi, the U.S.-picked future
governor of Iraq, held "the coalition forces
responsible for security in Iraq. The Americans have
taken responsibility for security in Iraq, and I appeal
to them to keep the peace.'"
Two hundred thirty thousand U.S. troops and contractors
have not maintained security. Outgoing Iraq commander
General John Abizaid said his troops confronted a
"classic guerilla-type campaign." Only in
Bush's rosy rhetoric does a 20,000-30,000 troop surge
overcome such an obstacle. Why can't Bush hear the words
of notorious lefties like former Carter National Security
Adviser Zbigniew Brzezhinski and Nixon speechwriter Pat
Buchanan? The age of colonialism is over and the United
States is acting like a colonial power in Iraq."
Bush even ignores his April 2006 National Intelligence
Estimate, which stated: "The Iraq conflict has
become the cause celebre for jihadists, breeding a deep
resentment of U.S. involvement in the Muslim world and
cultivating supporters for the global Jihadist
movement." The NIE went on: "Al-Qa'ida?is
exploiting the situation in Iraq to attract new recruits
and donors and to maintain its leadership role."
These findings dictate that Bush reduce, not increase
U.S. presence in Iraq. They also reflect majority will.
Congress should cut off funds now. One cannot reason with
a fool and charlatan.
Progreso Weekly, 18 January 2007